Cylance Guard

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Enhance Staff Productivity

Reduce Costs

Cylance Guard

24x7 Managed Detection and Response


CylanceGUARD is a 24x7 managed detection and response offering that provides actionable intelligence for customers to prevent threats quickly, while minimizing alert fatigue without requiring additional resources. Using the same expertise and methods as the BlackBerry Cylance incident response team, analysts from Cylance or one of our strategic partners, hunt through customer environments to find and contain threats, prevent major breaches and allow organizations to mature their security program. Benefits: Discover Threats in No Time
  • Leverage our native AI platform 24X7 to detect known and zeroday threats
  • Receive detailed and actionable threat intelligence whenever and wherever
Respond to Threats in No Time
  • Implement effective counter-measures quickly
  • Limit the impact of a breach
Implement in No Time
  • Your CylanceGUARD subscription includes our award-winning native AI platform onboarded by an expert team of ThreatZERO consultants
Features: Transparent, Proactive Threat Hunting
  • Automatically validate and triage alerts
  • Collating forensic data and converting alert noise into threat intelligence
Customized Mobile Visibility and Interaction
  • Orchestrate alert notifications and analyst interactions
  • Defined escalation tiers with an online portal and mobile app
Automated, Rapid Response
  • Respond dynamically to changes in the environment
  • Assess indicators of compromise and initiate responses

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work