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Ordr Systems Control Engine

Identify & Classify Ordr Systems Control Engine (SCE) is the only purpose-built solution that fully maps every microscopic device detail and its context – the device flow genome – at massive scale, using machine learning to completely and continuously inspect and baseline the behavior of every device. Ordr detects exposed vulnerabilities and delivers intricate risk scores for priority attention and mitigation. All in real-time, all-the-time, delivered in an elegantly simple UI.
  • Discovers every device in your environment
  • Tracks risk scores to focus attention on high risk devices
  • Maintains a real-time database and tracks changes
  • Integrates with management and workflow tools
Regulate Ordr Systems Control Engine monitors and analyzes all device communications, and delivers real-time communications flow analytics. Regulate flow and behavior by device type, group, location, function, application, the control is yours. Ordr SCE automatically detects anomalous behavior including out of flow communication, unusual data and application usage, and off baseline cadence and activity. And it’s real-time, so any new connected systems are immediately regulated when connected.
  • Analyzes all device communications 24×7
  • Learns correct behaviors and creates conversation maps
  • Group systems by type, location, function, application
  • Anomaly detection prevents and isolates attempted attacks
Secure The Ordr SCE architecture is unique in its ability to process enormous quantities of data in real-time, using sophisticated AI to deliver closed loop security, automatically generating policies for each class of device. The Ordr SCE is seamlessly integrated with incumbent network and security infrastructure management tools to implement policies directly and automatically. This is truly no-touch, agentless protection for business-critical assets.
  • Micro-segmentation per NIST
  • Access control policy generation
  • Full integration with existing NAC solutions
  • Program firewalls, wired/wireless access network
System Utilization Ordr gives you in-depth insight into what’s happening with your systems. High capital and fleet equipment needs to be used efficiently for maximimum ROI. Ordr gathers detailed utilization information across the entire enterprise, giving you intelligence about detailed device usage, usage type, hours of operation, and underutilization.
  • Compare usage across facilities to for better distribution
  • Identify offline devices and bring them back into service
  • Understand the usage patterns and adjust schedules
  • Make better-informed purchasing decisions
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