

Products found: 90

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Adobe Photoshop

Creativity is everywhere. Now Photoshop is too.
Powering the creative world. The world’s best imaging and graphic design software is at the core of just about every creative project, from photo editing and compositing to digital painting, animation, and graphic design. And now you can harness the power of Photoshop across desktop and iPad to create wherever inspiration strikes. Everyday photography. Totally transformed. Our professional photography tools make it easy to do everyday edits or total image transformations across desktop and iPad. Crop, remove objects, retouch, and combine photos. Play with color and effects. And reimagine the art of photography. Design is in our DNA. Posters, packaging, banners, websites — all your design projects start with Photoshop. Combine photos and text to create entirely new images. Work with unlimited layers and masks. And paint with brushes that you control with stylus or touch on your iPad. Here. There. Everywhere. Start on your iPad and finish on your desktop — your work is automatically saved to the cloud and your PSDs are the same, no matter where you are.
Powerful meets portable. The creative power of Photoshop is now on your iPad. Open full-size PSDs, create sophisticated composites, retouch images, and control brushes with your finger or Apple Pencil. We’re just getting started, so stay tuned as we roll out exciting new features in the months ahead.
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Alfresco Activiti

Activiti is a light-weight workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) Platform targeted at business people, developers, and system admins. Its core is a super-fast and rock-solid BPMN 2 process engine for Java. It's open-source and distributed under the Apache license. Activiti runs in any Java application, on a server, on a cluster or in the cloud. It integrates perfectly with Spring, it is extremely lightweight and based on simple concepts.
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Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a fully-managed Docker container registry that makes it easy for developers to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images. Amazon ECR is integrated with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), simplifying your development to production workflow. Amazon ECR eliminates the need to operate your own container repositories or worry about scaling the underlying infrastructure. Amazon ECR hosts your images in a highly available and scalable architecture, allowing you to reliably deploy containers for your applications. Integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides resource-level control of each repository. With Amazon ECR, there are no upfront fees or commitments. You pay only for the amount of data you store in your repositories and data transferred to the Internet. FEATURES: Amazon Elastic Container Service integration Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is integrated with Amazon ECS allowing you to easily store, run, and manage container images for applications running on Amazon ECS. All you need to do is specify the Amazon ECR repository in your Task Definition and Amazon ECS will retrieve the appropriate images for your applications. Docker support Amazon ECR supports Docker Registry HTTP API V2 allowing you to use Docker CLI commands (e.g., push, pull, list, tag) or your preferred Docker tools to interact with Amazon ECR, maintaining your existing development workflow. You can easily access Amazon ECR from any Docker environment, whether in the cloud, on-premises, or on your local machine. AWS Marketplace Amazon ECR stores both the containers you create and any container software you buy through AWS Marketplace. AWS Marketplace for Containers offers verified container software for high performance computing, security, and developer tools, as well as SaaS products that manage, analyze, and protect container applications. High availability and durability Amazon ECR stores your container images in Amazon S3. Your data is redundantly stored across multiple facilities and multiple devices in each facility. Team collaboration Amazon ECR supports the ability to define and organize repositories in your registry using namespaces. This allows you to organize your repositories based on your team’s existing workflows. You can set which API actions another user may perform on your repository (e.g., create, list, describe, delete, and get) through resource-level policies, allowing you to easily share your repositories with different users and AWS accounts. Access control Amazon ECR uses AWS Identity and Access Management to control and monitor who and what (e.g., EC2 instances) can access your container images. Through IAM you can define policies to allow users within the same AWS account or other accounts to access your container images. You can also further refine these policies by specifying different permissions for different users and roles, e.g push, pull, or full admin access. Encryption You can transfer your container images to and from Amazon ECR via HTTPS. Your images are also automatically encrypted at rest using Amazon S3 server-side encryption. Third-party integrations Amazon ECR is integrated with third-party developer tools. You can integrate Amazon ECR into your continuous integration and delivery process allowing you to maintain your existing development workflow. PRICING: With Amazon Elastic Container Registry, there are no upfront fees or commitments. You pay only for the amount of data you store in your repositories and data transferred to the Internet. Amazon ECR includes a Free Tier of 500MB-month of storage. AWS Free Tier As part of the AWS Free Tier, you can get started with Amazon Elastic Container Registry for free. Amazon ECR offers new customers 500MB-month of storage for one year. Your free usage is calculated each month across all regions and automatically applied to your bill - free usage does not accumulate.
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Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a highly scalable, high-performance container orchestration service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. Amazon ECS eliminates the need for you to install and operate your own container orchestration software, manage and scale a cluster of virtual machines, or schedule containers on those virtual machines. With simple API calls, you can launch and stop Docker-enabled applications, query the complete state of your application, and access many familiar features such as IAM roles, security groups, load balancers, Amazon CloudWatch Events, AWS CloudFormation templates, and AWS CloudTrail logs. FEATURES: Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) allows you to easily run, scale, and secure Docker container applications on AWS. Applications packaged as containers locally will deploy and run in the same way as containers managed by Amazon ECS. Amazon ECS eliminates the need to install, operate, and scale your own container orchestration and cluster management infrastructure, and allows you to focus on the resource needs and availability requirements of your containerized application. Amazon ECS enables you to grow from a single container to thousands of containers across hundreds of instances without creating additional complexity in how you run your application. You can run anything: applications, batch jobs, or microservices. Amazon ECS abstracts away all the complexity of the infrastructure so you can focus on designing, building, and running containerized applications. With Amazon ECS, you can use AWS Fargate to fully manage your infrastructure and just focus on deploying containers Or, you can choose to have complete visibility and control of your underlying server cluster from creating and terminating Docker containers to viewing detailed cluster state information. You can integrate and use your own container scheduler or connect Amazon ECS into your existing software delivery process, such as continuous integration and delivery systems. AWS Fargate