Veracode Static Analysis

Problems that solves

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Risk of attacks by hackers


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Ensure Compliance

Veracode Static Analysis

Veracode Static Analysis enables you to quickly identify and remediate application security flaws at scale and efficiency.


Software is the engine that powers business innovation — and the #1 attack vector. Most applications were not built with security in mind: More than 63% of applications fail the OWASP Top 10 on the first scan. At the same time, to meet business-driven deadlines and keep up with the rapid pace of innovation, your development team is churning out software faster than ever. Serious risk of breach and regulatory pressures are driving your company to turn attention to applications, but you don’t have the time, people or money to move the needle. As a result, you are only securing a fraction of your applications, if any at all, leaving your company exposed to the risk of a data breach. Veracode Static Analysis enables your developers to quickly identify and remediate application security flaws without having to manage a tool. Thanks to our SaaS-based model, we increase accuracy with every application we scan. Veracode’s patented technology analyzes major frameworks and languages without requiring source code, so you can assess the code you write, buy or download, and measure progress in a single platform. By integrating with your SDLC tool chain and providing one-on-one remediation advice, we enable your development team to write secure code. The Developer Sandbox feature enables engineers to test and fix code between releases without impacting their compliance status.

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

IT Security and Risk Management

Organizational Features

IT Security Department in company