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CybeReady raised the difficulty of our latest campaign, and although the number of users who click has risen, we can see that overall, our faculty and administration are learning,” Ray said. “The system is definitely working and has generated much stronger awareness across the campus of email as a pervasive threat." “One of the other things I like about CybeReady's systems its comprehensive dashboard,” he added. “That I get all the info in one place where I can pull insights about our progress and any areas of weakness, which I use when making future campaign decisions. ","alias":"cybeready-dlja-vedushchego-akademicheskogo-instituta","roi":0,"seo":{"title":"CybeReady for a leading academic institute","keywords":"","description":"<b>The Challenge.</b> While email as a mode of communication represents a major vulnerability for any organization, academic institutions are especially susceptible. 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Colleges and universities tend to be open organizations that involve many internal and externa"},"deal_info":"","user":{"id":4195,"title":"Hidden user","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/hidden_user.jpg","alias":"skrytyi-polzovatel","address":"","roles":[],"description":"User Information is confidential ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":0,"suppliedProductsCount":0,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":98,"supplierImplementationsCount":0,"vendorImplementationsCount":0,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Hidden user","keywords":"Hidden, user, User, Information, confidential","description":"User Information is confidential ","og:title":"Hidden user","og:description":"User Information is confidential ","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/hidden_user.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"supplier":{"id":4066,"title":"CybeReady","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg","alias":"cybeready","address":"","roles":[],"description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks posed by their most critical asset: people. Our deep understanding and insight into the processes required to manage these risks led to the development of a wide variety of methods, which we use to assist organizations worldwide in adopting information security best practices. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":2,"suppliedProductsCount":2,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":5,"vendorImplementationsCount":5,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://cybeready.com/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"CybeReady","keywords":"CybeReady, risks, organizations, information, security, which, required, insight","description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:title":"CybeReady","og:description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"vendors":[{"id":4066,"title":"CybeReady","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg","alias":"cybeready","address":"","roles":[],"description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks posed by their most critical asset: people. Our deep understanding and insight into the processes required to manage these risks led to the development of a wide variety of methods, which we use to assist organizations worldwide in adopting information security best practices. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":2,"suppliedProductsCount":2,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":5,"vendorImplementationsCount":5,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://cybeready.com/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"CybeReady","keywords":"CybeReady, risks, organizations, information, security, which, required, insight","description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:title":"CybeReady","og:description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg"},"eventUrl":""}],"products":[{"id":5894,"logo":false,"scheme":false,"title":"CybeReady Blast","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":4,"suppliersCount":0,"alias":"cybeready-blast","companyTypes":[],"description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in many subsequent ones. The number of attacks that were launched or implemented using phishing is nothing to call, big names and grandiose amounts of losses. If you add fines for this to the loss of user data, these amounts often grow at times.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">5 Reasons Your Security Awareness Program Needs Continuous Learning</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Because security awareness education is not a fire drill.</li>\r\n<li>Because the threat landscape is always changing.</li>\r\n<li>Because it’s the only way to truly assess how much your end-users are learning.</li>\r\n<li>Because people learn at different rates.</li>\r\n<li>Because you will learn what works and what doesn’t.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Complete Workforce Training</span></p>\r\n<p>Autonomus training platform continuously trains 100% of employees every month, year-round, using proven methodology and localized, customized content.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Advanced Automation</span></p>\r\n<p>Machine Learning-powered training selects and adjusts training to each employee, including adaptive difficulty level and frequency of training.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Just in Time (JIT) Learning</span></p>\r\n<p>Phishing simulations and short learning sessions in one integrative experience ensure learning ‘in the golden moment’ and eliminate friction with employees.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Guarantees Results</span></p>\r\n<p>Significant change in employee behavior towards cyber attacks: 83% reduction in Serial Clickers, 403% increase in employee resilience score.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Effortless</span></p>\r\n<p>Cybeready’s fully managed solution ensures results yet eliminates IT effort, so you can dedicate valuable resources to other, more challenging tasks.</p>","shortDescription":"The CybeReady’s award-winning solution guarantees to change employee behavior towards phishing attacks while eliminating IT overhead and reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO).","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":4,"sellingCount":6,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"CybeReady Blast","keywords":"","description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in ","og:title":"CybeReady Blast","og:description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in "},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5895,"dealDetails":{"avgPartnerDiscount":15,"dealProtection":1,"avgDealSize":15000,"dealSizeCurrency":"","avgDealClosing":3},"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"It is necessary to send to the vendor data of 2 client administrators\r\nAsaf Goldberg | Director of Sales | asaf@cybeready.com","categories":[{"id":870,"title":"Cyber Security Training and Simulation","alias":"cyber-security-training-and-simulation","description":" Cyber security training and simulation is a powerful tool for CISOs and SOC managers to accurately simulate their network and security tools within a dynamic IT, or OT environment. A high-quality cyber range offers a rich catalog of simulated incident scenarios, in varying levels of difficulty, which security managers can choose from to train their teams. This opens up numerous new opportunities, several of which include: \r\n<ul><li>An environment for team training, where security staff can improve their communication and teamwork, both of which are critical elements of an efficient incident response team, and impossible to practice using conventional training systems.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A means of training the entire organization in a breach scenario and the related business dilemmas, beyond incident response, including potential business executive decisions. Consider a ransomware scenario where executives are required to decide whether to pay the ransom, negotiate, or mitigate.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A test-bed for potential products where they can be tested in a safe and controlled environment.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A training environment for newly introduced products enabling team members to master new technologies and dramatically improve their performance and skills.</li></ul>\r\nCyber security training and simulation is the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.\r\nThe potential of simulation-based training, as compared to traditional training, is substantial. Organizations can not only train people but also test processes and technologies in a safe environment. Furthermore, security teams can train as individuals or as a group, to improve their teamwork. With the help of simulation, your team can experience high-fidelity threat scenarios while training, and improve their capabilities, rather that encountering these threats for the first time during the actual attack. This results in a dramatic improvement in their performance.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Why do you need to train cybersecurity employees?</span>\r\nNew threats and attack vectors emerge, spanning across a converged attack surface of IT and OT networks, as well as IoT devices. Attacks have become time-sensitive, requiring SOCs to detect and respond within seconds to minutes, and challenging the SOC’s ability to perform effectively.\r\nForward thinking CISOs now understand that rushing to spend their growing budgets to purchase the latest tools, hoping that the new technology will finally improve their security posture, will not resolve their strategic, and, in many cases, existential problems. They are beginning to acknowledge that their teams are not professionally equipped to face the new generation threats, not because of the lack of products or technologies, but because they don't really know how to operate them effectively. Most of them have never trained effectively, either as individuals or as a team, never faced a multi-stage attack, and have never used their technologies in a real-life attack scenario, requiring them to respond to an evolving attack within minutes. \r\nInvesting in our cyber experts and in our SOC teams, both as individuals, as well as a unified team, is THE key to an effective SOC. In the case of cybersecurity, this challenge is amplified. The shortage in cybersecurity professionals is at a critical state and will only continue to grow, forcing cybersecurity leaders to hire unexperienced team members to fill in open positions. Security analysts, often junior and barely trained, are expected to master dozens of security products in increasing numbers, defending against threats they have never experienced before. \r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a cybersecurity simulation and why is it needed?