
Deployments found: 1

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  • Protect against sophisticated attacks
  • Ensure uninterrupted online access
  • Support a multi-application environment
  • Prevent loss of personal/sensitive data
  • Scale easily
  • Easy to install and manage
The Barracuda CloudGen WAF provides an extra layer of fine-grained security, which allows the engineers to closely monitor traffic profiles and automatically mitigate unusual behavior and attacks. Hyundai was impressed with how easy it was to install and manage, and how well it performed. The experts at Barracuda Central work 24x7 to monitor and block the latest Internet threats. Data from more than 150,000 collection points is analyzed to create and deliver protection against previously unknown threats within minutes of their discovery via Energize Updates. As new types of threats emerge, the Barracuda Web Application Firewall will acquire new capabilities to block them. Hyundai found that Barracuda Networks was the right security and application delivery partner to protect it from sophisticated attacks, optimize its network, and keep IT resource needs low with its ease of installation and use. Barracuda Networks provided a complete, affordable, scalable solution that filled the application delivery and network security needs of this company. Results:
  • Network is always up and running
  • Confidential data is safe
  • Easy to manage and monitor web applications across the network
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