Absolute Persistence Platform

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Absolute Persistence Platform

Manage and Secure Every Endpoint, Everywhere


Absolute gives you the power to see, manage and secure every endpoint, everywhere. That’s because only Absolute is always-connected to every endpoint, unlike traditional endpoint security solutions that are constrained by network dependencies and contingent upon healthy endpoint agents. With Absolute, no endpoint device will ever go dark giving enterprises highly-assured asset intelligence, endpoint hygiene and continuous compliance. Key Features
  • Absolute Reach. See, understand, and act faster to manage and secure IT assets.
  • Application Persistence. Enable self-healing endpoint applications to harden security and ensure compliance.
  • Endpoint Data Discovery. Discover and protect at-risk data on endpoints and in the cloud.
Additional Features Reporting and Analytics Collect and analyze incredibly rich information from each device, identify activities and precursors to security incidents, integrate this deep insight with SIEM and other enterprise solutions, or use our Security Posture Dashboard. Risk Assessment Pre-empt security incidents by delivering unparalleled insight into suspicious or anomalous activity. Validate and monitor the status of critical applications. Data Awareness Identify and remediate non-compliant data access. Discover sensitive data and assess the risk exposure. Detect Shadow IT and discover sensitive data synced with cloud storage applications. Avoid disruptive or network-restricted solutions and deploy zero-impact data protection. Endpoint Investigations Identify and eliminate insider threats. Leverage Security Professionals to determine the cause of an endpoint security incident. Refine best practices so the same incident does not reoccur. Determine if a data breach notification is required. Recover stolen devices. Risk Response Use adaptive security measures to remotely recover or delete sensitive data. Set policies to ensure offline devices are automatically protected. Use certified data delete workflows to decommission a device. Prove sensitive data was not accessed at time of security incident. Benefits:
  • Discover and Protect Sensitive Data
  • Maintain Business Continuity
  • Ensure Compliance Across All Endpoints
  • Eliminate Blind Spots