Support AWS Fargate technology is available with Amazon ECS. With AWS Fargate, you no longer have to select Amazon EC2 instance types, provision and scale clusters, or patch and update each server. You do not have to worry about task placement strategies, such as binpacking or host spread and tasks are automatically balanced across availability zones. Fargate manages the availability of containers for you. You just define your application’s requirements, select Fargate as your launch type in the console or CLI, and Fargate takes care of all the scaling and infrastructure management required to run your containers. For developers who require more granular, server-level control over the infrastructure, Amazon ECS EC2 launch type allows you to manage a cluster of servers and schedule placement of containers on the servers. Development Docker Support Amazon ECS supports Docker and enables you to run and manage Docker containers. Applications you package as a container locally will deploy and run on Amazon ECS without the need for any configuration changes. Windows Containers Compatibility Amazon ECS supports management of Windows containers. An Amazon ECS-optimized Windows Amazon Machine Image (AMI) provides enhanced instance and container launch time performance and visibility into CPU, memory utilization, and reservation metrics. Local Development The Amazon ECS CLI allows you to simplify your local development experience as well as easily set up and run your containers on Amazon ECS. The Amazon ECS CLI supports Docker Compose, an open-source tool for defining and running multi-container applications. You can apply the same Compose definition used to define a multi-container application on your development machine as well as in production. The Amazon ECS CLI is open-source. Repository Support Amazon ECS can be used with any third-party hosted Docker image repository or accessible private Docker registry, such as Docker Hub and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). All you need to do is specify the repository in your task definition and Amazon ECS retrieves the appropriate images for your applications. Management Task Definitions Amazon ECS allows you to define tasks through a declarative JSON template called a Task Definition. Within a Task Definition you can specify one or more containers that are required for your task, including the Docker repository and image, memory and CPU requirements, shared data volumes, and how the containers are linked to each other. You can launch as many tasks as you want from a single Task Definition file that you can register with the service. Task Definition files also allow you to have version control over your application specification. Programmatic Control Amazon ECS provides you with a set of simple API actions to allow you to integrate and extend the service. The API actions allow you to create and delete clusters, register and deregister tasks, launch and terminate Docker containers, and provide detailed information about the state of your cluster and its instances. You can also use AWS CloudFormation to provision Amazon ECS clusters, register task definitions, and schedule containers. Container Deployments Amazon ECS allows you to easily update your containers to new versions. You can upload a new version of your application task definition, and the Amazon ECS scheduler automatically starts new containers using the updated image and stop containers running the previous version. Amazon ECS automatically registers and deregisters your containers from the associated Application Load Balancer. Blue/Green Deployments Blue/green deployments with AWS CodeDeploy help you minimize downtime during application updates. You can launch a new version of your Amazon ECS service alongside the old version and test the new version before you reroute traffic. You can also monitor the deployment process and rapidly rollback if there is an issue. Container Auto-Recovery The Amazon ECS will automatically recover unhealthy containers to ensure that you have the desired number of containers supporting your application. Scheduling Amazon ECS includes multiple scheduling strategies that place containers across your clusters based on your resource needs (for example, CPU or RAM) and availability requirements. Using the available scheduling strategies, you can schedule batch jobs, long-running applications and services, and daemon processes. Task Scheduling. Amazon ECS task scheduling allows you to run processes that perform work and then stop, such as batch processing jobs. Task scheduling can start tasks manually, automatically from a queue of jobs, or based on a time interval that you define. Service Scheduling. Amazon ECS service scheduling allows you to run stateless services and applications. This scheduling strategy ensures that a specified number of tasks are constantly running and restarts tasks if they fail. You can make sure that tasks are registered against an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer and can perform health checks that you define for your running tasks. Daemon Scheduling. Amazon ECS daemon scheduling automatically runs the same task on each selected instance in your ECS cluster. This makes it easy to run tasks that provide common management functionality for a service like logging, monitoring, or backups. Task Placement Amazon ECS allows you to customize how tasks are placed onto a cluster of EC2 instances based on built-in attributes such as instance type, Availability Zone, or custom attributes that you define. You can use attributes such as environment = production to label resources, use the list API actions to find those resources, and use the RunTask and CreateService API actions to schedule tasks on those resources. With Amazon ECS, you can also use placement strategies such as bin pack and spread to further define where tasks are placed. Policies can be chained together to achieve sophisticated placement capabilities without writing any code. Task placement policies are not utilized with the AWS Fargate Launch Type. Networking and Security Service Discovery Amazon ECS is integrated with AWS Cloud Map to make it easy for your containerized services to discover and connect with each other. AWS Cloud Map is a cloud resource discovery service. With Cloud Map, you can define custom names for your application resources, and it maintains the updated location of these dynamically changing resources. This increases your application availability because your web service always discovers the most up-to-date locations of its resources. Service Mesh Service mesh makes it easy to build and run complex microservices applications by standardizing how every microservice in the application communicates. AWS App Mesh is a service that makes it easy to configure part of your application for end-to-end visibility and high-availability. To use App Mesh, add the Envoy proxy image to the ECS task definition. App Mesh manages Envoy configuration to provide service mesh capabilities. App Mesh exports metrics, logs, and traces to the endpoints specified in the Envoy bootstrap configuration provided. App Mesh provides an API to configure traffic routes, circuit breaking, retries, and other controls between microservices that are mesh-enabled. Task Networking Amazon Elastic Container Service supports Docker networking and integrates with Amazon VPC to provide isolation for containers. This gives you control over how containers connect with other services and external traffic. With Amazon ECS, you can choose between four networking modes for your containers that cater towards different use cases:
  • Task Networking/awsvpc. This mode assigns each running ECS task a dedicated elastic networking interface, allowing containers full networking features in a VPC, just like EC2 instances.
  • Bridge. This mode creates a Linux bridge that connects all containers running on the host in a local virtual network, which can be accessed through the host's default network connection.
  • Host. This mode adds containers directly to the host’s network stack, exposing containers on the host's network with no isolation.