</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Traditional IT security training is largely ineffective, because it relies on sterile, mostly theoretical training. It is often conducted on the job by SOC team members rather than by professional instructors. To get our security teams prepared to face today’s multi-dimensional IT and OT security challenges, we must place them in a technology-driven environment that mirrors their own, facing real-life threats. In other words: hyper-realistic simulation. </span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Just as you would never send a pilot to combat before simulating emergency scenarios and potential combat situations, we should not send our cyber defenders to the field before enabling them to experience potential attacks and practicing response within a simulated environment.</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">A flight simulator replicates the actual combat zone, from realistic weather conditions, aircraft instruments to enemy aircraft attacks. This realism maximizes the impact of the training session. Similarly, the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.<br /></span>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/education-training.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]}],"countries":[],"startDate":"0000-00-00","endDate":"0000-00-00","dealDate":"0000-00-00","price":0,"status":"finished","statusLabel":"Finished","isImplementation":true,"isAgreement":false,"confirmed":1,"implementationDetails":{"businessProcesses":{"id":11,"title":"Business process","translationKey":"businessProcesses","options":[{"id":384,"title":"Risk of attacks by hackers"},{"id":385,"title":"Risk of data loss or damage"},{"id":346,"title":"Shortage of inhouse IT resources"}]},"businessObjectives":{"id":14,"title":"Business objectives","translationKey":"businessObjectives","options":[{"id":5,"title":"Enhance Staff Productivity"},{"id":6,"title":"Ensure Security and Business Continuity"}]}},"categories":[{"id":870,"title":"Cyber Security Training and Simulation","alias":"cyber-security-training-and-simulation","description":" Cyber security training and simulation is a powerful tool for CISOs and SOC managers to accurately simulate their network and security tools within a dynamic IT, or OT environment. A high-quality cyber range offers a rich catalog of simulated incident scenarios, in varying levels of difficulty, which security managers can choose from to train their teams. This opens up numerous new opportunities, several of which include: \r\n<ul><li>An environment for team training, where security staff can improve their communication and teamwork, both of which are critical elements of an efficient incident response team, and impossible to practice using conventional training systems.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A means of training the entire organization in a breach scenario and the related business dilemmas, beyond incident response, including potential business executive decisions. Consider a ransomware scenario where executives are required to decide whether to pay the ransom, negotiate, or mitigate.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A test-bed for potential products where they can be tested in a safe and controlled environment.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A training environment for newly introduced products enabling team members to master new technologies and dramatically improve their performance and skills.</li></ul>\r\nCyber security training and simulation is the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.\r\nThe potential of simulation-based training, as compared to traditional training, is substantial. Organizations can not only train people but also test processes and technologies in a safe environment. Furthermore, security teams can train as individuals or as a group, to improve their teamwork. With the help of simulation, your team can experience high-fidelity threat scenarios while training, and improve their capabilities, rather that encountering these threats for the first time during the actual attack. This results in a dramatic improvement in their performance.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Why do you need to train cybersecurity employees?</span>\r\nNew threats and attack vectors emerge, spanning across a converged attack surface of IT and OT networks, as well as IoT devices. Attacks have become time-sensitive, requiring SOCs to detect and respond within seconds to minutes, and challenging the SOC’s ability to perform effectively.\r\nForward thinking CISOs now understand that rushing to spend their growing budgets to purchase the latest tools, hoping that the new technology will finally improve their security posture, will not resolve their strategic, and, in many cases, existential problems. They are beginning to acknowledge that their teams are not professionally equipped to face the new generation threats, not because of the lack of products or technologies, but because they don't really know how to operate them effectively. Most of them have never trained effectively, either as individuals or as a team, never faced a multi-stage attack, and have never used their technologies in a real-life attack scenario, requiring them to respond to an evolving attack within minutes. \r\nInvesting in our cyber experts and in our SOC teams, both as individuals, as well as a unified team, is THE key to an effective SOC. In the case of cybersecurity, this challenge is amplified. The shortage in cybersecurity professionals is at a critical state and will only continue to grow, forcing cybersecurity leaders to hire unexperienced team members to fill in open positions. Security analysts, often junior and barely trained, are expected to master dozens of security products in increasing numbers, defending against threats they have never experienced before. \r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a cybersecurity simulation and why is it needed?</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Traditional IT security training is largely ineffective, because it relies on sterile, mostly theoretical training. It is often conducted on the job by SOC team members rather than by professional instructors. To get our security teams prepared to face today’s multi-dimensional IT and OT security challenges, we must place them in a technology-driven environment that mirrors their own, facing real-life threats. In other words: hyper-realistic simulation. </span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Just as you would never send a pilot to combat before simulating emergency scenarios and potential combat situations, we should not send our cyber defenders to the field before enabling them to experience potential attacks and practicing response within a simulated environment.</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">A flight simulator replicates the actual combat zone, from realistic weather conditions, aircraft instruments to enemy aircraft attacks. This realism maximizes the impact of the training session. Similarly, the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.<br /></span>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/education-training.png"}],"additionalInfo":{"budgetNotExceeded":"","functionallyTaskAssignment":"","projectWasPut":"","price":0,"source":{"url":"","title":"-"}},"comments":[],"referencesCount":0},"cybeready-dlja-ayalon-insurance":{"id":1124,"title":"CybeReady for Ayalon Insurance","description":"An executive who leads security efforts from the Office of the CIO at Ayalon Insurance knows that exposure to hackers could lead to total catastrophe within seconds. <i>“In the past year, we’ve come to understand that it really doesn’t matter how many technology tools or system safeguards we have in place to defend ourselves; identifying a threat will ultimately fall upon a human being’s shoulders, every time. The firewall and antivirus blocking software we’ve put in place will work, of course. Eventually, however, if a hacker wants to find a way in, then he or she can by baiting our personnel in ways that unknowingly grant access to these criminals.”</i> Ahuvia explained.\r\n<b>The Result.</b> Once Ayalon Insurance began working with CybeReady, it was clear to Ahuvia that his staff were being tested using a very sophisticated, covert approach. “CybeReady’s learning pages are very effective,” Ahuvia noted. “By the statistics, we can see that people are paying attention; they’re reading the material. As for their performance in the simulations, it’s definitely improving over time. We can see very clearly that people are much less likely now to click on a phishing scam than they were before we began working with CybeReady. In fact, we can see that those who used to click on almost every phishing email they received have done a complete 180—they don’t click anything now.” \r\nIn cyber security, staying on top of the latest trends means having a distinct advantage over hackers. A deep understanding of the most recent phishing scams isn’t only helpful; it could mean the difference between a business being vulnerable or successfully thwarting an attack. “We’ve found that the CybeReady team is very knowledgeable about phishing scams happening all around the world; they’re bringing current practices to us before they’re arriving in our inboxes,” Ahuvia said. “When we hear of an attack that happens, we want to know that we already simulated it here and that people are not only aware, but trained to handle it.” ","alias":"cybeready-dlja-ayalon-insurance","roi":0,"seo":{"title":"CybeReady for Ayalon Insurance","keywords":"","description":"An executive who leads security efforts from the Office of the CIO at Ayalon Insurance knows that exposure to hackers could lead to total catastrophe within seconds. <i>“In the past year, we’ve come to understand that it really doesn’t matter how many technolo","og:title":"CybeReady for Ayalon Insurance","og:description":"An executive who leads security efforts from