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SafeBreach Platform

The SafeBreach platform provides unmatched visibility into an organization's true cyber-security posture. SafeBreach enables data-driven risk analysis, resource prioritization and guided mitigation. The platform continuously and safely tests and optimizes the effectiveness of your security infrastructure against the business value of your assets. Testing Your Security
  • Deploy simulators within your organization's information ecosystem
  • Specify the value of your IT resources and the types of tests that are relevant to your organization's defenses
  • Execute the SafeBreach tests to fully validate the state of your security architecture
Prioritizing Results
  • Visualize results across the kill chain, to easily identify where to focus remediation efforts
  • Identify the security gaps which open the largest number of attack vectors and rank the gaps by their potential business impact
  • Review the remediation options provided by the SafeBreach Insights instructions and set your priorities accordingly
Remediate Issues
  • Review SafeBreach Insights information for detailed instructions and data on closing the security gaps
  • Integrate with the broad range of SafeBreach technology partners to provide fully automated remediation
  • Monitor and act on the regularly
How it works? The SafeBreach platform carries out continuous, automated testing of an organization’s security architecture using advanced, patented simulation technology. SafeBreach attack simulations are exact reproductions of an attacker's tactics and techniques, but pose no risk to the organization’s operations or assets. Attacks are executed between simulator instances deployed both within and outside the organization’s network. This approach provides broad coverage and fully tests the entire security ecosystem deployed by your organization.
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