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PixelTeh Software Development

Build a website that is fully functional, engaging, and completely customized. The highly-experienced web developers and programmers at PixelTeh provide comprehensive, custom-tailored web and mobile programming. Since 2007, our web development company has helped clients throughout the world enjoy tremendous success with their online businesses. We specialize in front-end, back-end, and full-stack web development services. Do-it-yourself web platforms may seem appealing, but look closer! They simply do not offer the customized solutions you demand. The result is a finished product that looks like all the rest. It does not cater to your specific needs. You deserve much more! However, when you work with the web developers, programmers, and specialists at PixelTeh, you can expect made-to-order services from concept to creation to success. Whether you need database integration or a fully responsive website, we have the team and talents to accomplish your goals. Our proficient development team is completely dedicated to the success of your project. We operate full time providing daily reports on your project’s progress with regular deployments. Each day, you can monitor the progress to see if we are on the right track. Everything at our company from the workflow to our staff is structured in a way to guarantee the development process is effective, smooth, and robust. Having such a large team, more than 80 employees, we are able to work under extremely tight deadlines to accomplish your precise goals. As a team, we constantly strive to push the boundaries in the web development and technology industry. Therefore, we aim to be at the forefront of the technologies we use, such as:
  • PHP5 / PHP7 / CodeIgniter / Yii / Laravel / Symfony / CakePHP
  • Python2/3 / Django REST / Tornado / Twisted / Flask
  • RESTful WebServices
  • ReactJS / AngularJS / Angular2 / BackboneJS / EmberJS / jQuery / Typescript / ES6
  • CSS3 / SASS / LESS / Stylus / Foundation / Twitter Bootstrap
  • NodeJS / MeteorJS
  • Express / SailsJS
  • WordPress / Magento / Ecommerce / Shopify
  • Android / iOS / Windows Phone
  • React-native / Ionic
  • MySQL / MongoDB / Redis / PostgreSQL / SQlite / NoSQL
  • Linux/Digital Ocean / Rack Space / AWS / Heroku
  • AWS – VPC, EC2, S3, load-balancing with ELB, messaging with SQS, Autoscaling Architectures
  • Git / SVN
  • Docker / Vagrant
  • Gulp / Grunt / Webpack
  • Stripe / PayPal / MailChimp / / Twitter / Facebook / Google API / Twilio
Everything we do is intentional and laser-focused, and that also relates to our hiring practices. We want reliable, hard-working, and experienced professionals. All of our team members, more than 80 strong, are consummate specialists in their fields. We pay competitive salaries to our personnel to guarantee the best employees. At the same time, we always make sure our employees have everything they need to enjoy their work and feel motivated. Particularly, we care about career development. For instance, we assign our developers to work with teams on challenging projects so as to extend their skillsets. People enjoy working at PixelTeh because it is an engaging, enjoyable, and professional environment. We care about things like office space, English language courses, corporate parties, and other activities that unite the team. On top of this, we have some of our developers attend regular conferences to learn the latest technologies in the field from prominent speakers and representatives from companies such as Facebook and others.
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