CybelAngel Platform

Problems that solves

Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Risk or Leaks of confidential information

Risk of attacks by hackers


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Ensure Compliance

CybelAngel Platform

CybelAngel is the enterprise-grade data leak detection platform.


In the advent of the Internet of Things, the most critical data leaks now often stem from exposed connected devices, typically by way of organizations’ negligent employees and third parties. CybelAngel is the only platform that can comprehensively monitor for data leaks across every layer of the web, including the billions of exposed internet-connected devices that exist outside your perimeter. Battle tested for years by our enterprise customers, CybelAngel’s machine learning algorithms comprise the only technology that can efficiently monitor this expansive layer of the internet. Instant Alerts To Your Most Critical Data Leaks CybelAngel's data leak alerts are produced through a combination of AI and human analysis and are supplemented by actionable remediation instructions optimized for ease of use. Why do enterprises choose CybelAngel? Superior internet scanning technology that detects data leaks across every layer of the internet. Our platform is backed by advanced AI and years of machine learning evolution, battle-tested by enterprise customers. Instant alerts to data leaks, supplemented with remediation steps optimized for ease of use. Data leaks are detected even if data is exposed for only a moment. And our actionable remediation instructions enable prompt issue resolution. Support from CybelAngel’s own expert cybersecurity analysts. Our analysts maintain an intimate knowledge of our customers’ IT ecosystems and investigate our customers’ data leaks for them. Curated data leak alerts that direct our customers’ attention to critical threats. Instead of bombarding IT departments with unfiltered output and false positives.

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief IT Security Officer

IT Security and Risk Management

Organizational Features

IT Security Department in company