
Problems that solves

Low quality of customer service

High costs of routine operations

No automated business processes

No support for mobile and remote users

Low employee productivity

High costs of IT personnel

Customer attrition

Failure to attract new customers

Low quality of customer support

High costs


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Improve Customer Service

Increase Customer Base

Expand Sales Geography

Support Customers

Enhance Competitive Ability


Chatfuel is the world’s leading chatbot platform for Facebook Messenger.


Grow your business by automating your Messenger with a Chatfuel bot.

Increase Sales

Get up to 80% open rates and 10X CTR compared to email with a bot drip campaign and broadcasts.

Qualify Leads

Engage with prospects 24/7. Automate sales or connect warm leads to a sales rep in a live chat.

Automate FAQs

Increase customer satisfaction and reduce support costs.

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Information Officer

Chief Sales Officer

Operational Manager

Sales Management

Marketing Management


Organizational Features

Web-based customer portal

Mobile users

Internet access is available for employees

Social networks are used