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Access Risk Manager Soterion’s Access Risk Manager will provide customers with the ability to identify their SAP access risk exposure using a user-friendly web application. Additional functionality besides access risk identification includes risk remediation recommendations, as well to make use of the “What-if” Allocation Simulator. The Simulator will allow you to pre-empt risk bearing access prior to applying the change request in SAP, thus ensuring a pro-active approach to SAP access risk management. SAP License Manager Soterion’s SAP Licensing Manager provides you with the insight you need to tailor your SAP license agreement to your organisation’s specific requirements; ensuring optimal contract management and complete compliance whilst reducing unplanned and excess costs. Periodic Review Manager Periodically reviewing your SAP user access, analysing the associated risks and evaluating the necessary controls will coordinate your GRC capacity with your individual business targets. Besides this process being an audit and statutory requirement in many business environments, it also significantly enhances insight into your GRC environment. Reasons to believe
  • Instant GRC access risk visibility. Move from no GRC access risk visibility to full visibility, within 24 hours. With our seamless data extraction process and intuitive interface, you won’t require any technical knowledge getting set up.
  • Insights As You Need Them. Avoid external audit surprises by viewing easy-to-understand access risk reports as and when you need to.
  • Pay As You Go. Benefit from lower cost of ownership by avoiding the expense of a full time on premise solution and the staff to support it. No fixed term contract requirements.
  • Easy to Use. Our platform is extremely intuitive, and requires no GRC technical knowledge. Our business-friendly reporting tools allow focussed reports by business area.
  • Guided, Step By Step GRC Maturity Process. Use our proprietary GRC Maturity Model to benchmark your current GRC maturity level. Enhance your GRC capability by following the provided recommendations.
  • Simulate changes before applying them. Play it safe with our Allocation Simulator which runs pre-emptive “what-if” analyses, showing you the impact before making changes in SAP.
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