Joe Security Sandbox Detect

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Joe Security Sandbox Detect

Joe Sandbox Detect is a powerful endpoint client which detects suspicious files delivered via target attacks or spear phishing campaigns


Joe Sandbox Detect continuously monitors browsers and e-Mail clients for suspicious files. If suspicious files are opened or created, Joe Sandbox Detect uploads them immediately and fully automatically to Joe Sandbox for deep analysis. Once the analysis is finished, Joe Sandbox alerts the security team as well as the end user, and provides detailed information such as the verdict (malicious, suspicious, clean) and IOCs. Key Features: Monitoring of Browsers and e-Mail clients Joe Sandbox Detect monitors most common browsers and e-Mail clients including Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Outlook and Thunderbird. If any of these programs creates a suspicious file, Joe Sandbox Detect automatically analyzes it with Joe Sandbox. Analysis of suspicious e-Mails and Files Joe Sandbox Detect enables users to analyze suspicious e-Mails and files with the help of Joe Sandbox Desktop, Joe Sandbox Complete, Joe Sandbox Ultimate and Joe Sandbox Cloud. Being specialized in Deep Malware Analysis, Joe Sandbox detects even the most advanced cyber threats. Joe Sandbox Detect has the ability to analyze any type of files. Joe Sandbox Detect also analyzes URLs to detect Phishing attacks or malicious webpages. File and IOC Encryption Any file including Office documents analyzed by Joe Sandbox Detect are fully private and encrypted with AES. Only the user has access to the decryption password. Shared encryption keys can be used to get access to the analyses of several users. Configurable Alerts Detailed alerts about the detection can be configured by Joe Sandbox through Joe Sandbox Detect. Alerts are sent via SYSLOG or e-Mail to one or mo receivers. Easy Deployment Joe Sandbox Detect can be easily deployed in enterprises. It comes with an installer with command line switch to configure the install. Apart from .Net Joe Sandbox Detect does not require any other third party software. Complementary to other security products Joe Sandbox Detect is fully complementary to other security products such as Antivirus, Firewalls and Endpoint Protection. Joe Sandbox Detect does not impact your current existing security settings or products. Zero Performance Impact Joe Sandbox Detect has a zero performenace impact to your end points. All analysis is done in the cloud or on your on-premise instance. With Joe Sandbox Detect you do not fear to have a laggy end point. Simple User Interface Joe Sandbox Detect was designed for the average computer user, and gives them the possibility to analyze e-mails with a single drag and drop action. The bar nicely integrates into the ribbon bar of Microsoft Windows Desktop. The notification screens are simple and easy to understand. Seamless Integration Joe Sandbox Detect integrates with Joe Sandbox Desktop, Joe Sandbox Complete, Joe Sandbox Ultimate and Joe Sandbox Cloud. The integration is done in seconds and offers the possibility to download the detailed analysis results for each analyzed attachment. SOCs, CERTs and CIRTS can fully access the analysis and the detailed reports.

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