the Office of the CIO at Ayalon Insurance knows that exposure to hackers could lead to total catastrophe within seconds. <i>“In the past year, we’ve come to understand that it really doesn’t matter how many technolo"},"deal_info":"","user":{"id":5072,"title":"Ayalon Insurance","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/ayalon.jpg","alias":"ayalon-insurance","address":"","roles":[],"description":"The company operates by means of five regional offices – the Tel Aviv district office, the Haifa district office, the Jerusalem district office and the Netanya district office. The company operates through a network of around 1,200 agents and agencies throughout Israel. The company is active in all areas of general insurance, life insurance and health insurance. The company has a staff of around 600 employees and the Group as a whole employs some 850 people.","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":0,"suppliedProductsCount":0,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":2,"supplierImplementationsCount":0,"vendorImplementationsCount":0,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Ayalon Insurance","keywords":"","description":"The company operates by means of five regional offices – the Tel Aviv district office, the Haifa district office, the Jerusalem district office and the Netanya district office. The company operates through a network of around 1,200 agents and agencies througho","og:title":"Ayalon Insurance","og:description":"The company operates by means of five regional offices – the Tel Aviv district office, the Haifa district office, the Jerusalem district office and the Netanya district office. The company operates through a network of around 1,200 agents and agencies througho","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/ayalon.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"supplier":{"id":4066,"title":"CybeReady","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg","alias":"cybeready","address":"","roles":[],"description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks posed by their most critical asset: people. Our deep understanding and insight into the processes required to manage these risks led to the development of a wide variety of methods, which we use to assist organizations worldwide in adopting information security best practices. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":2,"suppliedProductsCount":2,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":5,"vendorImplementationsCount":5,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://cybeready.com/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"CybeReady","keywords":"CybeReady, risks, organizations, information, security, which, required, insight","description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:title":"CybeReady","og:description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"vendors":[{"id":4066,"title":"CybeReady","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg","alias":"cybeready","address":"","roles":[],"description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks posed by their most critical asset: people. Our deep understanding and insight into the processes required to manage these risks led to the development of a wide variety of methods, which we use to assist organizations worldwide in adopting information security best practices. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":2,"suppliedProductsCount":2,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":5,"vendorImplementationsCount":5,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://cybeready.com/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"CybeReady","keywords":"CybeReady, risks, organizations, information, security, which, required, insight","description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:title":"CybeReady","og:description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg"},"eventUrl":""}],"products":[{"id":5894,"logo":false,"scheme":false,"title":"CybeReady Blast","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":4,"suppliersCount":0,"alias":"cybeready-blast","companyTypes":[],"description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in many subsequent ones. The number of attacks that were launched or implemented using phishing is nothing to call, big names and grandiose amounts of losses. If you add fines for this to the loss of user data, these amounts often grow at times.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">5 Reasons Your Security Awareness Program Needs Continuous Learning</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Because security awareness education is not a fire drill.</li>\r\n<li>Because the threat landscape is always changing.</li>\r\n<li>Because it’s the only way to truly assess how much your end-users are learning.</li>\r\n<li>Because people learn at different rates.</li>\r\n<li>Because you will learn what works and what doesn’t.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Complete Workforce Training</span></p>\r\n<p>Autonomus training platform continuously trains 100% of employees every month, year-round, using proven methodology and localized, customized content.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Advanced Automation</span></p>\r\n<p>Machine Learning-powered training selects and adjusts training to each employee, including adaptive difficulty level and frequency of training.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Just in Time (JIT) Learning</span></p>\r\n<p>Phishing simulations and short learning sessions in one integrative experience ensure learning ‘in the golden moment’ and eliminate friction with employees.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Guarantees Results</span></p>\r\n<p>Significant change in employee behavior towards cyber attacks: 83% reduction in Serial Clickers, 403% increase in employee resilience score.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Effortless</span></p>\r\n<p>Cybeready’s fully managed solution ensures results yet eliminates IT effort, so you can dedicate valuable resources to other, more challenging tasks.</p>","shortDescription":"The CybeReady’s award-winning solution guarantees to change employee behavior towards phishing attacks while eliminating IT overhead and reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO).","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":4,"sellingCount":6,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"CybeReady Blast","keywords":"","description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in ","og:title":"CybeReady Blast","og:description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in "},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5895,"dealDetails":{"avgPartnerDiscount":15,"dealProtection":1,"avgDealSize":15000,"dealSizeCurrency":"","avgDealClosing":3},"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"It is necessary to send to the vendor data of 2 client administrators\r\nAsaf Goldberg | Director of Sales | asaf@cybeready.com","categories":[{"id":870,"title":"Cyber Security Training and Simulation","alias":"cyber-security-training-and-simulation","description":" Cyber security training and simulation is a powerful tool for CISOs and SOC managers to accurately simulate their network and security tools within a dynamic IT, or OT environment. A high-quality cyber range offers a rich catalog of simulated incident scenarios, in varying levels of difficulty, which security managers can choose from to train their teams. This opens up numerous new opportunities, several of which include: \r\n<ul><li>An environment for team training, where security staff can improve their communication and teamwork, both of which are critical elements of an efficient incident response team, and impossible to practice using conventional training systems.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A means of training the entire organization in a breach scenario and the related business dilemmas, beyond incident response, including potential business executive decisions. Consider a ransomware scenario where executives are required to decide whether to pay the ransom, negotiate, or mitigate.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A test-bed for potential products where they can be tested in a safe and controlled environment.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A training environment for newly introduced products enabling team members to master new technologies and dramatically improve their performance and skills.</li></ul>\r\nCyber security training and simulation is the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.\r\nThe potential of simulation-based training, as compared to traditional training, is substantial. Organizations can not only train people but also test processes and technologies in a safe environment. Furthermore, security teams can train as individuals or as a group, to improve their teamwork. With the help of simulation, your team can experience high-fidelity threat scenarios while training, and improve their capabilities, rather that encountering these threats for the first time during the actual attack. This results in a dramatic improvement in their performance.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Why do you need to train cybersecurity employees?</span>\r\nNew threats and attack vectors emerge, spanning across a converged attack surface of IT and OT networks, as well as IoT devices. Attacks have become time-sensitive, requiring SOCs to detect and respond within seconds to minutes, and challenging the SOC’s ability to perform effectively.\r\nForward thinking CISOs now understand that rushing to spend their growing budgets to purchase the latest tools, hoping that the new technology will finally improve their security posture, will not resolve their strategic, and, in many cases, existential problems. They are beginning to acknowledge that their teams are not professionally equipped to face the new generation threats, not because of the lack of products or technologies, but because they don't really know how to operate them effectively. Most of them have never trained effectively, either as individuals or as a team, never faced a multi-stage attack, and have never used their technologies in a real-life attack scenario, requiring them to respond to an evolving attack within minutes. \r\nInvesting in our cyber experts and in our SOC teams, both as individuals, as well as a unified team, is THE key to an effective SOC. In the case of cybersecurity, this challenge is amplified. The shortage in cybersecurity professionals is at a critical state and will only continue to grow, forcing cybersecurity leaders to hire unexperienced team members to fill in open positions. Security analysts, often junior and barely trained, are expected to master dozens of security products in increasing numbers, defending against threats they have never experienced before. \r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a cybersecurity simulation and why is it needed?