
Deployments found: 5

UniCredit Bank (Ukraine) logo
Softprom (supplier) logo
  • Spam and virus infiltration
  • Resource intensive
  • Performance issues
  • Prime target for spam and malicious emails
  • Simple management, automation and efficient archiving
After a careful analysis of solutions available on the market, Unicredit Bank decided to implement Barracuda Email Security Gateway (formally known as Spam Firewall). Several factors influenced the decision:
  • High effectiveness
  • Good quality/price ratio
  • Barracuda Networks is a stable company, recognized around the world
  • The results have shown that the Barracuda products integrate well with the existing infrastructure.
Implementing the Barracuda Email Security Gateway allows Unicredit Bank to automate and streamline processes related to securing e-mail communications. The volume of malicious e-mails containing viruses, phishing, and ransomware has significantly reduced. The new solution has minimized the amount of spam received. Barracuda Networks’ technologies have also significantly strengthened the security of the company and reduced the time required for e-mail management, increasing the efficiency of the IT Department and satisfaction of the users and the board. Results
  • Spam reduction
  • Protection against emailborne viruses and malware
  • Granular email management policies
  • Gained per-user visibility and control
  • Easy to manage
  • Cut costs
  • Saved IT resources
  • Improved employee productivity
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