
Deployments found: 4

Crediton Dairy logo
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OVERVIEW Crediton Dairy, based in the heart of Devon in southern England, is a food and beverage company that produces a variety of milk drinks. The company is best known for its “Moo Milk” and “Dairy Pride” brands and has products in 13,500 food retail stores nationwide, making it one of the UK’s leading dairy beverage companies. Its chairman, Neil Kennedy, was presented with the prestigious SW Dairy Industry Award for his outstanding contribution towards the development of the British dairy market. In 2012, dairy companies Arla Foods UK and Milk Link were given approval to merge by the European Commission (EC). A condition for the approval of the merger was that Crediton Dairy operate as a separate business. Benjamin Evans, formerly with Milk Link, became IT Manager for Crediton Dairy. CHALLENGE Evans’ initial task was to implement a web security solution that addressed both security and business challenges Crediton Dairy had been struggling with at the time. Its network had seen continuous attacks from external threats masking as an insider in order to in ltrate and steal sensitive data. These threats would often be in the form of sophisticated ransomware and other advanced threats, with delivery methods that shifted between web and email channels in search of a weakness. Suspicious URLs sent to employees from Director-level positions and phony invitations to download a PDF instructing users to “please pay invoice” are just a few examples Evans saw rsthand within a few weeks of joining the company. Some attacks were being successfully filtered by the Office 365 Outlook client, but only to the extent of being redirected into a “junk” folder. Nothing was in place to effectively identify or classify information. Crediton Dairy also lacked a solution that delivered real- time security ratings to web or email traffic. After determining the security included in Office 365 was not up to the task, the challenge was to build a security posture from the ground-up— starting with web—that wouldn’t break the budget. With only a small team to work with, Evans began searching for cloud-based security solutions. On-premises appliances were out of the question —he simply didn’t have the resources to install and manage additional hardware. SOLUTION Crediton Dairy assessed multiple web security providers, including Barracuda Networks. But according to Evans, Barracuda Networks couldn’t meet their strict functionality or budgetary requirements. “There were a few let downs on the way the Barracuda URL filtering worked. It just didn’t feel like home.” — Evans As a former Milk Link employee, Evans was familiar with the virtualized classification capabilities and hassle-free maintenance of the Forcepoint Web Security Cloud solution; it was the company’s primary solution for web security. Following Evans’ recommendation, Forcepoint Web Security Cloud went through a Proof of Concept (POC) at Crediton Dairy. It exceeded all expectations. Evans noted that other cloud versions on the market were too “light” in functionality, compared to the high level of protection with Forcepoint. “The Forcepoint solution offered more options around the Cloud. Rather than just black-listing or white-listing URLs and email addresses, Forcepoint ticked all of our boxes for functionality.” — Evans Deployment was straightforward and simple and the Forcepoint support team was there for Evans whenever needed. “The Forcepoint support team was very good. When we were originally getting set up, my account manager and the support team took control, had a look where any issues might be, configured the solution, and got it up and running while taking me through some of the new features.” — Evans Crediton Dairy’s IT department has always embraced innovation and new technologies. It was one of the first to adopt Office 365 when it became available in the UK. However, because Office 365 comes with only basic security features, it doesn’t properly secure the average working email environment. This was, unfortunately, the case for Crediton Dairy. “We were starting to see a bit more spam coming through Office 365, compared to where it was when it first came out. We started to look at the email side of Forcepoint, for sure.” — Evans Evans and Crediton Dairy chose to implement Forcepoint Email Security Cloud as well as Forcepoint Advanced Malware Detection for Email, incorporating cloud-hosted protection that surpasses the capability of on-premises sandboxes. Evans admits, it was a “no- brainer” for his organization. “Forcepoint Email Security Cloud has stopped anything suspicious from coming in and I can visibly see what is being stopped and what we’re being protected from. We’re protected and it’s one of those insurance policies that every company needs.” — Evans The Crediton Dairy team took advantage of an easy cloud deployment by simply adding the Forcepoint Email Security Cloud to an already deployed Forcepoint Web Security Cloud for coordinated defenses against advanced threats. The deployment of Forcepoint Email Security Cloud was accomplished overnight. Evans and his team began the process on a Friday evening and nished Saturday. RESULTS Forcepoint Web Security Cloud solutions met all of Crediton Dairy’s functionality and quality requirements without them having to purchase additional hardware. Staying within budget has freed up resources for other projects. At the same time, Forcepoint Email Security Cloud solution has empowered Crediton Dairy to safely embrace new technologies such as Office 365 and enjoy all of its ef ciencies and cost savings. Evans recalls how well Forcepoint Cloud solutions integrate well with Active Directory and enhance and complement the Office 365 solution already in place. “Forcepoint is able to work seamlessly with Office 365. We don’t see any problems at all when we run the two together.” — Evans An easy deployment of Forcepoint Web Security Cloud and Forcepoint Email Security Cloud solutions have paved the way for Crediton Dairy to continue to evolve and innovate with safety and con dence. Crediton Dairy has relied on Forcepoint security solutions since 2015.