</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Traditional IT security training is largely ineffective, because it relies on sterile, mostly theoretical training. It is often conducted on the job by SOC team members rather than by professional instructors. To get our security teams prepared to face today’s multi-dimensional IT and OT security challenges, we must place them in a technology-driven environment that mirrors their own, facing real-life threats. In other words: hyper-realistic simulation. </span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Just as you would never send a pilot to combat before simulating emergency scenarios and potential combat situations, we should not send our cyber defenders to the field before enabling them to experience potential attacks and practicing response within a simulated environment.</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">A flight simulator replicates the actual combat zone, from realistic weather conditions, aircraft instruments to enemy aircraft attacks. This realism maximizes the impact of the training session. Similarly, the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.<br /></span>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/education-training.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]}],"countries":[],"startDate":"0000-00-00","endDate":"0000-00-00","dealDate":"0000-00-00","price":0,"status":"finished","statusLabel":"Finished","isImplementation":true,"isAgreement":false,"confirmed":1,"implementationDetails":{"businessProcesses":{"id":11,"title":"Business process","translationKey":"businessProcesses","options":[{"id":384,"title":"Risk of attacks by hackers"},{"id":385,"title":"Risk of data loss or damage"},{"id":346,"title":"Shortage of inhouse IT resources"}]},"businessObjectives":{"id":14,"title":"Business objectives","translationKey":"businessObjectives","options":[{"id":5,"title":"Enhance Staff Productivity"},{"id":6,"title":"Ensure Security and Business Continuity"}]}},"categories":[{"id":870,"title":"Cyber Security Training and Simulation","alias":"cyber-security-training-and-simulation","description":" Cyber security training and simulation is a powerful tool for CISOs and SOC managers to accurately simulate their network and security tools within a dynamic IT, or OT environment. A high-quality cyber range offers a rich catalog of simulated incident scenarios, in varying levels of difficulty, which security managers can choose from to train their teams. This opens up numerous new opportunities, several of which include: \r\n<ul><li>An environment for team training, where security staff can improve their communication and teamwork, both of which are critical elements of an efficient incident response team, and impossible to practice using conventional training systems.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A means of training the entire organization in a breach scenario and the related business dilemmas, beyond incident response, including potential business executive decisions. Consider a ransomware scenario where executives are required to decide whether to pay the ransom, negotiate, or mitigate.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A test-bed for potential products where they can be tested in a safe and controlled environment.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A training environment for newly introduced products enabling team members to master new technologies and dramatically improve their performance and skills.</li></ul>\r\nCyber security training and simulation is the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.\r\nThe potential of simulation-based training, as compared to traditional training, is substantial. Organizations can not only train people but also test processes and technologies in a safe environment. Furthermore, security teams can train as individuals or as a group, to improve their teamwork. With the help of simulation, your team can experience high-fidelity threat scenarios while training, and improve their capabilities, rather that encountering these threats for the first time during the actual attack. This results in a dramatic improvement in their performance.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Why do you need to train cybersecurity employees?</span>\r\nNew threats and attack vectors emerge, spanning across a converged attack surface of IT and OT networks, as well as IoT devices. Attacks have become time-sensitive, requiring SOCs to detect and respond within seconds to minutes, and challenging the SOC’s ability to perform effectively.\r\nForward thinking CISOs now understand that rushing to spend their growing budgets to purchase the latest tools, hoping that the new technology will finally improve their security posture, will not resolve their strategic, and, in many cases, existential problems. They are beginning to acknowledge that their teams are not professionally equipped to face the new generation threats, not because of the lack of products or technologies, but because they don't really know how to operate them effectively. Most of them have never trained effectively, either as individuals or as a team, never faced a multi-stage attack, and have never used their technologies in a real-life attack scenario, requiring them to respond to an evolving attack within minutes. \r\nInvesting in our cyber experts and in our SOC teams, both as individuals, as well as a unified team, is THE key to an effective SOC. In the case of cybersecurity, this challenge is amplified. The shortage in cybersecurity professionals is at a critical state and will only continue to grow, forcing cybersecurity leaders to hire unexperienced team members to fill in open positions. Security analysts, often junior and barely trained, are expected to master dozens of security products in increasing numbers, defending against threats they have never experienced before. \r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a cybersecurity simulation and why is it needed?</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Traditional IT security training is largely ineffective, because it relies on sterile, mostly theoretical training. It is often conducted on the job by SOC team members rather than by professional instructors. To get our security teams prepared to face today’s multi-dimensional IT and OT security challenges, we must place them in a technology-driven environment that mirrors their own, facing real-life threats. In other words: hyper-realistic simulation. </span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Just as you would never send a pilot to combat before simulating emergency scenarios and potential combat situations, we should not send our cyber defenders to the field before enabling them to experience potential attacks and practicing response within a simulated environment.</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">A flight simulator replicates the actual combat zone, from realistic weather conditions, aircraft instruments to enemy aircraft attacks. This realism maximizes the impact of the training session. Similarly, the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.<br /></span>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/education-training.png"}],"additionalInfo":{"budgetNotExceeded":"","functionallyTaskAssignment":"","projectWasPut":"","price":0,"source":{"url":"","title":"Supplier's web site"}},"comments":[],"referencesCount":0},"cybeready-dlja-payoneer":{"id":1121,"title":"CybeReady for Payoneer","description":" Yaron Weiss, Payoneer's VP Corporate Security and Global IT Operations, has been leading the company’s security efforts since 2014. With steady increase in phishing attacks, Weiss realized the high-risk potential from Payoneers’ insider threat - its employees. Before learning about CybeReady in 2016, Payoneer used a different phishing simulation solution for its 1.200 employees for just one year. That solution required resources and training expertise that Payoneer's IT team didn't have, and despite the considerable effort that went into the program it generated a total of two email campaigns in a full year. With random training efforts and no proper training methodology driving the process, employee behavior didn't seem to change.\r\n\r\n<b>The Solution.</b> When Weiss saw CybeReady's autonomous training platform product demo, he was immediately sold. “CybeReady’s solution addressed all the challenges ‘we were facing at the time.” he said, “itis fully managed and offers each employee continuous, training in their own inbox and their native language’. CybeReady utilizes a proven methodology, powered. by Machine Learning. It offers a minimum of 12 phishing simulations to each employee annually, and itis customized, localized and adaptive to each, employee’ performance. Weiss decided to switch to CybeReady within aweek. Getting started was fast and easy - CybeReady offers a cloud solution that takes three quick steps and a total of one hour to integrate: \f\r\n<ul> <li>Export the company's address book </li> <li>Whitelist a short list of domains</li> <li>Approve 1st campaign</li> </ul>\r\n<b>The Result.</b> Weiss started noticing the difference in employees’ behavior towards phishing attacks pretty quickly. Using CybeReady’s real-time customer dashboard, he looked at two main KPI\r\n<ul> <li> Employee Resilience Score - more than tripled within the first six months and increased by over 7x over the two years of training with CybeReady.</li> <li> Serial Clicker Rate - The Employee High Risk Group has converted to high performing as the % of serial clickers out of all employees was reduced to almost -0%.