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Rhebo Industrial Protector

Rhebo Industrial Protector monitors and ensures the continuous, correct, and predictable operation of real-time Industrial Control Systems to prevent outages and reduce downtimes. Data traffic in control networks is recorded and analyzed to automatically detect and report any anomalies. Rhebo Industrial Protector ensure operational continuity in production environments and critical infrastructures and protects from security breaches and cyberattacks from inside or outside. Operators of Industrial Control Systems benefit from Rhebo’s solution by enormous cost savings due to the reduction of system outages.

The solution was developed specifically for environments which work with industrial protocols like EtherCAT, Profinet or IEC-104, and supports specific functions such as deterministic communication models, data integration for continuous improvement and automation as well as prioritization of remediate actions.
Rhebo Industrial Protector continuously analyzes the communication in the ICS and evaluates it for anomalies. Both security-relevant incidents and technical error conditions are reliably recorded, evaluated and reported in real-time - no matter if they were previously known or yet unidentified.

Benefits with Rhebo Industrial Protector:

  • Continuous visualization of all devices, connections and communication flows in the ICS as well as their respective properties.
  • Reporting of all security-related and technical anomalies in real-time, distincted in first-time and recurrent events.
  • Immediate risk assessment through risk score and specification of each anomaly as security or network quality incident.
  • Detailed forensic analysis and remedy assessment through storage of all incident details including a copy of the raw data as PCAP.
  • Easy integration of network visibility into existing backend systems through universal interfaces and automatable transfer rules.
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Rhebo Industry 4.0 Stability and Security Audit

The Rhebo Industry 4.0 Stability and Security Audit provides a fast and comprehensive risk analysis of your Industrial Automation & Control System (IACS). With the OT security audit you get a complete assessment of all IACS assets, their properties, connections, communication patterns and hidden threats.

A complete plant asset management of the industrial control system is the basis for an effective risk analysis, cybersecurity and operational management. Various industry standards such as IEC 62443 and ISO 27000 recommend complete documentation of all assets, their properties and connections. Whether critical infrastructure, production companies or process industries: Plant asset management of industrial equipment is usually incomplete and difficult.

Often there is no general overview of the individual components, especially in complex plants or embedded systems. In addition, new devices that intervene with the control systems are continuously introduced. In most cases, the properties of the components cannot be documented on a daily basis either in order to ensure meaningful plant asset management. Manufacturers use proprietary settings and protocols or hide information as a business secret. These blind spots in the ICS jeopardize both industrial security and availability-oriented operation.

Rhebo Industrial Protector recognizes and analyzes in real-time every component that communicates within the industrial control system. This provides you with up-to-date documentation of all components and their properties. This information includes e.g.:
  • Vendor, device name;
  •  IP address, MAC address,
  •  Version of firmware,
  •  Serial number, known vulnerabilities.

Additional you get detailed information about:
  •     Communication profiles,
  •     Communication volumes,
  •     Connections to other devices (system context diagram),
  •     Quality of connections regarding cybersecurity and technical flawlessness.

The continuous network monitoring with anomaly detection additionally informs you in real-time about changes in the communication behavior of the individual components. This enables you to immediately detect manipulation attempts, technical error states or overload states for condition based maintenance and operations management.

The Rhebo Industry 4.0 Stability and Security Audit provides a comprehensive evaluation of your industrial control system. You receive all information relevant for the evaluation of the security level and immanent cyber risks, e.g.:
  •     Outdated firmware versions,
  •     Suspicious communication patterns,
  •     Connections and attempted communication to external servers,
  •     Vulnerable protocols and ports,
  •     Technical error states which threaten process stability and plant availability.

The detailed audit report and concluding workshop enable you to implement the necessary security mechanisms such as segmentation, gateway configuration and communication rules in a reasonable and targeted manner. Rhebo Industry 4.0 Stability and Security Audits not only allow you to perform a detailed initial risk analysis. They also support you at regular intervals in reviewing the actions taken and implementing your continuous improvement process.

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