

Companies found: 29


MNG ...
Supplier, Vendor
Astvision has empowered developers to create innovative product and services.The Company’s core asset is team of young, talented and ambitious IT specialists with clear visionand capabilities of introducing latest technological developments and solutions into real-life.
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IND ...
Botstatz  is an Enterprise Automation Platform that enables organizations to scale, optimize and efficiently manage their automation programs. Botstatz  is a team of motivated and passionate entrepreneurs with a vision is to be leaders in automation. Their hands-on experience in scaling automation programs has strengthened our capabilities in understanding and imparting in-depth solutions for practical challenges faced by organizations. Being Global Automation Catalyst and an Enterprise Automation Platform, company is built on concepts of Accuracy, Agility, Sustainability, Usability and Scalability.
Companys aim is to streamline an automation program for conducive outcomes. Their team is highly experienced in setting up Automation Centers of Excellence (CoE) for global organizations. They have the perfect mix of strategy, leadership and domain experience that helps us carve a niche space for themselves in this highly competitive market. Botstatz has served clients and established credibility across industries. Retail, FMCG, Securities and Financial services to name a few.
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Cloud MLM Software

IND ...
Supplier, Vendor
Cloud MLM Software is one of the best Multilevel marketing software with unlimited customizations. Cloud MLM Software comes with an application programming interface (API) that enables companies to integrate the system with third-party E-Commerce sites, such as OpenCart, Magento and more. pricing is available on request and technical support is extended via phone, email, live chat and other online steps. Features of cloud MLM software E-commerce Integration SMS Integration Commission Management Genealogy Tree Order Management Reports & Analytics Replicated Website Ticket Management Distributor Management Multi-Currency Payment Processing Shipping Management
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KAZ ...
Gincore — это программа для учета в сервисном центре или ремонтной мастерской. Включает в себя складскую программу, полноценную бухгалтерию, внутреннюю аналитику, интеграцию с IP-телефонией и Google Analytics. Краткое описание функций Gincore:
  • Прием и выдача устройства в ремонт, включая контроль возврата подменного фонда.
  • Отслеживание рекламных источников, чтобы узнавать откуда пришел клиент.
  • Принимая устройство в ремонт, прямо из карточки ремонта можно сделать фото устройства через внешнюю камеру и сохранить фото в заказе.
  • Вложения снимков сопроводительных документов, если устройство поступило на ремонт по почте.
  • Бухгалтерия группирует расходы по бухгалтерским статьям и легко можно получить отчёт по любой статье расходов — будь то расходы на зарплату, на аренду, на сколько больше потратили на закупку запчастей в этом месяце в сравнении с прошлым и т. д.
  • Автоматизированный модуль закупок, рассчёт количества товара для закупки на склад на основе данных по продажам прошлых периодов и тенденций к увеличению или уменьшению спроса.
  • Интегрированная бухгалтерская и складская программа для учёта оприходований, списаний товаров, выдачи денежных средств и точной истории транзакций по каждому контрагенту с финальным балансом (кто кому сколько должен в данный момент).
  • Удобные модули для ведения заказов клиентов, отдела закупок и контроля сроков выполнения. Если запчасти нет на складе, инженер прямо в карточке ремонта делает запрос на закупку запчасти, менеджер получает запрос, он отображается у него как необработанный. И, если в течении 2х дней не закажет запчасть, то ремонт начнёт светиться красным цветом сигнализируя о нарушении сроков.
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H-X Technologies

Supplier, Vendor
SECURITY AUDIT AND TESTING Assess, with our help, the security of your systems, networks, cloud application infrastructure, source code, personnel, and the company in general. Penetration tests, vulnerability analysis, risk assessment, and mitigation recommendations. Incident investigation. SECURITY IMPLEMENTATION Apply our expertise to protect your clouds, SCADA and OT systems, servers, and telecommunications. We perform efficient hardening of systems, protect against DoS/DDoS attacks and other security incidents. APPLICATION SECURITY Pay attention to the secure software development lifecycle, the security of your applications and services, and the security skills of your developers and testers. We certify applications according to the ASVS security standard. SECURITY COMPLIANCE Get a competitive edge and meet your customers’ expectations with our audit, implementation, and certification services in accordance with ISO 27001, TISAX, SOC 2, PCI DSS, GDPR, and other regulations. APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AND DEVOPS Take advantage of our unique competencies in secure software development, smart contracts, virtualization, and DevOps. We automate and optimize business processes while ensuring their security. SECURITY TRAINING Learn about our employee awareness programs, psychological security, secure coding, penetration testing, and industrial information security training. MANAGED SECURITY Continuously maintain the security of your systems and your entire organization with our SOC Services, Managed Compliance, Virtual CISO, Website Security, Managed Threat Detection and Response, and Threat Intelligence.
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IBA Group

ARE ...
Supplier, Vendor

IBA Group – международный холдинг, один из крупнейших системных интеграторов, разработчиков и поставщиков информационных технологий (ИТ) в Центральной и Восточной Европе. Штаб-квартира расположена в Праге.