</li></ul>\r\nCybeReady also provides the Payoneer security team with weekly, monthly and quarterly reports they can easily share with Management. Payoneer's executives appreciate the robust business intelligence features and the ability to track progress. In addition to the progress seen “on the dashboard’, Weiss indicated that his team noticed change in employee behavior “in real life’: “We can actually see a correlation between the graphs and the results on the ground: When we run ‘red team’ drills, our employees now report phishing very quickly and you can see how this has become very important to them.” \r\nWeiss pinpoints the key factors to a successful employee training program from his experience: “I've been using phishing simulations for Payoneer employee training for three years now.” he said, ” and I can say that the most important factor to success is continuity - training each and every employee month after month consistently and repeatedly” In terms of ROI, the program has easily paid for itself. “We are paying the same as we did to the previous vendor, but getting significantly more value.” said Weiss. \f","alias":"cybeready-dlja-payoneer","roi":0,"seo":{"title":"CybeReady for Payoneer","keywords":"","description":" Yaron Weiss, Payoneer's VP Corporate Security and Global IT Operations, has been leading the company’s security efforts since 2014. With steady increase in phishing attacks, Weiss realized the high-risk potential from Payoneers’ insider threat - its employees","og:title":"CybeReady for Payoneer","og:description":" Yaron Weiss, Payoneer's VP Corporate Security and Global IT Operations, has been leading the company’s security efforts since 2014. With steady increase in phishing attacks, Weiss realized the high-risk potential from Payoneers’ insider threat - its employees"},"deal_info":"","user":{"id":8767,"title":"Payoneer","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/Payoneer.jpg","alias":"payoneer","address":"","roles":[],"description":"In today’s borderless digital world, <b>Payoneer</b> enables millions of businesses and professionals from more than 200 countries and territories to connect with each other and grow globally through our cross-border payments platform. With Payoneer’s fast, flexible, secure and low-cost solutions, marketplaces, networks, businesses and professionals throughout the world can pay and get paid globally, as easily as they do locally. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":0,"suppliedProductsCount":0,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":1,"supplierImplementationsCount":0,"vendorImplementationsCount":0,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://www.payoneer.com/ru/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Payoneer","keywords":"","description":"In today’s borderless digital world, <b>Payoneer</b> enables millions of businesses and professionals from more than 200 countries and territories to connect with each other and grow globally through our cross-border payments platform. With Payoneer’s fast, fl","og:title":"Payoneer","og:description":"In today’s borderless digital world, <b>Payoneer</b> enables millions of businesses and professionals from more than 200 countries and territories to connect with each other and grow globally through our cross-border payments platform. With Payoneer’s fast, fl","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/Payoneer.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"supplier":{"id":4066,"title":"CybeReady","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg","alias":"cybeready","address":"","roles":[],"description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks posed by their most critical asset: people. Our deep understanding and insight into the processes required to manage these risks led to the development of a wide variety of methods, which we use to assist organizations worldwide in adopting information security best practices. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":2,"suppliedProductsCount":2,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":5,"vendorImplementationsCount":5,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://cybeready.com/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"CybeReady","keywords":"CybeReady, risks, organizations, information, security, which, required, insight","description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:title":"CybeReady","og:description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"vendors":[{"id":4066,"title":"CybeReady","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg","alias":"cybeready","address":"","roles":[],"description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks posed by their most critical asset: people. Our deep understanding and insight into the processes required to manage these risks led to the development of a wide variety of methods, which we use to assist organizations worldwide in adopting information security best practices. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":2,"suppliedProductsCount":2,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":5,"vendorImplementationsCount":5,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://cybeready.com/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"CybeReady","keywords":"CybeReady, risks, organizations, information, security, which, required, insight","description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:title":"CybeReady","og:description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg"},"eventUrl":""}],"products":[{"id":5894,"logo":false,"scheme":false,"title":"CybeReady Blast","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":4,"suppliersCount":0,"alias":"cybeready-blast","companyTypes":[],"description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in many subsequent ones. The number of attacks that were launched or implemented using phishing is nothing to call, big names and grandiose amounts of losses. If you add fines for this to the loss of user data, these amounts often grow at times.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">5 Reasons Your Security Awareness Program Needs Continuous Learning</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Because security awareness education is not a fire drill.</li>\r\n<li>Because the threat landscape is always changing.</li>\r\n<li>Because it’s the only way to truly assess how much your end-users are learning.</li>\r\n<li>Because people learn at different rates.</li>\r\n<li>Because you will learn what works and what doesn’t.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Complete Workforce Training</span></p>\r\n<p>Autonomus training platform continuously trains 100% of employees every month, year-round, using proven methodology and localized, customized content.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Advanced Automation</span></p>\r\n<p>Machine Learning-powered training selects and adjusts training to each employee, including adaptive difficulty level and frequency of training.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Just in Time (JIT) Learning</span></p>\r\n<p>Phishing simulations and short learning sessions in one integrative experience ensure learning ‘in the golden moment’ and eliminate friction with employees.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Guarantees Results</span></p>\r\n<p>Significant change in employee behavior towards cyber attacks: 83% reduction in Serial Clickers, 403% increase in employee resilience score.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Effortless</span></p>\r\n<p>Cybeready’s fully managed solution ensures results yet eliminates IT effort, so you can dedicate valuable resources to other, more challenging tasks.</p>","shortDescription":"The CybeReady’s award-winning solution guarantees to change employee behavior towards phishing attacks while eliminating IT overhead and reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO).","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":4,"sellingCount":6,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"CybeReady Blast","keywords":"","description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in ","og:title":"CybeReady Blast","og:description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in "},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5895,"dealDetails":{"avgPartnerDiscount":15,"dealProtection":1,"avgDealSize":15000,"dealSizeCurrency":"","avgDealClosing":3},"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"It is necessary to send to the vendor data of 2 client administrators\r\nAsaf Goldberg | Director of Sales | asaf@cybeready.com","categories":[{"id":870,"title":"Cyber Security Training and Simulation","alias":"cyber-security-training-and-simulation","description":" Cyber security training and simulation is a powerful tool for CISOs and SOC managers to accurately simulate their network and security tools within a dynamic IT, or OT environment. A high-quality cyber range offers a rich catalog of simulated incident scenarios, in varying levels of difficulty, which security managers can choose from to train their teams. This opens up numerous new opportunities, several of which include: \r\n<ul><li>An environment for team training, where security staff can improve their communication and teamwork, both of which are critical elements of an efficient incident response team, and impossible to practice using conventional training systems.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A means of training the entire organization in a breach scenario and the related business dilemmas, beyond incident response, including potential business executive decisions. Consider a ransomware scenario where executives are required to decide whether to pay the ransom, negotiate, or mitigate.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A test-bed for potential products where they can be tested in a safe and controlled environment.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A training environment for newly introduced products enabling team members to master new technologies and dramatically improve their performance and skills.</li></ul>\r\nCyber security training and simulation is the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.\r\nThe potential of simulation-based training, as compared to traditional training, is substantial. Organizations can not only train people but also test processes and technologies in a safe environment. Furthermore, security teams can train as individuals or as a group, to improve their teamwork. With the help of simulation, your team can experience high-fidelity threat scenarios while training, and improve their capabilities, rather that encountering these threats for the first time during the actual attack. This results in a dramatic improvement in their performance.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Why do you need to train cybersecurity employees?