  • None. This mode disables external networking for containers.
Load Balancing Amazon ECS is integrated with Elastic Load Balancing, allowing you to distribute traffic across your containers using Application Load Balancers or Network Load Balancers. You specify the task definition and the load balancer to use, and Amazon ECS automatically adds and removes containers from the load balancer. You can specify a dynamic port in the task definition, which gives your container an unused port when it is scheduled on an Amazon EC2 instance. You can also use path-based routing to share a load balancer with multiple services. Security Amazon ECS allows you to specify an IAM role for each ECS task. This allows the Amazon ECS container instances to have a minimal role, respecting the ‘least privilege’ access policy and allowing you to manage the instance role and the task role separately. You can also use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to gain visibility into the IAM role to which a task is assigned. Monitoring and Logging Monitoring Amazon ECS provides monitoring capabilities for your containers and clusters through Amazon CloudWatch. You can monitor average and aggregate CPU and memory utilization of running tasks as grouped by task definition, service, or cluster. You can also set CloudWatch alarms to alert you when your containers or clusters need to scale up or down. Logging Amazon ECS allows you to record all your Amazon ECS API calls and have the log files delivered to you through AWS CloudTrail. The recorded information includes the identity of the API caller, the time of the API call, the source IP address of the API caller, the request parameters, and the response elements returned by Amazon ECS. CloudTrail provides you a history of API calls made from the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, and AWS CLI. It enables security analysis, resource change tracking, and compliance auditing. PRICING: There are two different charge models for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). Fargate Launch Type Model With Fargate, you pay for the amount of vCPU and memory resources that your containerized application requests. vCPU and memory resources are calculated from the time your container images are pulled until the Amazon ECS Task* terminates, rounded up to the nearest second. A minimum charge of 1 minute applies. EC2 Launch Type Model There is no additional charge for EC2 launch type. You pay for AWS resources (e.g. EC2 instances or EBS volumes) you create to store and run your application. You only pay for what you use, as you use it; there are no minimum fees and no upfront commitments. Why use Amazon ECS? Containers without servers Amazon ECS features AWS Fargate, so you can deploy and manage containers without having to provision or manage servers. With Fargate, you no longer have to select Amazon EC2 instance types, provision, and scale clusters of virtual machines to run containers or schedule containers to run on clusters and maintain their availability. Fargate enables you to focus on building and running applications, not the underlying infrastructure. Containerize Everything Amazon ECS lets you easily build all types of containerized applications, from long-running applications and microservices to batch jobs and machine learning applications. You can migrate legacy Linux or Windows applications from on-premises to the cloud and run them as containerized applications using Amazon ECS. Secure Amazon ECS launches your containers in your own Amazon VPC, allowing you to use your VPC security groups and network ACLs. No compute resources are shared with other customers. You can also assign granular access permissions for each of your containers using IAM to restrict access to each service and what resources a container can access. This high level of isolation helps you use Amazon ECS to build highly secure and reliable applications. Performance at Scale Amazon ECS is built on technology developed from many years of experience running highly scalable services. You can launch tens or tens of thousands of Docker containers in seconds using Amazon ECS with no additional complexity. AWS Integration Amazon ECS is deeply integrated with AWS services including Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon VPC, AWS IAM, Amazon ECR, AWS Batch, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodeStar, and AWS CloudTrail. This gives you a complete solution for building and running a wide range of containerized applications. When to use Amazon ECS Microservices Amazon ECS helps you run microservices applications with native integration to AWS services and enables continuous integration and continuous deployment (CICD) pipelines. Batch Processing Amazon ECS lets you run batch workloads with managed or custom schedulers on Amazon EC2 On-Demand Instances, Reserved Instances, or Spot Instances. Application Migration to the Cloud Legacy enterprise applications can be containerized and easily migrated to Amazon ECS without requiring code changes. Machine Learning Amazon ECS makes it easy to containerize ML models for both training and inference. You can create ML models made up of loosely coupled, distributed services that can be placed on any number of platforms, or close to the data that the applications are analyzing.
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Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity while automating time-consuming administration tasks such as hardware provisioning, database setup, patching and backups. It frees you to focus on your applications so you can give them the fast performance, high availability, security and compatibility they need. Amazon RDS is available on several database instance types - optimized for memory, performance or I/O - and provides you with six familiar database engines to choose from, including Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. You can use the AWS Database Migration Service to easily migrate or replicate your existing databases to Amazon RDS. Easy to Administer Amazon RDS makes it easy to go from project conception to deployment. Use the AWS Management Console, the AWS RDS Command-Line Interface, or simple API calls to access the capabilities of a production-ready relational database in minutes. No need for infrastructure provisioning, and no need for installing and maintaining database software. Highly Scalable You can scale your database's compute and storage resources with only a few mouse clicks or an API call, often with no downtime. Many Amazon RDS engine types allow you to launch one or more Read Replicas to offload read traffic from your primary database instance. Available and Durable Amazon RDS runs on the same highly reliable infrastructure used by other Amazon Web Services. When you provision a Multi-AZ DB Instance, Amazon RDS synchronously replicates the data to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone (AZ). Amazon RDS has many other features that enhance reliability for critical production databases, including automated backups, database snapshots, and automatic host replacement. Fast Amazon RDS supports the most demanding database applications. You can choose between two SSD-backed storage options: one optimized for high-performance OLTP applications, and the other for cost-effective general-purpose use. In addition, Amazon Aurora provides performance on par with commercial databases at 1/10th the cost. Secure Amazon RDS makes it easy to control network access to your database. Amazon RDS also lets you run your database instances in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), which enables you to isolate your database instances and to connect to your existing IT infrastructure through an industry-standard encrypted IPsec VPN. Many Amazon RDS engine types offer encryption at rest and encryption in transit. Inexpensive You pay very low rates and only for the resources you actually consume. In addition, you benefit from the option of On-Demand pricing with no up-front or long-term commitments, or even lower hourly rates via our Reserved Instance pricing.
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Apache Camel

