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Forcepoint Email Security integrates powerful analytics and advanced malware sandboxing for inbound protection, content filtering for outbound data control and email encryption for secure communications.<br />Forcepoint Email Security Cloud’s proactive URL Wrapping and Phishing Education secure email wherever users need access, even on mobile devices. Our unrivaled cloud infrastructure delivers phishing, malware and DLP protection for Microsoft Office 365™ and other popular email systems.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The Forcepoint Email Security advantage</span><br />\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Real-time threat protection</span><br />\r\nReal-time threat protection uses a unique blend of detection technologies, including machine learning, sandboxing, and predictive analytics to effectively stop advanced threats such as ransomware.<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Protection against highly evasive zero-day threats</span><br />\r\nGet advanced malware detection (sandboxing) with our full system emulation sandbox. Deep content inspection reveals highly evasive zero-day threat with no false positives.<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Powerful encryption for additional protection</span><br />\r\nEncrypt sensitive email conversations and enhance mobile security by controlling sensitive attachments access by device.<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Incident risk ranking to find the greatest risks</span><br />\r\nIncidents are correlated across multiple events to identify true cumulative risk trends and activity. A risk score is included to help security teams identify the greatest risks based on real-time activity.<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Integrated data loss prevention</span><br />\r\nIntegrated industry-leading data loss prevention stops data infiltration and exfiltration capabilities.<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Unique phishing education feature</span><br />\r\nUse Forcepoint Email Security’s unique phishing education features to help users adopt best practices and identify those who need additional training to improve their security awareness.<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Complete out-of-the-box solution</span><br />\r\nForcepoint Email Security includes DLP, URL wrapping, and other capabilities that are considered premium "add-ons" or upgrades by many competitors, delivering the most comprehensive inbound and outbound defenses out of the box.<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Deployment flexibility</span><br />\r\nHow you deploy our email security solution is up to you. Choose from a range of physical and virtual appliances to leverage existing hardware, cloud deployment, or hybrid environments.","shortDescription":"Forcepoint Email Security identifies targeted attacks, high-risk users and insider threats, while empowering mobile workers and the safe adoption of new technologies like Office 365 and Box Enterprise","type":"Software","isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":true,"bonus":100,"usingCount":20,"sellingCount":8,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Forcepoint Email Security","keywords":"Cloud, Forcepoint, Security, email, Email, attacks, threats, advanced","description":"Forcepoint Email Security is a protecting from spam, phishing & ransomware attacks wherever email is accessed.\r\nDetect spam, phishing and other APTs with comprehensive defenses to stop advanced threats like ransomware before they start. Forcepoint Email Se","og:title":"Forcepoint Email Security","og:description":"Forcepoint Email Security is a protecting from spam, phishing & ransomware attacks wherever email is accessed.\r\nDetect spam, phishing and other APTs with comprehensive defenses to stop advanced threats like ransomware before they start. Forcepoint Email Se","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/forcepoint_logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":939,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[{"id":601,"title":"Malware Protection","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":38,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":603,"title":"Anti-spam","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":38,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":605,"title":"Advanced Threat Protection","required":0,"type":"select","templateId":38,"value":"Additional option","options":["Yes","No","Partially","Additional option"]},{"id":607,"title":"Anti-phishing","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":38,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":609,"title":"Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Protection","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":38,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":611,"title":"User Based Filtering and Policy Creation","required":0,"type":"select","templateId":38,"value":"Yes","options":["Yes","No","Partially"]},{"id":613,"title":"Data Loss Prevention","required":0,"type":"select","templateId":38,"value":"Yes","options":["Yes","No","Partially"]},{"id":615,"title":"Encryption","required":0,"type":"select","templateId":38,"value":"Additional option","options":["Yes","No","Partially","Additional option","TLS","TLS, S/MIME","TLS, S/MIME, PGP"]},{"id":617,"title":"Deployment Options","required":0,"type":"multiselect","templateId":38,"value":"Appliance, Virtual, Cloud","options":["Appliance","Virtual","Cloud"]},{"id":619,"title":"Free Trial","required":0,"type":"select","templateId":38,"value":"Yes","options":["Yes","30 days","45 days"]},{"id":1066,"title":"Bulk eMail Protection","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":38,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":1068,"title":"DMARC","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":38,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":1070,"title":"Integrations","required":0,"type":"multiselect","templateId":38,"value":"DLP","options":["DLP","Web Security Gateways","Firewall","eDiscovery","SIEM"]},{"id":1072,"title":"Archiving","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":38,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}}],"concurentProducts":[{"id":2088,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Mimecast-Logo.