Doist Todoist

Problems that solves

Inability to forecast execution timelines

Poor timing of management decision making

Lengthy production timelines

Poor communication and coordination among staff


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Reduce Production Timelines

Doist Todoist

Todoist is a personal task manager that helps you stay informed of all your obligations and responsibilities.


Todoist is an application that includes many tools for organizing reminders: timelines, recurring deadlines, subtasks, priorities, subprojects, and color coding. With all these options, you can get an idea of ​​everything you need to do just by looking at the screen.

With Todoist, you can also share projects over the Internet with other users. Just choose which tasks you want to share, and then they can be changed by any of the participating users.

Thanks to the integration with Dropbox and G-Drive, you can also easily add files to your tasks. Simply select them from the task itself to attach them in seconds.

Todoist is a great task management tool that helps you keep your meetings, commitments, and everything else under control.