Разрабатываем ПО и поставляем заказчикам из разных отраслей по всему миру передовые решения «под ключ». Основные сферы деятельности — ИТ-аутсорсинг, разработка ПО (RPA, BI/Big Data, цифровые двойники, автоматизация, мобильная разработка), внедрение облачных решений и услуги ЦОД, DevOps, внедрение решений вендоров.

В сферу компетенций компании входят информационные технологии, безопасность, промышленность, телекоммуникации, транспорт и логистика, банковский сектор, энергетика и нефтегазовый сектор, торговля. С момента основания компания выполнила более 2000 проектов. География заказчиков включает в себя более 50 стран.

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Impressico Business Solutions

Supplier, Vendor
Impressico is a result-driven digital transformation consulting company, which aims at providing state-of-the-art technology solutions to its global clients for over two decades now. Our extremely experienced technology engineers and developers have created splendid and innovative technology products for clients across different industry verticals.
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InnoTech Solutions

Supplier, Vendor
InnoTechSol is a Business Development Company, providing all kind of IT Services to help in growth of Small Businesses in the initial stages of development.
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INTELLIGENCE-SOFT was created in 1994 and since that time it successfully operates in the international offshore software development market providing our customers with reasonably priced high quality software products and services. Our development center is located in St. Petersburg, main scientific and educational center and the second biggest city in Russia. At an early period of company’s history INTELLIGENCE-SOFT engineers became one of the most proficient groups in Prolog programming and Artificial intelligence technologies due to the close collaboration with Danish software house Prolog Development Center – the developer of world famous PDC Prolog, Turbo Prolog and Visual Prolog. Later INTELLIGENCE-SOFT expanded its area of interests and involved software professionals having significant experience in various technologies from the development of mobile applications for smartphones and tablets to the building of big corporate information systems and web-portals. In these latter days most of our projects are related with various Internet technologies including the development of web-based applications, e-commerce and content management solutions, CRM and workflow systems, migration of legacy corporate information systems to modern mobile platforms or to the web environment. Our clientele consists of private companies located in Western Europe, USA and Canada including software development and IT consulting companies, aviation and industrial enterprises, financial and insurance companies, wholesale firms, real estate and travel agencies.
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Intersoft Data Labs

Supplier, Vendor
Intersoft Data Labs is a global software development company having many years of experience in successfully developing a variety of complex software systems in a range of technologies for multiple industry domains ranging from BFSI, Healthcare, Travel & Tourism, Education, Retail, eCommerce, Entertainment, HR Solutions. We help our clients to deliver projects on budget, on time and to highest standards. 
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DEU ...
Supplier, Vendor
IntexSoft offers custom software development services to support your business in meeting its goals. Since 2001, we have helped our clients to incode IT into their companies and have gained a reputation as a stable outsourcing partner.
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IND ...
0 is a new age marketing automation platform which enables businesses to manage social media platforms and generate highly accurate leads leveraging social media activity and buyer persona. 
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Supplier, Vendor
"Unusual startup with more than 20 years of history". Initially, the direction of "telecommunications" was founded in 1993 as part of LUKOIL-INFORM company. Its objective was to provide reliable, quality LUKOIL telephone connection, whose units are located in different regions of the country. The direction has been actively developed. But we started having more and more complex tasks to deal with:
  • creation of automated communications system

  • introduction of an automated highway network for satellite communications C-band in trial operation of the first stations on the basis of certified satellite "GLOBAL MACS" communications stations, installation of ground satellite stations

  • construction of regional communication systems, building communication and data transmission

  • creation of technical basis for providing high-quality Internet access to all offices and subsidiaries of LUKOIL, including those regions where Internet access is impossible by other ways

  • creation of direct data links for local area networks in the directions from Moscow to the centers of oil production and refining enterprises of the LUKOIL

  • implementation of complex Internet projects, using innovative solutions in the field of Internet marketing, programming, web-design and information support

  • the first Russian and CIS satellite communications "LUCNET" Ku-band network, using the most modern satellite technology LinkStar and LinkWay. The network provides a full range of advanced communication services and telematic services, including Internet access and videoconferencing

The DPC (Data processing centre) direction was formed later in 2006, also as part of the company LUKOIL-INFORM, and solved the following tasks:
  • design, construction and operation of corporate Data Centers for the LUKOIL Group

  • development of DPC networks in the regions of Russia

  • organization of three-site redundant architecture of Data Centers of the enterprise