Camel is an Apache Software Foundation project, available under the Apache v2 license. It’s a complete open community, always listening to proposals and comments. Sources, mailing lists, issue tracker: it’s fully open, you can access directly. Packed with functionality Patterns Based on Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) to help you solve your integration problem by applying best practices out of the box. Camel supports most of the Enterprise Integration Patterns from the excellent book by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf, and newer integration patterns from microservice architectures. Components Packed with several hundred components that are used to access databases, message queues, APIs or basically anything under the sun. Helping you integrate with everything. Runtimes Runs everywhere: Standalone, embedded as a library within Spring Boot, Application Servers, and in the clouds. Enjoy seamless integration with popular runtimes such as Spring Boot, Microprofile, and Quarkus. Data Formats Camel supports around 50 data formats, allowing to translate messages in multiple formats, and with support from industry standard formats from finance, telco, health-care, and more.
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Apache Sling

Apache Sling is an open-source Web framework for the Java platform designed to create content-centric applications on top of a JSR-170-compliant (a.k.a. JCR) content repository such as Apache Jackrabbit. Apache Sling allows developers to deploy their application components as OSGi bundles or as scripts and templates in the content repository. Supported scripting languages are JSP, server-side JavaScript, Ruby, Velocity. The goal of Apache Sling is to expose content in the content repository as HTTP resources, fostering a RESTful style of application architecture. Sling is different from many other Web application frameworks in the sense that it truly focuses on the web aspect of the "web application" development and through its development paradigm suggests an intuitive RESTful development of a true web application. Other frameworks focus more on the application development and therefore are ideal extensions to Sling. The Sling project was started on August 27, 2007, when Day Software proposed to donate the source base of its internal web framework powering the Day Communiqué WCM to the Apache Software Foundation. The project was accepted to the Apache Incubator with Apache Jackrabbit being the sponsoring project. On June 18, 2009 the project graduated as Apache top-level project. Features:
  • A content resolution that maps a request URL to a content node in the content repository
  • Servlet resolution that maps a content node and a request method to a Servlet handling the request
  • Default servlets supporting WebDAV, content creation from web forms and JSON representation
  • A Javascript client library, allowing access to the content repository through AJAX
  • Support for server-side scripting with Javascript, JSP, Ruby, Velocity and Scala
  • OSGi-based extensibility through Apache Felix – the Felix Web Console was originally developed by the Apache Sling project
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ARIS Business Process Analysis

