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Jumio Corporation Identity Verification

Know the True Identity of Your Customers

The Jumio Identity Verification process uses machine learning, face-based biometrics and verification experts to ensure the person behind a transaction is present and who they say are. Identity verification goes well beyond traditional authentication methods to deliver a significantly higher level of assurance and establish a trusted digital identity.
  • ID Proofing Check. Is the ID document authentic and valid?
  • Similarity Check. Is the person holding the ID the same person shown in the ID photo?
  • Liveness Check. Is the person holding the ID physically present during the transaction?
  • Definitive Answer. Jumio Identity Verification delivers a definitive yes or no answer in seconds.
  • Verify IDs. Ensure the ID document is authentic and valid.
  • Similarity Check. Make sure the person holding the ID is the same person shown in the ID photo.
  • Compliance. Comply with growing regulations & directives including GDPR, PSD2, KYC and AML.
  • Certified Liveness Check. Perform liveness detection using FaceTec’s certified 3D selfie technology.
  • User Experience. Dramatically reduce user friction and verification time while increasing conversion rates.
  • Security. All data is transmitted and stored with strong AES 256 bit encryption. Jumio is PCI Level 1 compliant.
Use Cases
  • Cardholder not present
  • User authentication
  • Fraud detection
  • High risk transactions
  • KBA replacement
  • KYC/AML compliance
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