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Deutsche Vermögensberatung logo
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 Deutsche Vermögensberatung (DVAG) in Frankfurt am Main is the world's largest independent financial sales organization. The company is the market leader in essential areas of the private old market. More than 37,000 asset advisors advise and support around 5.2 million customers. In the field of e-mail security, DVAG is using a hosted solution from Forcepoint ™. This makes the employees highly effective against spam and viruses. The solution turns threats out of the Web, even before they reach the computers and the network of Deutsche Vermögensberatung. The problem Open source spam filter did not meet expectations Like many other companies, the IT department of Deutsche Vermögensberatung in Frankfurt am Main has already installed anti-virus software and spam filters. While the virus protection worked perfectly, the spam filter to protect the emails remained behind the expectations. "A number of colleagues from all departments were still complaining about a myriad of spam mails," reports Dirk Käs, IT Services Dept. Director at Deutsche Vermögensberatung. "The detection rate of the initially used open source application was insufficient and at the same time we had to realize that the effort to maintain the filters was too high." The consequence could therefore only be that the IT department looks for a professional solution in the form of a managed e-mail security service. "To look after the fine-tuning of spam filters is, in our opinion, not one of the core competencies of the IT department," explains Dirk Käs. The solution Multiple protection against e-mail-based threats Käs and his team decided to carry out a pre-study with BlackSpider / SurfControl (in October 2007, Forcepoint SurfControl). In the first selection, the most important providers of hosted solutions came. The basis for the decision was a detailed list of criteria, in which BlackSpider met the requirements best. The framework for the pre-study: the software for 30 Lotus Notes mailboxes from IT staff had to prove their abilities over a period of three months. The test ran so successfully that after the conclusion the decision was made to implement the solution company-wide. Today the mailboxes of all employees of Deutsche Vermögensberatung are protected by Forcepoint Cloud Email Security - the current name for the services. This applies first and foremost to the approximately 800 internal staff members who use IBM Lotus Notes as a messaging system. In addition, there are more than 34,000 sales representatives. For e-mail communication, they use a Java application developed by Deutsche Vermögensberatung, which has been optimally adapted to the sales solution. All e-mail traffic is now running through the data centers of Forcepoint. Technically, the MX record (MX = Mail Exchange) had to be converted to the Forcepoint Datacenter. Today all incoming and outgoing e-mails are checked. The data centers have load-sharing capabilities and are designed as redundant high-availability clusters located at eleven geographically diverse locations around the world. To ensure a high degree of global and local security, data protection and confidentiality, all data centers are certified according to ISO / IEC 27001. Through service level agreements, ie service agreements, Forcepoint guarantees the availability of the services and provides emergency plans for uninterrupted operation. The latest findings from the Forcepoint Security Labs are continuously being integrated into the cloud security software. Here, more than 500 million e-mails are scanned per week and search for hidden security risks. In addition, the ThreatSeeker technology is used to analyze more than 600 million websites per week in order to identify known and new threat potentials. ThreatSeeker consists of a complex linking of mathematical algorithms, a profiling of the behavior patterns of attackers and a detailed analysis of malicious program codes. This is complemented by sophisticated data mining functions. The results of these security analyzes are automatically received in the form of real-time security updates in the hosted as well as in the security products used on-site. The result Centralized security for all employees The Deutsche Vermögensberatung uses two modules of the Cloud Email S
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Amadori logo
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"We are able to control costs and plan more efficiently by using Forcepoint solutions”, - Gianluca Giovannetti, Chief Information Officer  Amadori Group
Amadori Enhances Security by Consolidating on Forcepoint
Agri-food leader Amadori’s success is based on the way it manages the entire integrated production chain including farms, feed producers, hatcheries, and food processing plants. The company decided to take the same integrated approach to cybersecurity with Forcepoint.

  • New channels for internal and external collaboration required a security upgrade
  • Spam help desk support calls required too much time to handle
  • Increasing number of users working off-site, sometimes in public areas, with little protection led to new security risks
  • Forcepoint Email Security Cloud to eliminate spam and malware before it reaches the company network
  • Forcepoint Web Security to protect both office and remote workers from phishing sites, spyware, and malicious code
  • Users and the company can take advantage of new external collaboration tools safely
  • Eliminated need for help desk to manually check blocked emails; instead users receive a daily report of emails quarantined, freeing up help desk time to focus on more pressing priorities
  • Consolidating on Forcepoint for all its key needs enabled the organization to reduce total cost of ownership and administrative overheads, while increasing planning efficiency.
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Alphawest logo
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To meet the company’s stringent security needs, Alphawest has been using Forcepoint Web and Email Security since 2012. The solution supplements traditional reputation-based filtering needs with intelligent content inspection and advanced analytics.
“Maintaining a separate solution is inefficient and, frankly, frustrating. Adopting a hybrid web and email security solution from Forcepoint has given us the best of both worlds. It delivers great IT management efficiencies because a single management console configures both the cloud services and our internal appliances. So you do everything once and you are protected twice. But at the same time, it ensures we maintain those multiple lines of defense. It is redundancy without replication.”
— Watts
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