With better processes across business, IT and SAP systems, your Digital Enterprise can respond to changing business, customer and market requirements more efficiently.  Document and design your strategy, processes and architectures with ARIS Business Process Analysis (BPA). The platform is ideal for analyzing and optimizing business processes for better productivity. Achieve continuous process improvement by profiting from the wisdom-of-the crowd through collaboration and the governance of business processes.Marketecture What You Can Do with the Platform DOCUMENT AND DESIGN Document business processes and dependencies between organization, processes, data and IT-applications Design internal business processes while taking customer emotions and expectations into account Align corporate strategy with operational business processes and IT architecture by combining ARIS Business Process Analysis and Alfabet capabilities ANALYZE AND OPTIMIZE Analyze business processes and their dependencies to reduce cost and complexity Report process information and evaluate process KPIs to drive process optimization Simulate processes to identify bottlenecks, gaps and process improvement areas COLLABORATE AND GOVERN Share all process information and related documents through a company-wide portal as the central hub Collaborate on process assets and collect improvements from all stakeholders via a role-based process portal Govern and manage processes to support continuous process improvement Key Benefits Increase process agility  Flexible business processes and IT assure agile reactions to changing market conditions, business models and customer requirements. Reduce implementation times  Reduce the time to design new processes and implement into IT systems, such as SAP, by re-using existing best-practice processes. Increase process efficiency  Improve the performance of your processes by analyzing and simulating them to remove bottlenecks, identify and remove waste and duplication. Make best use of resources and look for opportunities for automation. Enhance quality  Improve process and IT quality through better definition of processes, avoidance of system breaks and better process communication.
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ASP.NET Developers AND SQL Developers

