Problems that solves
No IT security guidelines
Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data
Risk or Leaks of confidential information
Malware infection via Internet, email, storage devices
Risk of attacks by hackers
Risk of data loss or damage
Risk of lost access to data and IT systems
Non-compliant with IT security requirements
Customer fraud
Reduce Costs
Ensure Security and Business Continuity
Ensure Compliance
LookingGlass ScoutShield
LookingGlass ScoutShield is a high-assurance, low-touch security appliance designed to work with firewalls to identify and block phishing, malware, and malicious Command-and-Control (C2) domains.
ScoutShield Threat Intelligence Gateway is a high-assurance, low-touch security appliance designed to work with firewalls to identify and block phishing, malware, and malicious Command-and-Control (C2) domains – disrupting or stopping these threats.
The ScoutShield solution ingests LookingGlass Automated Data Services’ machine-readable threat intelligence to automatically block known phishing URLs, malicious URLs, and malicious C2 Domains.
- Malicious C2 Domains Feed - Daily updated blacklist of all known C2 botnet servers
- Phishing URL Feed - Real-time feed of global phishing URLs
- Malicious URL Feed - Real-time feed of global malicious URLs
ScoutShield’s automated response mechanism allows organizations to respond more efficiently and effectively to threats, so you can combat data breaches, ransomware, and stolen credentials in real-time. Using ScoutShield’s multiple Monitoring and Reporting Dashboards enable your security team to easily determine the effectiveness of policy enforcement, the health of the entire system, and if threat intelligence rule sets have been deployed successfully.
Use ScoutShield to:
- Protect against known malicious web pages and phishing attacks with 99.99% accuracy
- Prevent infected devices from communicating with C2 servers automatically
- Enable your security analysts to mitigate threats in real-time, increasing productivity
- Deliver digestible insights on using its multiple dashboards: Appliance, System, Threat Intelligence,
and Threat Mitigation. - Alert your organization of compromises on the network