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BlackBerry Intelligent Security

BlackBerry® Intelligent Security solution, built on the BlackBerry Spark Platform, solves this problem with what we call “analytics-driven” security. BlackBerry Intelligent Security models the unique BlackBerry analytics data that is derived from our secure containers and our NOC combined with spatial data to determine a real-time risk score that adapts the security policy for the user to create the best experience.

Risk Score Factors: How it Works

In addition to the adaptive policy, the Machine Learning capability of BlackBerry Intelligent Security enables the system to identify behavioral and location patterns of multiple users to determine location risk. For example, if the system identifies repeated patterns of large clusters of employees in the same location it can automatically determine that as a work location, or if the business chooses to, it can preload known locations. BlackBerry Intelligent Security uses a range of other factors to decide what level of access should be granted to an employee or contractor profile at any given moment, such as: Behavioral location: BlackBerry Intelligent Security looks at the frequency and patterns of users, based on predictive analysis of anonymized location data to determine a location-based risk score. Network Trust: BlackBerry Intelligent Security determines the frequency of network use and adjusts security dynamically based on that profile. Accessing a public Wi-Fi for the first time would adjust the risk score accordingly. Time & Usage Anomalies: BlackBerry Intelligent Security integrates seamlessly with other identity providers and systems as BlackBerry’s proven security infrastructure to enable all data to be securely and easily shared. Device and App DNA: BlackBerry Intelligent Security has the ability to determine whether the Device and Apps are compliant and up to date, and can adjust the security policy based on the Device and App DNA profile.

Risk Score Analysis: Dynamically Adopt the Security Requirements

BlackBerry Intelligent Security has the unique capability to grant access and issue authentication challenges based on real time risk analysis, enhancing end user experience and productivity without sacrificing security policies. Based on real time risk score analysis, BlackBerry Intelligent Security can:
  • Grant Access
  • Adopt a Policy
  • Issue an Authentication Challenge
  • Alert & Remediate
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BlackBerry Workspaces

Data Security That’s Ahead of the Competition

What makes BlackBerry Workspaces different from competitive Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) solutions?

  • Unique File-level Security. Security travels with your files wherever they go, controlling access even after they leave your firewall. Files are protected by AES-certified 256-bit encryption at all times.
  • Unmatched Cross-platform Support. Workspaces apps are available for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and HTML5 browsers. It’s the only product that enforces DRM on iOS and Android.
  • Extending and Mobilizing Existing Storage. Workspaces offer unified access and control for all your existing data stores—there’s no need to migrate your files.
  • Tracking and Reporting for All File Activity. Workspaces provide complete activity logs to meet security and privacy compliance and reporting requirements.
  • Collaborate Inside and Outside Your Firewall. Create collaborative workspaces and manage access and permissions by group and individual. View-only mode lets users annotate and comment on files within a secure HTML5 browser app.
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