Axur One platform

Problems that solves

Aging IT infrastructure

Risk of attacks by hackers

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data


Reduce Costs

Ensure Compliance

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Axur One platform

Axur One protects our customers from digital risks found in social networks, mobile, superficial web, deep web, marketplaces, spam email and other digital platforms.


Axur’s services monitor threats outside your perimeter, that is, anything beyond your firewall. All information stored on our platform is public data that represents some risk to your company. We make every effort to ensure that all our customers have the best experience with our Customer Success department. In addition, we have a CSIRT consisting of a Professional Services team who are specialists in Digital Risks. Axur One protects our customers from digital risks found in social networks, mobile, superficial web, deep web, marketplaces, spam email and other digital platforms. Monitoring sources may vary according to the needs of our customers.

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

Organizational Features

IT Security Department in company