With our services you don't need to find developers, we do that. We will find what you are looking for within 2-4 weeks, in case we don't have this developer already. Remote work can be very efficient, at least, we know how to make it so. Low rates, big talent pool, great Ukrainian developers for your projects! Check us out!

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It provides the easiest way to manage projects, track bugs, add tasks and store documentation. Bontq's integrated Desktop Client allows you to capture screenshots and record videos to show everything in details.
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Boomi Onboarding Solution Accelerator

  • Reduce time-draining tasks. Minimize manual data work for HR, managers and new hires. Speed employee onboarding when you automate workflows across multiple systems, from internal HR and related information to third-party benefits and payroll providers.
  • Improve employee satisfaction. Frictionless onboarding sets the stage for a long and productive relationship. Meet employee expectations and retain high-value personnel when you extend Boomi to help manage the full employee lifecycle, from recruitment and onboarding to training, promotions and separation.
  • Develop a single employee view. Synchronize and enrich employee data in a central master data hub, and orchestrate workflow-driven onboarding with the Boomi platform. Gain a single employee view and reduce latency with real-time data exchange — not overnight batch processing.
  • Eliminate errors and improve security. Automate data synchronization to improve speed and precision while eliminating the friction of duplicate or misspelled names, incomplete addresses and other errors — all within the secure confines of your network.
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Released as open-source software by Netscape Communications in 1998, it has been adopted by a variety of organizations for use as a bug tracking system for both free and open-source software and proprietary projects and products. Bugzilla is used, among others, by the Mozilla Foundation, WebKit, Linux kernel, FreeBSD,GNOME, KDE, Apache, Red Hat, Eclipse and LibreOffice.It is also self-hosting. Features:
  • Optimized database structure for increased performance and scalability
  • Excellent security to protect confidentiality
  • Advanced query tool that can remember your searches
  • Integrated email capabilities
  • Editable user profiles and comprehensive email preferences
  • Comprehensive permissions system
  • Proven under fire as Mozilla's bug tracking system
  • Improve communication
  • Increase product quality
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Ensure accountability
  • Increase productivity
  • Bugzilla can adapt to multiple situations
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Watch crisp and clean video anywhere, anytime. Canary connects your home to your phone in HD video, 24/7. Canary automatically changes modes when you enter and leave your home. No complicated keypad codes to remember. Away Mode When all members are away, Canary monitors for activity and sends notifications. Home Mode When a member is home, Canary automatically disarms itself based on your settings. Night Mode Schedule Canary to monitor for activity and send you notifications while you sleep. Privacy When set to private, Canary’s camera and microphone are fully disabled. Features:
  • Intelligent Notifications. When motion is detected, Canary records HD video and audio and sends it to your phone, with a mobile alert.

