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Prim‘X Technologies Cryhod

Anti-theft encryption For a company, the damages associated with the theft or loss of a laptop amount to far more than just the value of the hardware. Losing the information stored on a laptop’s hard disk or the mere communication of that information to a third party can generate all sorts of serious problems: recovery of sensitive information by the competition, damage to brand image, etc., to say nothing of the possible legal and regulatory implications in the event of a breach or an offence. Full-disk encryption The Cryhod full-disk encryption solution shields your company from these risks. Cryhod is a modern encryption software offering full-disk encryption of all your company’s mobile workstations. With Cryhod, data can only be accessed by users who are authorized and duly authenticated at pre-boot. Features: Encryption
  • Encryption of entire disks and/or partitions (including system partition)
  • Encryption on-the-fly, transparent for users
  • Transparent initial encryption of disk/partitions
  • Secure initial encryption, with automatic recovery in case of a service interruption (power outage, workstation shutdown, etc.)
  • Pre-boot authentication (before start-up)
  • Free choice of authentication mode: password or certificate
  • SSO with Windows session opening
  • Secure hibernation
  • Single-user or multiple-access workstation
User Authentication
  • Flexible and easy to deploy
  • Simple to operate and supervise (scheduling via GPO)
  • Integrated user recovery and troubleshooting
  • Compatibility and cooperation with ZoneCentral for «Right-to-Know» management
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