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Aegify RSC Suite

Aegify RSC Suite

  • Reduced risk
  • Unified/integrated approach
  • Lower total cost of ownership
  • Oversight ease
  • Maximum security
  • No compliance tradeoffs


RISK management is not optional for healthcare, retail and financial organizations.
When SECURITY breaches happen, critical data is compromised, jobs are lost and profits disappear. Managing the regulatory maze is challenging. PCI, ISO and SANS 20 COMPLIANCE is best practice. HIPAA, GLBA and FISMA COMPLIANCE is the law. Risk, security and compliance (RSC) protection is complex and cumbersome. Until now. Discover the effective simplicity of a unified RSC solution. Discover Aegify.
  • Aegify RSC Suite includes:
  • Aegify Risk Manager
  • Aegify Security Manager
  • Aegify Compliance Manager
  • Aegify Integrity Manager


For management ease and cost reduction, most healthcare providers and business associates prefer a unified Risk, Security and Compliance solution. Consider these diagnostic questions:
  • Are you confident your vendors and business associates are compliant with all regulations?
  • Are burdens of compliance forcing you to take calculated risks due to resource constraints?
  • Do you have multiple siloed solutions that cause integration, management and financial headaches?
  • If your answers are mostly “yes,” consider Aegify RSC Suite


Within hours, you will know:
  • Your total organizational risk including your risk from each of your vendors and business associates
  • Where your security threats lie
  • What curative measures need to be undertaken
  • Your compliance status with HIPAA, Meaningful Use, HITECH, PCI, ISO, SANS 20 and all other regulations and standards


Follow Aegify instructions to:
  • Minimize organizational risk
  • Close your risk, security and compliance gaps
  • Comply with all applicable regulations and standards


24/7 continuous monitoring program will:

  • Reduce all risk… today and tomorrow
  • Diagnose and cure future security threats in real time
  • Comply with all applicable current and future regulations


Aegify was founded on a simple set of guiding principles:

  • RSC services are too siloed, complicated and expensive
  • The market needs a holistic RSC solution that diagnoses, cures and prevents future catastrophic events from occurring

Today, the Aegify Suite is a unique unified solution that operates at the intersection of security, compliance and risk management for healthcare, retail and financial organizations.

For those that don’t need a unified RSC Solution, each individual Aegify Manager product is a robust standalone solution.

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