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Capterra Review platform

Capterra is the leading online resource for business software buyers.

At Capterra, we believe that software makes the world a better place. Why? Because software can help every organization become a more efficient, effective version of itself. So, what can we help you find today?

Founded to help you

In 1999, our founder, Michael Ortner, was looking for new software and discovered the process was confusing and very time intensive.

And so, financed by optimism and perseverance (and an incredible amount of credit card debt), he founded Capterra.

Offering free resources from the start

As a small business, we know first hand that time and money are always tight. Which is why our site, software search tools, and other resources have always been free.

We stay in business because software vendors pay us when they receive web traffic directly from our site. That said, we list every software vendor we can find in our catalog—not just the ones that pay us. That way, you can access the full universe of possible options available to you to find your match.

The right thing, not the easy thing

In 2008, we became the first business software site to offer user reviews.

Truth be told, we agonized over the decision. We received pushback from some business software vendors—our customers—who feared the prospect of exposing negative reviews about their products.

At the risk of losing business (and at a time we were still hand to mouth), we went with our gut. We believe in doing right by our users, which means providing the most helpful information possible—the good, the bad, and anything else you need to know to make the most-informed decision for your business.

With more than 500K verified reviews published to the site, and thousands more added each month, Capterra now offers the most robust, user-driven perspective on software in the world.

Always evolving as part of the Gartner family

In 2015, we were acquired by Gartner, joining the Digital Markets family of brands.

This division, made up of Capterra, Software Advice, and GetApp, shares our values and passion for helping all businesses grow—today, and always.

Wait, why is Capterra free?

Capterra is free for users because vendors pay us when they receive web traffic and sales opportunities. Capterra directories list all vendors—not just those that pay us—so that you can make the best-informed purchase decision possible.

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GetApp Review platform

GetApp is the premier online resource for businesses exploring software as a service (SaaS) products. Its comparison shopping platform and free interactive tools help buyers compare software products side-by-side and navigate the world of software purchasing. GetApp features software research, insights, trends, and validated user reviews, giving buyers the tools they need to make informed decisions for their organization. GetApp is a Gartner company. GetApp is a high growth company-- work with us and you’ll get to grow your career as part of a forward-thinking team dedicated to helping small businesses find the right technology to meet their needs. Popular Industries: Business Intelligence, Collaboration Tools, CRM, Finance & Accounting, HR & Employee Management, Integration Solutions, Marketing, Project Management.
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Software Advice Review platform

Software Advice is the leading online service for businesses navigating the software selection process. Advisors provide free, personalized software recommendations, helping companies of all sizes find products that meet their business needs. Software Advice also features objective research by industry experts and reviews from validated users, saving buyers time and resources. Software Advice is a Gartner company.

Software Buyers:

  • Find the right software for your needs
  • Free consultation to shortlist top systems
  • Eliminate weeks of research
  • Avoid costly software mistakes

Software Vendors:

  • Access to high-quality leads
  • All buyers are verified by phone
  • Connect with buyers in niche markets
  • Pay-per-lead demand generation

Website Publishers:

Interested in hosting our reviews and buyer’s guides on your website? Monetize your traffic by becoming an affiliate partner.


The FrontRunners quadrant provides a data-driven assessment of products in a particular software category to determine which ones offer the best capability and value for small businesses.

Software Resources

Get free access to original research and analysis on software and technology trends, product comparisons, expert opinions and more to help you learn how to use software to improve and grow your organization.

News & Press

Check out the latest announcements from our press room and see what the media has to say.

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Software Advice Обзорная платформа

Software Advice является ведущим онлайн-сервисом для компаний, которые ориентируются в процессе выбора программного обеспечения. Консультанты предоставляют бесплатные персональные рекомендации по программному обеспечению, помогая компаниям любого размера находить продукты, отвечающие их бизнес-потребностям. В Software Advice также представлены объективные исследования экспертов отрасли и отзывы проверенных пользователей, что экономит время и ресурсы покупателей. Software Advice является компанией Gartner.

Возможности покупателей программного обеспечения:

  • Поиск подходящего программного обеспечения для ваших нужд
  • Бесплатная консультация для выбора лучших систем
  • Устранение недели исследований
  • Избегание дорогостоящих ошибок программного обеспечения

Возможности поставщиков программного обеспечения:

  • Доступ к качественным лидам
  • Все покупатели проверяются по телефону
  • Общайтесь с покупателями на нишевых рынках
  • Формирование спроса с оплатой за переход

Владельцам сайтов:

Заинтересованы в размещении наших отзывов и руководств для покупателей на вашем сайте? Монетизируйте свой трафик, став нашим партнером.


Квадрант FrontRunners предоставляет управляемую данными оценку продуктов в определенной категории программного обеспечения, чтобы определить, какие из них предлагают наилучшие возможности и ценность для малых предприятий.

Программные ресурсы

Получите бесплатный доступ к оригинальным исследованиям и анализу тенденций в области программного обеспечения и технологий, сравнений продуктов, мнений экспертов и многого другого, что поможет вам научиться использовать программное обеспечение для улучшения и развития вашей организации.

Новости и пресса

Ознакомьтесь с последними объявлениями в нашей пресс-комнате и узнайте, что говорят СМИ.

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