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Login should do more


We get it: authentication is one of the first boxes to check when building a website or application. It’s built to get the job done, and then it slowly becomes legacy code that no one wants to touch. Today’s rapidly evolving security landscape, diverse and context-specific UX needs, and user privacy concerns all require more from traditional authentication. NuID addresses these challenges with a platform that grows and adapts to the new demands of digital identity. By building with NuID, you ensure your applications and services remain embedded in modern cryptographic best practices. Because that's what login should do. Login should be trustless At NuID's core is an established cryptographic method to verify that a user can produce a secret value, such as a password or private key. Instead of sharing this secret with an authenticating server, a cryptographic zero knowledge proof of the secret is generated on the client device. The proof is used to verify that the user input the correct authentication secret, without any private authentication data leaving their device. The server verifies the proof against persistent, pseudonymous public data generated during initial registration and stored on a distributed ledger. Combining zero knowledge cryptography with distributed ledger technology removes the need for users to trust anyone with their passwords, giving them ownership over their authentication credentials and digital identity. Login should be intelligent The latest NIST standards for password authentication strongly recommend checking users’ passwords against a dictionary of previously-breached passwords, which attackers often use to commit account takeover fraud. We’ve collected over 8.5 billion breached passwords and allow for simple and secure screening for your users. Pre-baked strength policies and user education further help ensure your users create credentials that will keep them, and your application, safe. Preview NuID's Developer Portal Developers love the NuID authentication SDK. It eliminates transmission of sensitive authentication data, and it's a breeze to integrate into a number of development environments and workflows. Language and framework support is increasing continuously. While the portal user experience is still a bit rough around the edges, NuID's Auth API is considered stable and is deployed in production today. In the coming months we'll be improving the portal functionally, documentationally, and aesthetically. Stay tuned.