  • Emergency Actions. In an emergency, sound the 90 decibel siren or connect with local police right from the Canary app. If it's just the cat being mischievous, now you have all the evidence you need.

  • Timeline. Everything Canary captures is preserved and presented on your timeline. From recorded videos to Member status and mode changes, it’s all there waiting for you.

  • HomeHealth Technology. Canary monitors air quality, temperature, and humidity and sends alerts to your phone if conditions become abnormal.

  • One App for All. Canary and Canary Flex devices come together in the app so you can easily swipe from room to room and view all recorded activity within a single timeline. The more the merrier.

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Ensure compliance Define the desired state and configuration of your IT infrastructure, and CFEngine will automatically ensure that it complies. Automate Automatically roll out updates and changes to every node in your infrastructure, whether you have 50 or 50,000 nodes. Everywhere CFEngine uses autonomous agents that run on every node of your infrastructure, implementing your desired state and reporting back continuously. Anywhere CFEngine runs on the smallest embedded devices, on servers, in the cloud, and on mainframes, easily handling tens of thousands of nodes. CFEngine is available as both open source and commercial software.
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This software provides tools and processes that allow you to maintain control of changes while catering to the diverse needs of the developer. IBM also provides a new bundled offering under a new consumption model that changes the way you can use and deploy DevOps software. The new offering helps simplify your planning for adoption and growth of critical IBM DevOps products. Read more in the solution brief below. Feature spotlights: Create repeatable, enforceable and predictable processes IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® helps you improve team collaboration by integrating typically siloed processes such as analysis, development, testing and deployment. Automated workflows and email notification help ensure that appropriate team members are alerted in near real time when action is required. Team members also receive information about any change or update that can impact their activities. Workflows are ready for immediate use to jump-start your implementation. Get process automation and full lifecycle traceability This software allows you to customize and enforce consistent development processes to achieve an integrated, consolidated view across the project. In addition to process automation and lifecycle traceability, the IBM Rational ClearQuest security features such as user authentication, user authorization, electronic signatures and audit trails are critical to help ensure compliance with internal and external requirements. Access the most up-to-date information This software provides deployments that can support thousands of users, working across dozens of sites. A wide range of access capabilities helps ensure that all team members, local and remote, have access to the most up-to-date information virtually anytime, anywhere. Whether your team is a small workgroup at a single location or a highly distributed team spanning multiple locations, IBM Rational ClearQuest software provides the flexibility and scalability to support your organizational needs. Get clear insight into your processes IBM Rational ClearQuest provides support for querying, charting and reporting. Distribution, trend and aging charts help you visualize complex data. Charts can be created and refined to allow you to drill into the area of data that you need. Queries and reports allow you to view the associations of requirements and the status of your test planning, test authoring and test execution activities. Flexible pricing and deployment With the new IBM Cloud DevOps for Hybrid Deployment bundle, IBM delivers a new consumption model based on FlexPoints. FlexPoints can be purchased and allocated across the applications included in the bundle according to needs of the business.
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Data Capture Unit (DCU)

Industrial data diode designed to deliver the highest level of security to OT networks like industrial control systems (ICS) and safety critical infrastructure via physical isolation when there’s a need to connect them to a lower security network (IT Networks or Internet) for replication or analytics.