</span>\r\nNew threats and attack vectors emerge, spanning across a converged attack surface of IT and OT networks, as well as IoT devices. Attacks have become time-sensitive, requiring SOCs to detect and respond within seconds to minutes, and challenging the SOC’s ability to perform effectively.\r\nForward thinking CISOs now understand that rushing to spend their growing budgets to purchase the latest tools, hoping that the new technology will finally improve their security posture, will not resolve their strategic, and, in many cases, existential problems. They are beginning to acknowledge that their teams are not professionally equipped to face the new generation threats, not because of the lack of products or technologies, but because they don't really know how to operate them effectively. Most of them have never trained effectively, either as individuals or as a team, never faced a multi-stage attack, and have never used their technologies in a real-life attack scenario, requiring them to respond to an evolving attack within minutes. \r\nInvesting in our cyber experts and in our SOC teams, both as individuals, as well as a unified team, is THE key to an effective SOC. In the case of cybersecurity, this challenge is amplified. The shortage in cybersecurity professionals is at a critical state and will only continue to grow, forcing cybersecurity leaders to hire unexperienced team members to fill in open positions. Security analysts, often junior and barely trained, are expected to master dozens of security products in increasing numbers, defending against threats they have never experienced before. \r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a cybersecurity simulation and why is it needed?</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Traditional IT security training is largely ineffective, because it relies on sterile, mostly theoretical training. It is often conducted on the job by SOC team members rather than by professional instructors. To get our security teams prepared to face today’s multi-dimensional IT and OT security challenges, we must place them in a technology-driven environment that mirrors their own, facing real-life threats. In other words: hyper-realistic simulation. </span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Just as you would never send a pilot to combat before simulating emergency scenarios and potential combat situations, we should not send our cyber defenders to the field before enabling them to experience potential attacks and practicing response within a simulated environment.</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">A flight simulator replicates the actual combat zone, from realistic weather conditions, aircraft instruments to enemy aircraft attacks. This realism maximizes the impact of the training session. Similarly, the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.<br /></span>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/education-training.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]}],"countries":[],"startDate":"0000-00-00","endDate":"0000-00-00","dealDate":"0000-00-00","price":0,"status":"finished","statusLabel":"Finished","isImplementation":true,"isAgreement":false,"confirmed":1,"implementationDetails":{"businessProcesses":{"id":11,"title":"Business process","translationKey":"businessProcesses","options":[{"id":384,"title":"Risk of attacks by hackers"},{"id":385,"title":"Risk of data loss or damage"},{"id":386,"title":"Risk of lost access to data and IT systems"}]},"businessObjectives":{"id":14,"title":"Business objectives","translationKey":"businessObjectives","options":[{"id":5,"title":"Enhance Staff Productivity"},{"id":6,"title":"Ensure Security and Business Continuity"}]}},"categories":[{"id":870,"title":"Cyber Security Training and Simulation","alias":"cyber-security-training-and-simulation","description":" Cyber security training and simulation is a powerful tool for CISOs and SOC managers to accurately simulate their network and security tools within a dynamic IT, or OT environment. A high-quality cyber range offers a rich catalog of simulated incident scenarios, in varying levels of difficulty, which security managers can choose from to train their teams. This opens up numerous new opportunities, several of which include: \r\n<ul><li>An environment for team training, where security staff can improve their communication and teamwork, both of which are critical elements of an efficient incident response team, and impossible to practice using conventional training systems.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A means of training the entire organization in a breach scenario and the related business dilemmas, beyond incident response, including potential business executive decisions. Consider a ransomware scenario where executives are required to decide whether to pay the ransom, negotiate, or mitigate.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A test-bed for potential products where they can be tested in a safe and controlled environment.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A training environment for newly introduced products enabling team members to master new technologies and dramatically improve their performance and skills.</li></ul>\r\nCyber security training and simulation is the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.\r\nThe potential of simulation-based training, as compared to traditional training, is substantial. Organizations can not only train people but also test processes and technologies in a safe environment. Furthermore, security teams can train as individuals or as a group, to improve their teamwork. With the help of simulation, your team can experience high-fidelity threat scenarios while training, and improve their capabilities, rather that encountering these threats for the first time during the actual attack. This results in a dramatic improvement in their performance.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Why do you need to train cybersecurity employees?</span>\r\nNew threats and attack vectors emerge, spanning across a converged attack surface of IT and OT networks, as well as IoT devices. Attacks have become time-sensitive, requiring SOCs to detect and respond within seconds to minutes, and challenging the SOC’s ability to perform effectively.\r\nForward thinking CISOs now understand that rushing to spend their growing budgets to purchase the latest tools, hoping that the new technology will finally improve their security posture, will not resolve their strategic, and, in many cases, existential problems. They are beginning to acknowledge that their teams are not professionally equipped to face the new generation threats, not because of the lack of products or technologies, but because they don't really know how to operate them effectively. Most of them have never trained effectively, either as individuals or as a team, never faced a multi-stage attack, and have never used their technologies in a real-life attack scenario, requiring them to respond to an evolving attack within minutes. \r\nInvesting in our cyber experts and in our SOC teams, both as individuals, as well as a unified team, is THE key to an effective SOC. In the case of cybersecurity, this challenge is amplified. The shortage in cybersecurity professionals is at a critical state and will only continue to grow, forcing cybersecurity leaders to hire unexperienced team members to fill in open positions. Security analysts, often junior and barely trained, are expected to master dozens of security products in increasing numbers, defending against threats they have never experienced before. \r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a cybersecurity simulation and why is it needed?</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Traditional IT security training is largely ineffective, because it relies on sterile, mostly theoretical training. It is often conducted on the job by SOC team members rather than by professional instructors. To get our security teams prepared to face today’s multi-dimensional IT and OT security challenges, we must place them in a technology-driven environment that mirrors their own, facing real-life threats. In other words: hyper-realistic simulation. </span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Just as you would never send a pilot to combat before simulating emergency scenarios and potential combat situations, we should not send our cyber defenders to the field before enabling them to experience potential attacks and practicing response within a simulated environment.</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">A flight simulator replicates the actual combat zone, from realistic weather conditions, aircraft instruments to enemy aircraft attacks. This realism maximizes the impact of the training session. Similarly, the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.<br /></span>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/education-training.png"}],"additionalInfo":{"budgetNotExceeded":"","functionallyTaskAssignment":"","projectWasPut":"","price":0,"source":{"url":"","title":"Web-site of vendor"}},"comments":[],"referencesCount":0},"cyberready-dlja-izrailskoi-sistemy-zdravookhranenija":{"id":1126,"title":"CyberReady for the Israeli healthcare system","description":"<i>Access to sensitive information has made the healthcare industry a preferred target for hackers. Training employees effectively against phishing methods remains the strongest line of defense. </i>\r\n<b>The Challenge.</b> An information security executive from a major countrywide healthcare network in Israel is all too familiar with this balancing act. He cites fraud as a major concern for his organization, as well as those of his peers in the industry. “We’re particularly concerned about the types of fraudulent activities that ultimately lead to transactions and money transfers taking place,” he said. “Cryptoware, or ransomware, as it is commonly called, is a virus that hackers use to encrypt all of the data on your hard drive. They then require organizations to pay a ransom in order to decrypt your information, effectively holding your files hostage.” Imagine this worst-case scenario for information security professionals: attacks rendering critical files inaccessible grind all business operations to a halt, leaving organizations with few options once attacked. \r\n<b>The Results.