  • providing modern cloud-based data center services to the LUKOIL Group

In 2013, we became a separate independent company RCNTEC during the organization of outsourcing infrastructure management for data centers and corporate networks of data transmission of the LUKOIL Group, as well as the use of experience to create products and services in the external market. RCNTEC has expanded the horizons of interest, because there is the possibility and goal of improving the world, not only within one group of companies, but for the rest of the dynamic market. It is believed that the best things that are created and implemented in the world, are done primarily for yourself. So is in our case, using such solutions for significant speed up and improving the efficiency of our own activities, as “portal-global office”, SOCOCO virtual office, monitoring system, allowing you to concentrate on what really needs attention, infinitely scalable storage system for your cloud (and other solutions, about which you can read in the section TOP-10), we are pleased to offer such solutions to our clients, helping them to effectively solve a great variety of tasks.
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Supplier, Vendor
LogiGear Corporation provides leading-edge Software Testing technologies and expertise, along with software development services that enable our customers to accelerate business growth while having confidence in the software they deliver.  LogiGear was founded in Silicon Valley in 1994 by top thought leaders in the Software. Since then, we have completed Software Testing and development projects for prominent companies across a broad range of industries and technologies. Our headquarter is in Silicon Valley with the majority of the Software Testing and software development staff located in Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang, Vietnam. We are among the largest employers of Software Testing and development professionals in Vietnam. LogiGear continues to grow as companies realize the benefits of outsourcing their Software Testing and development. LogiGear opened offices in Tokyo, Japan. Named by Inc. 500|5000 as one of the fastest-growing private companies in the US in 2009,2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, we continue to innovate and adapt to our customers’ changing needs.
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Multipz Technology

IND ...
Multipz Technology is a multi-service company focused on providing innovative and value-based solutions to different business enterprises. Our work enthusiasm and commitment have led us to become a top IT company.   What we offer Custom Web Development iPhone apps development iOS-iPad apps development Android apps development Hybrid Development Flutter App Development Automation Data Science Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Image Processing Natural Language Processing Data Analysis AI-based Algorithm   So, what are you sitting tight for? Get ready to work with one of the most skilled engineers in the market. Speak to our experts today!
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Nuvista Technologies Pte. Ltd.

SGP ...
NuVista Technologies is the preferred Consulting and Implementation Partner of NetSuite. Specializes in NetSuite Implementation, Integration, Consulting and Managed Services. Nuvista Headquartered in Singapore and India, also has Portfolio across Singapore, India, UAE, and Africa.
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PixelPlex is an award-winning custom software development company with a proven track record, a mix of broad technology expertise, innovative business culture and over 100 talented developers. Founded in 2007, PixelPlex has delivered over 300 projects in Blockchain, AR/VR, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Mobile, Game and Custom Software Development. We can solve virtually any business problems by building robust, intuitive, and secure digital products. PixelPlex serves clients of all sizes, starting from small businesses and startups to governmental institutions and Fortune 500 companies. We design, craft and deliver groundbreaking custom platforms and applications.
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Qlik is a software company based in Radnor, Pennsylvania, United States. Qlik is the provider of QlikView and Qlik Sense, business intelligence & visualization software. Qlik (previously known as QlikTech) was founded in Lund, Sweden in 1993 as a software company in business intelligence (BI). Its PC-based desktop tool was called QuikView. "Quik" stood for "Quality, Understanding, Interaction, Knowledge." Initially the software was sold only in Sweden. Source:
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RBC Group

AZE ...
Supplier, Vendor
RBC Group - one of the leading consulting companies in the CIS. Our consultants provide solutions successfully operating on the business management based on ERP and BI. The basis of our relationship with our customers - long-term cooperation in the field of implementation, support and development of modern enterprise management systems. Our mission - realization of the unique competitive advantage of our customers using modern approaches to business management based on the best-in-class information systems. The main activities of RBC Group - is:
  • Provision of consultancy services for implementation and training services.
  • Supply replicable enterprise information management systems of the world leaders in this area, as well as its own methodological developments.
  • Implementation support embedded solutions and management systems.
RBC Group company is a partner of the world's leading providers of software solutions and has the right to license the sale, implementation and support of products the QlikView , Qlik of Sense , of Infor the LN of ERP (the BAAN), Cargowise the One , the HRB Portal, . RBC Group is a partner Qlik with Master Reseller status. RBC Group also certified WiseBusiness Partner and WiseService Partner Product Sargowise One. RBC Group company became a co-founder of the Alliance Expert Business Intelligence BIExALL, QlikView community from around the world's most experienced partners. RBC Group founded on the principle of a professional partnership and managed by a Board of Partners. We invite you to learn more about the RBC Group and ask any questions as to how we can do for you by contacting the specified contacts .
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Seasia Infotech

AUS ...
Supplier, Vendor
Seasia is the first choice of many large enterprises across more than ten industries for all things technical consulting, enterprise development, and marketing. We aim to identify and solve all the challenges that might be coming your way to operate at your maximum potential by enabling digital transformation and customized workflows. In addition to optimizing your current process for the highest efficiency, we ensure your business stays abreast of the latest innovation in technology. As a future-ready offshore enterprise development company, we utilize our expertise in technologies, such as the cloud, blockchain, and artificial intelligence to enhance efficiencies in business across all corners of the world. From conceptualization to implementation, Seasia can handle everything and help take your business to the next level.
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