Twyla Canvas

Problems that solves

Low quality of customer service

High costs of routine operations

No support for mobile and remote users

Low employee productivity

High costs of IT personnel

Failure to attract new customers

Customer attrition

Low quality of customer support

High costs

No automated business processes


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Improve Customer Service

Increase Customer Base

Expand Sales Geography

Support Customers

Enhance Competitive Ability

Twyla Canvas

Don't just build a chatbot, design conversations with Twyla Canvas.


Twyla develops Twyla Canvas, an innovative SaaS solution for the implementation of virtual assistants. Twyla Canvas is the first application developed with a focus on the user experience of virtual assistants. The Conversation Design Revolution We're still selectively on-boarding businesses and practitioners onto the Canvas platform while we perfect our features. Canvas for Business If you're a business of any size and have an interesting business case, customer service challenge, online retail offering or any other use case that you think may benefit from beautiful dialogue, please sign up on our platform. Canvas for Design Professionals If you're a design professional or copywriter we are offering free Canvas licenses for projects to assist our product design processes.

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief Sales Officer

Operational Manager

Sales Management

Marketing Management


Organizational Features

Web-based customer portal

Mobile users

Internet access is available for employees

Social networks are used