</b> “Our selection process involved testing three different systems. We eventually chose CybeReady, and here’s why: they not only increased our employees’ awareness, they offered a service that was unmatched by their competitors. CybeReady’s program runs on its own, which means that I don’t have to invest my time or that of my team in operating or configuring attacks. It literally involved zero effort on our part.” The company’s level of service was apparent even during the early days of the engagement. “Service from other vendors didn’t come close to this; what had previously taken me up to three weeks annually now involved little more than a few hours a month, at most. I knew that I could trust CybeReady, and have heard colleagues in the industry who chose them say the same.” The executive cautions others to consider the difference between training and awareness programs. “There are a number of phishing options that appear to have comparable training content and expertise. The differences are often only visible after several months of reports indicate a marked change in employee behavior. As CybeReady’s phishing attacks changed form over time, the organization’s employees responded more intelligently than they had before. Few other options, if any, also offer the availability and attention possible from CybeReady.” \r\n<i>“The level of employee engagement in our case was very high compared to other methods I used in the past.”</i>","alias":"cyberready-dlja-izrailskoi-sistemy-zdravookhranenija","roi":0,"seo":{"title":"CyberReady for the Israeli healthcare system","keywords":"","description":"<i>Access to sensitive information has made the healthcare industry a preferred target for hackers. Training employees effectively against phishing methods remains the strongest line of defense. </i>\r\n<b>The Challenge.</b> An information security executive fr","og:title":"CyberReady for the Israeli healthcare system","og:description":"<i>Access to sensitive information has made the healthcare industry a preferred target for hackers. Training employees effectively against phishing methods remains the strongest line of defense. </i>\r\n<b>The Challenge.</b> An information security executive fr"},"deal_info":"","user":{"id":4195,"title":"Hidden user","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/hidden_user.jpg","alias":"skrytyi-polzovatel","address":"","roles":[],"description":"User Information is confidential ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":0,"suppliedProductsCount":0,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":98,"supplierImplementationsCount":0,"vendorImplementationsCount":0,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Hidden user","keywords":"Hidden, user, User, Information, confidential","description":"User Information is confidential ","og:title":"Hidden user","og:description":"User Information is confidential ","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/hidden_user.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"supplier":{"id":4066,"title":"CybeReady","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg","alias":"cybeready","address":"","roles":[],"description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks posed by their most critical asset: people. Our deep understanding and insight into the processes required to manage these risks led to the development of a wide variety of methods, which we use to assist organizations worldwide in adopting information security best practices. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":2,"suppliedProductsCount":2,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":5,"vendorImplementationsCount":5,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://cybeready.com/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"CybeReady","keywords":"CybeReady, risks, organizations, information, security, which, required, insight","description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:title":"CybeReady","og:description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"vendors":[{"id":4066,"title":"CybeReady","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg","alias":"cybeready","address":"","roles":[],"description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks posed by their most critical asset: people. Our deep understanding and insight into the processes required to manage these risks led to the development of a wide variety of methods, which we use to assist organizations worldwide in adopting information security best practices. ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":2,"suppliedProductsCount":2,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":5,"vendorImplementationsCount":5,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://cybeready.com/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"CybeReady","keywords":"CybeReady, risks, organizations, information, security, which, required, insight","description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:title":"CybeReady","og:description":"CybeReady is the outcome of years of collaboration in which we have been exploring the “Human Genome” of Information Security. We founded CybeReady because we believe traditional information security is failing organizations by rarely addressing the risks pose","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/CybeReady.jpg"},"eventUrl":""}],"products":[{"id":5894,"logo":false,"scheme":false,"title":"CybeReady Blast","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":4,"suppliersCount":0,"alias":"cybeready-blast","companyTypes":[],"description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in many subsequent ones. The number of attacks that were launched or implemented using phishing is nothing to call, big names and grandiose amounts of losses. If you add fines for this to the loss of user data, these amounts often grow at times.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">5 Reasons Your Security Awareness Program Needs Continuous Learning</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Because security awareness education is not a fire drill.</li>\r\n<li>Because the threat landscape is always changing.</li>\r\n<li>Because it’s the only way to truly assess how much your end-users are learning.</li>\r\n<li>Because people learn at different rates.</li>\r\n<li>Because you will learn what works and what doesn’t.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Complete Workforce Training</span></p>\r\n<p>Autonomus training platform continuously trains 100% of employees every month, year-round, using proven methodology and localized, customized content.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Advanced Automation</span></p>\r\n<p>Machine Learning-powered training selects and adjusts training to each employee, including adaptive difficulty level and frequency of training.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Just in Time (JIT) Learning</span></p>\r\n<p>Phishing simulations and short learning sessions in one integrative experience ensure learning ‘in the golden moment’ and eliminate friction with employees.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Guarantees Results</span></p>\r\n<p>Significant change in employee behavior towards cyber attacks: 83% reduction in Serial Clickers, 403% increase in employee resilience score.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Effortless</span></p>\r\n<p>Cybeready’s fully managed solution ensures results yet eliminates IT effort, so you can dedicate valuable resources to other, more challenging tasks.</p>","shortDescription":"The CybeReady’s award-winning solution guarantees to change employee behavior towards phishing attacks while eliminating IT overhead and reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO).","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":4,"sellingCount":6,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"CybeReady Blast","keywords":"","description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in ","og:title":"CybeReady Blast","og:description":"<p>Phishing in many of its manifestations has been and remains a tool for the initial stage in the chain attack. If we turn to the classical model of the chain attack from Lockheed Martin, then phishing will be present not only at the first stage, but also in "},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5895,"dealDetails":{"avgPartnerDiscount":15,"dealProtection":1,"avgDealSize":15000,"dealSizeCurrency":"","avgDealClosing":3},"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"It is necessary to send to the vendor data of 2 client administrators\r\nAsaf Goldberg | Director of Sales | asaf@cybeready.com","categories":[{"id":870,"title":"Cyber Security Training and Simulation","alias":"cyber-security-training-and-simulation","description":" Cyber security training and simulation is a powerful tool for CISOs and SOC managers to accurately simulate their network and security tools within a dynamic IT, or OT environment. A high-quality cyber range offers a rich catalog of simulated incident scenarios, in varying levels of difficulty, which security managers can choose from to train their teams. This opens up numerous new opportunities, several of which include: \r\n<ul><li>An environment for team training, where security staff can improve their communication and teamwork, both of which are critical elements of an efficient incident response team, and impossible to practice using conventional training systems.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A means of training the entire organization in a breach scenario and the related business dilemmas, beyond incident response, including potential business executive decisions. Consider a ransomware scenario where executives are required to decide whether to pay the ransom, negotiate, or mitigate.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A test-bed for potential products where they can be tested in a safe and controlled environment.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A training environment for newly introduced products enabling team members to master new technologies and dramatically improve their performance and skills.</li></ul>\r\nCyber security training and simulation is the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.\r\nThe potential of simulation-based training, as compared to traditional training, is substantial. Organizations can not only train people but also test processes and technologies in a safe environment. Furthermore, security teams can train as individuals or as a group, to improve their teamwork. With the help of simulation, your team can experience high-fidelity threat scenarios while training, and improve their capabilities, rather that encountering these threats for the first time during the actual attack. This results in a dramatic improvement in their performance.