PixAlert Dataguard

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers

High costs of IT personnel


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Enhance Staff Productivity

PixAlert Dataguard

PixAlert’s DataGuard is a proactive protection solution which provides constant email safety for organisations


Data protection is recognised as a critical corporate governance issue with increasing legislative and compliance standards requiring imperatives for action in this area. PixAlert’s DataGuard is a proactive protection solution which provides constant email safety for organisations by analysing and intercepting emails containing exposed, unsecure and sensitive critical data. The DataGuard is a software product which scans inbound and outbound corporate email messages for unsecured, sensitive or regulated information in real time. The solution scans inline messages and information within attachments, at the email gateway. PixAlert DataGuard helps protect corporate brand and reputation by working to eliminate the risk caused by dissemination of unsecure information via email. Solutions: Business Minimise reputation risk Finance Reduce financial risk of litigation and exposure Government Demonstrate social responsibility and good governance procedures Illisit Images Find employees browsing and downloading illicit images at work Benefits:
  • Real time screen monitoring
  • Non obtrusive to existing IT processes
  • Comprehensive case management for review and reporting of discovered content