The DCU is designed and manufactured in Germany, its chip design forces data to flow one-way only using a unique electromagnetic induction design, to collect data and guarantee that there’s no physical path for remote access to the OT Network.


The DCU has a software complement called, OWG (One-way gateway) software, its two agents, a OWG sender capable of data collection of several protocols (FTP, OPC UA, Syslog), filtering and aggregating data in the OT network (Edge) to then push it thru the DCU and a OWG receiver, which receives data from the DCU and can be configured to send it directly to the cloud (AWS or MindSphere) or to another computer in the IT network.


The DCU and OWG are vendor neutral and support Windows or Linux systems.

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Функции deepNLU®:
  • Контекст с сохранением памяти Делает заключение из речи на основе сказанного ранее
  • Динамическое выделение Многоуровневые концептуальные аннотации позволяют извлекать значения низкого и высокого уровня
  • Интуитивные разногласия Автоматически запрашивает дополнительную информацию, если намерения не ясны
Поскольку движок DeepNLU® понимает контекст и сохраняет память, он способен запускать целые сквозные разговоры с клиентами.
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Создавайте и управляйте семантическими интерпретационными моделями и онтологиями, которые будут способствовать естественному пониманию вашего приложения. Создавайте, тестируйте и развертывайте свой виртуальный агент непосредственно из deepNLUStudio®. После публикации ваше приложение будет обрабатывать голосовой или текстовый ввод в диалоговом интерфейсе с конечными пользователями.
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Delphix Data Virtualization

Streamline data delivery Creating physical copies is highly manual, usually involves multiple administrators, and may take days or weeks. Virtual data is efficient, automatic, and can be provisioned and refreshed in minutes. Eliminate multiple, redundant copies of data Application projects generate concurrent demands for data — up to 90% of which is the same data. The Delphix Virtualization Engine stores a single, compressed copy of production data and creates virtual copies that represent the full production source, but occupy a fraction of the space of physical copies. Cut storage costs and prevent data loss The Delphix Virtualization Engine captures all incremental changes at the transaction level, essentially creating a time machine for your data. By intelligently storing only unique changes, Delphix dramatically reduces the intake of data. Administrators can retain a large amount of data in a small amount of space and quickly provision data as of any point in time. Delphix also keeps track of all changes made to virtual copies, giving end users the ability to version their data like code. Empower end users with self-service Unlike legacy solutions, the Delphix Virtualization Engine equips your teams with innovative, self-service control features — like the ability to quickly bookmark, reset, synchronize, and branch virtual datasets — all managed through a single, easy-to-use interface. Delphix also has a fully-exposed web REST API, enabling ready integration with existing DevOps tools and workflows.
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Платформа обеспечивает инфраструктуру и основные возможности, позволяющие использовать многоканальный разговорный процесс, выступая в качестве единой точки интеграции с корпоративными системами для ведения разговорных диалогов по всем каналам. DiaManT® позволяет выполнять истинные сквозные разговоры на естественном языке. По сравнению с другими поставщиками, которые обеспечивают только управление вызовами с помощью жестко структурированного ПРЯМОГО ДИАЛОГА, клиенты DiaManT® могут свободно разговаривать и нет заранее определенного потока или структуры, за которыми они должны следовать. С DiaManT® существует одно приложение, которое определяет как цель вызывающего, так и доставку самообслуживания, поэтому общение с клиентом полностью неструктурировано, а это означает, что ваши клиенты никогда не будут слышать такие вещи, как «сказать, что главное меню вернуться», - они просто говорят, и DiaManT® слушает, понимает и заботится.

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