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Why do you need to train cybersecurity employees?</span>\r\nNew threats and attack vectors emerge, spanning across a converged attack surface of IT and OT networks, as well as IoT devices. Attacks have become time-sensitive, requiring SOCs to detect and respond within seconds to minutes, and challenging the SOC’s ability to perform effectively.\r\nForward thinking CISOs now understand that rushing to spend their growing budgets to purchase the latest tools, hoping that the new technology will finally improve their security posture, will not resolve their strategic, and, in many cases, existential problems. They are beginning to acknowledge that their teams are not professionally equipped to face the new generation threats, not because of the lack of products or technologies, but because they don't really know how to operate them effectively. Most of them have never trained effectively, either as individuals or as a team, never faced a multi-stage attack, and have never used their technologies in a real-life attack scenario, requiring them to respond to an evolving attack within minutes. \r\nInvesting in our cyber experts and in our SOC teams, both as individuals, as well as a unified team, is THE key to an effective SOC. In the case of cybersecurity, this challenge is amplified. The shortage in cybersecurity professionals is at a critical state and will only continue to grow, forcing cybersecurity leaders to hire unexperienced team members to fill in open positions. Security analysts, often junior and barely trained, are expected to master dozens of security products in increasing numbers, defending against threats they have never experienced before. \r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a cybersecurity simulation and why is it needed?</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Traditional IT security training is largely ineffective, because it relies on sterile, mostly theoretical training. It is often conducted on the job by SOC team members rather than by professional instructors. To get our security teams prepared to face today’s multi-dimensional IT and OT security challenges, we must place them in a technology-driven environment that mirrors their own, facing real-life threats. In other words: hyper-realistic simulation. </span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Just as you would never send a pilot to combat before simulating emergency scenarios and potential combat situations, we should not send our cyber defenders to the field before enabling them to experience potential attacks and practicing response within a simulated environment.</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">A flight simulator replicates the actual combat zone, from realistic weather conditions, aircraft instruments to enemy aircraft attacks. This realism maximizes the impact of the training session. Similarly, the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.<br /></span>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/education-training.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]}],"countries":[],"startDate":"0000-00-00","endDate":"0000-00-00","dealDate":"0000-00-00","price":0,"status":"finished","statusLabel":"Finished","isImplementation":true,"isAgreement":false,"confirmed":0,"implementationDetails":{"businessProcesses":{"id":11,"title":"Business process","translationKey":"businessProcesses","options":[{"id":384,"title":"Risk of attacks by hackers"},{"id":385,"title":"Risk of data loss or damage"},{"id":346,"title":"Shortage of inhouse IT resources"}]},"businessObjectives":{"id":14,"title":"Business objectives","translationKey":"businessObjectives","options":[{"id":5,"title":"Enhance Staff Productivity"},{"id":6,"title":"Ensure Security and Business Continuity"}]}},"categories":[{"id":870,"title":"Cyber Security Training and Simulation","alias":"cyber-security-training-and-simulation","description":" Cyber security training and simulation is a powerful tool for CISOs and SOC managers to accurately simulate their network and security tools within a dynamic IT, or OT environment. A high-quality cyber range offers a rich catalog of simulated incident scenarios, in varying levels of difficulty, which security managers can choose from to train their teams. This opens up numerous new opportunities, several of which include: \r\n<ul><li>An environment for team training, where security staff can improve their communication and teamwork, both of which are critical elements of an efficient incident response team, and impossible to practice using conventional training systems.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A means of training the entire organization in a breach scenario and the related business dilemmas, beyond incident response, including potential business executive decisions. Consider a ransomware scenario where executives are required to decide whether to pay the ransom, negotiate, or mitigate.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A test-bed for potential products where they can be tested in a safe and controlled environment.</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>A training environment for newly introduced products enabling team members to master new technologies and dramatically improve their performance and skills.</li></ul>\r\nCyber security training and simulation is the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.\r\nThe potential of simulation-based training, as compared to traditional training, is substantial. Organizations can not only train people but also test processes and technologies in a safe environment. Furthermore, security teams can train as individuals or as a group, to improve their teamwork. With the help of simulation, your team can experience high-fidelity threat scenarios while training, and improve their capabilities, rather that encountering these threats for the first time during the actual attack. This results in a dramatic improvement in their performance.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Why do you need to train cybersecurity employees?</span>\r\nNew threats and attack vectors emerge, spanning across a converged attack surface of IT and OT networks, as well as IoT devices. Attacks have become time-sensitive, requiring SOCs to detect and respond within seconds to minutes, and challenging the SOC’s ability to perform effectively.\r\nForward thinking CISOs now understand that rushing to spend their growing budgets to purchase the latest tools, hoping that the new technology will finally improve their security posture, will not resolve their strategic, and, in many cases, existential problems. They are beginning to acknowledge that their teams are not professionally equipped to face the new generation threats, not because of the lack of products or technologies, but because they don't really know how to operate them effectively. Most of them have never trained effectively, either as individuals or as a team, never faced a multi-stage attack, and have never used their technologies in a real-life attack scenario, requiring them to respond to an evolving attack within minutes. \r\nInvesting in our cyber experts and in our SOC teams, both as individuals, as well as a unified team, is THE key to an effective SOC. In the case of cybersecurity, this challenge is amplified. The shortage in cybersecurity professionals is at a critical state and will only continue to grow, forcing cybersecurity leaders to hire unexperienced team members to fill in open positions. Security analysts, often junior and barely trained, are expected to master dozens of security products in increasing numbers, defending against threats they have never experienced before. \r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is a cybersecurity simulation and why is it needed?</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Traditional IT security training is largely ineffective, because it relies on sterile, mostly theoretical training. It is often conducted on the job by SOC team members rather than by professional instructors. To get our security teams prepared to face today’s multi-dimensional IT and OT security challenges, we must place them in a technology-driven environment that mirrors their own, facing real-life threats. In other words: hyper-realistic simulation. </span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Just as you would never send a pilot to combat before simulating emergency scenarios and potential combat situations, we should not send our cyber defenders to the field before enabling them to experience potential attacks and practicing response within a simulated environment.</span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">A flight simulator replicates the actual combat zone, from realistic weather conditions, aircraft instruments to enemy aircraft attacks. This realism maximizes the impact of the training session. Similarly, the way to maximize the effectiveness of security training is by providing a virtual replica of your actual “warzone” resulting in a true-to-life experience. Security teams should use the actual security tools they use at work, and should experience their familiar network setup, and traffic. Threats should be simulated accurately, including advanced, evolving threats, targeted malware and ransomware.<br /></span>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/education-training.png"}],"additionalInfo":{"budgetNotExceeded":"","functionallyTaskAssignment":"","projectWasPut":"","price":0,"source":{"url":"","title":"Supplier's web site"}},"comments":[],"referencesCount":0}},"aliases":{"1":["cybeready-dlja-vedushchego-akademicheskogo-instituta","cybeready-dlja-ayalon-insurance","cybeready-dlja-payoneer","cyberready-dlja-izrailskoi-sistemy-zdravookhranenija"]},"links":{"first":"http://b4r_be/api/implementations?page=1","last":"http://b4r_be/api/implementations?page=1","prev":null,"next":null},"meta":{"current_page":1,"from":1,"last_page":1,"path":"http://b4r_be/api/implementations","per_page":20,"to":4,"total":4},"loading":false,"error":null},"agreements":{"agreementById":{},"ids":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"comparison":{"loading":false,"error":false,"templatesById":{},"comparisonByTemplateId":{},"products":[],"selectedTemplateId":null},"presentation":{"type":null,"company":{},"products":[],"partners":[],"formData":{},"dataLoading":false,"dataError":false,"loading":false,"error":false},"catalogsGlobal":{"subMenuItemTitle":""}}