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Hoxhunt Gamified phishing training platform

Automation Hoxhunt’s automated phishing simulator sends attacks that resemble real-life threats. Our content is continuously updated by our threat intelligence team. Personalization Hoxhunt gathers information automatically about your company and your employees. This way the content of the attack is always relevant for the employees. Gamified user experience Hoxhunt makes cybersecurity training fun and engaging. The employees are rewarded by points when they report threats. They can also compare their progress to other employees on the leaderboard. Micro training moments When a user reports or fails simulated attacks, we deliver small pieces of education about how they can detect threats. This way their security knowledge is always kept up to date. Individual learning paths The Hoxhunt algorithm automatically recognizes and adapts to user behavior to deliver the right level of difficulty and depth in the attacks. Localization The attacks are personalized based on the users’ language and location. We currently support more than 20 languages. Real, measurable results The Hoxhunt training platform delivers real measurable results across your organization. Your employees’ behavior towards email threat changes and we have the reporting to prove it.
  • Failure rates on simulated attacks drop to less than 2% even with the most sophisticated attacks
  • Reporting rates of real attacks increase to over 60%
Your employees will love us We make cybersecurity awareness training engaging and fun. Our gamified experience rewards employees for reporting both simulated and real attacks. But don’t just take our word for it.
  • Loved by security teams and employees alike
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