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About the Global Industrial Automation Manufacturer

This global industrial manufacturer has more than $20 billion in revenues. The company manufactures products that serve a variety of sectors, including: building, data center, industrial and energy. The company is a global Fortune 500 company headquartered in Europe. The company has 100,000 employees in more than 100 countries.


This global industrial automation manufacturer needed to upgrade its cybersecurity controls across a broad range of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and industrial automation equipment. Based in Europe, their state government and standards bodies mandated that industrial manufacturers serving critical infrastructure reduce the security risks associated with their products by replacing OpenSSL, an open-source SSL library, with a stronger cryptographic solution that integrated securely with the new industrial messaging standard, OPC UA. The government and manufacturer had concerns about the vulnerabilities and complexity of integration of OpenSSL as well as its large, slow code base. The manufacturer also wanted to minimize their risk of breaching privacy laws under the European GDPR regulation that imposes a 4% penalty up to €20 million per incident. Finally, the manufacturer needed a solution that integrates easily across multiple chipsets and operating systems so that it could be used across product lines and business units.

Mocana Solution

This manufacturer selected Mocana’s IoT Security Platform, an embedded security software solution optimized for use in industrial control and IoT devices. The software is designed to compile into the IED application sitting on RAM and flash memory of the device. The customer benefited by upgrading the device to support: •An OpenSSL shim to replace OpenSSL with a FIPS 140-2 L1 validated cryptographic engine •SCEP-based certificate management •Secure boot process to validate the firmware, OS and applications •Encrypted transport using SSL/TLS, SSH, multicast and wireless Ethernet for secure communications with SCADA networks •Pre-built integration with WindRiver VxWorks IDE•OPC UA integration validated by ascolab GmbH and United Automation


The global industrial manufacturer was able to harden their devices with stronger crypto and authentication and remove OpenSSL, reducing the risks associated with open source vulnerabilities. Their developers were able to more easily replace OpenSSL with and open source-free solution using tools that were pre-integrated with their development environment. The new high-performance solution had a 75% smaller software footprint and integrated seamlessly with OPC UA. The Mocana solution enabled the manufacturer to comply with government regulations and also reduce their exposure to GDPR breaches.
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About the Networking Equipment Provider This networking equipment provider is part o f a multinational conglomerate that serves industrial and commercial companies. The parent has more than $80 billion in revenues and 300,000 employees. In addition to manufacturing networking equipment, the company produces controllers and heavy machinery for power generation, industrial automation, medical technologies, railways and water treatment. Challenge This networking equipment has been used in industrial environments. These products include a wide range of intercoms and a high electromagnetic interfering switch. These products are typically installed or used in environments that are difficult to physically secure. The company was concerned about hackers being able to physically compromise a device and install malware that would give them control of the device or access to private data.The company needed a way for   network and system administrators to access and manage the network devices securely. They also wanted to make sure that someone who gained unauthorized physical access to the device or a serial port could not tamper with the device, implement malware, or access private information. They required support for SSL and SSH. They also wanted to ensure that passwords were authenticated against a RADIUS server to support multi-factor authentication Mocana Solution This networking equipment manufacturer   selected Mocana’s IoT Security Platform, an embedded security software solution optimized for use in industrial control and IoT devices. The software is designed to compile into the firmware of the device. The Mocana solution provides the manufacturer with: • FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validated crypto engine that is free of open source security software • Support for secure SSL and SSH for encrypted data communications • Support f or extended authentication and multi-factor authentication • Ability to support digital identities and certificate management using X.509 certificates. Impact The manufacturer was able to harden their networking devices with strong cybersecurity controls and secure communications. Mocana's solution enabled the manufacturer to differentiate their product by providing system administrator  s with a secure method to access and manage the device.
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About the Smart Home and Buildings Technologies Manufacturer

This global manufacturer is a provider o f industrial, commercial and home products and services. With more than $30 billion in revenue and 100,000 employees, the company manufactures aerospace systems, industrial controllers and heavy machinery, commercial safety systems, and consumer technologies. The company provides a broad set o f solutions for enterprises, industrial companies, governments, and consumers.



This manufacturer   o f smart home and building technologies needed to upgrade the security across a broad set o f product lines including surveillance cameras, thermostats, HVAC systems, fire and safety systems and handheld scanners. Each of these products are typically installed or used in the environments that difficult physically to secure. The company was concerned about hackers being able to physically compromise a device and install malware that would give them control of the device or access to private data. Over  the years, the company had adopted a variety of approaches to device security across their product portfolio. In some cases, devices used single-factor password authentication only. In other cases, devices used open source SSL libraries to encrypt the data communications, leaving the device itself vulnerable to physical attack. The company markets its products to businesses of all sizes from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies and governments. It needed a strong solution that could support the NIST FIPS 140-2 cybersecurity standard.

Mocana Solution


This manufacturer selected Mocana’s IoT Security Platform, an embedded security software solution optimized for use in industrial control and IoT devices. The software is designed to compile into the firmware of the device.  The Mocana solution provides the manufacturer with: • FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validated crypto engine that w as free of open source security software •Support f or secure SSL, SSH, multicast and IPsec communications • Support for extended authentication and multi-factor authentication • Ability to support digital identities and certificate management using X.509 certificate



The global manufacturer   w as able to harden their devices, starting first   with their line of thermostat  s. It then deployed Mocana across their other product lines for  HVAC, fire and safety, scanners and finally surveillance cameras. By standardizing on Mocana across their product lines and leveraging an enterprise licensing model, the company was able to make it easy for cyber architects and product managers t   o implement strong security in a standard fashion across all products.
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