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Mimecast Email Security","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"mimecast-email-security","companyTitle":"Mimecast (Ataata)","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4535,"companyAlias":"mimecast","description":"<p>Mimecast secure employee communication and reduces risk with targeted threat protection, data leak prevention and enforced security controls.The Mimecast solution helps organizations to prevent email-ransomware as well as protect systems from the data loss.Protects against social‐engineering attacks that attempt to extract money or data from your unsuspecting users.According to Mimecast’s 2018 State of Email Security Report, 90% of global organizations have seen the volume of phishing attacks increase or stay the same over the past 12 months.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Smart Email Security with Mimecast</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">URL Protection</span></p>\r\n<p>URL Protect service provides multistep detection and blocking of malicious URLs, including pre-click URL discovery, on-click inline employee education and post-click resolution and blocking of dangerous files types.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Impersonation Protection</span></p>\r\n<p>Mimecast helps to defend email impersonation through Real-time scanning of all inbound emails to detect header anomalies, domain similarity, sender spoofing and clearly marked alerts on delivered emails.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Internal Email Protection</span></p>\r\n<p>Internal Email Protect scans attachments and URLs for malware and malicious links, as well as content inspection enabled by Data Leak Prevention and it can automatically delete infected emails and attachments from employees’ inboxes.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Ransomware Protection</span></p>\r\n<p>Unlike vendors of standalone security or backup products, Mimecast tackles ransomware with a layered cyber resilience solution; bringing together protection, continuity, archiving, and recovery capabilities for your email from a single cloud solution.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving & Continuity</span></p>\r\n<p>Mimecast ensures continuity when primary email systems are offline. Customizable thresholds let administrators monitor inbound and outbound email. Anytime, anywhere access to archive data improves employee productivity and workflow efficiency.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Attachment Protect</span></p>\r\n<p>Attachment Protect service provides multiple layers of defense against potentially malicious email attachments, balancing speed of delivery with detection efficacy.The ability to convert Office and PDF files to a safe file format for immediate delivery to employees.</p>","shortDescription":"Mimecast secure employee communication and reduces risk with targeted threat protection, data leak prevention and enforced security controls.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":9,"sellingCount":20,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Mimecast Email Security","keywords":"","description":"<p>Mimecast secure employee communication and reduces risk with targeted threat protection, data leak prevention and enforced security controls.The Mimecast solution helps organizations to prevent email-ransomware as well as protect systems from the data loss.","og:title":"Mimecast Email Security","og:description":"<p>Mimecast secure employee communication and reduces risk with targeted threat protection, data leak prevention and enforced security controls.The Mimecast solution helps organizations to prevent email-ransomware as well as protect systems from the data loss.","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Mimecast-Logo.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2089,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2096,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Retarus_logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Retaurus E-Mail Security","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"retaurus-e-mail-security","companyTitle":"Retarus","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4538,"companyAlias":"retarus","description":"<p>Retarus Email Security stops malware such as viruses, spam, phishing emails, ransomware and other digital threats. Retarus Cloud Email Security Services can be customized to meet the security needs of your business.</p>\r\n<p>Do you need extended protection with Retarus Advanced Threat Protection? Protect against advanced threats and social engineering and phishing attacks that disrupt traditional security mechanisms. To defend these smart attacks successfully, companies need at least as smart protection. Retarus Advanced Threat Protection includes four virus scanners including Deferred Delivery Scan, Sandboxing, Time-of-Click Protection and CxO Fraud Protection.</p>\r\n<p>Brand new malicious programs can not be stopped even by the best virus filters at first because the patterns are not yet known at the beginning. With Retarus' patent-pending Patient Zero Detection technology, it is now possible to detect malware in emails that have already been delivered and alert the recipient as soon as the patterns are available. Analysts strongly recommend the use of so-called post-delivery protection mechanisms.</p>\r\n<p>The innovative Retarus Queueless Design analyzes incoming e-mails without buffering - e-mails arrive without delays thanks to minimal throughput times. For maximum security, Retarus virus scanners and filter methods are constantly updated and continuously optimized.</p>","shortDescription":"Retarus E-Mail Security is a cloud-based enterprise messaging platform delivers seamless and secure email, fax, SMS and EDI services for businesses.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":17,"sellingCount":20,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Retaurus E-Mail Security","keywords":"","description":"<p>Retarus Email Security stops malware such as viruses, spam, phishing emails, ransomware and other digital threats. Retarus Cloud Email Security Services can be customized to meet the security needs of your business.</p>\r\n<p>Do you need extended protection w","og:title":"Retaurus E-Mail Security","og:description":"<p>Retarus Email Security stops malware such as viruses, spam, phishing emails, ransomware and other digital threats. Retarus Cloud Email Security Services can be customized to meet the security needs of your business.</p>\r\n<p>Do you need extended protection w","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Retarus_logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2097,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2102,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/watchguard_xcs.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"The WatchGuard XCS","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"the-watchguard-xcs","companyTitle":"WatchGuard","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":2741,"companyAlias":"watchguard","description":"<p>Since 1996, WatchGuard Technologies has provided more than 600,000 security appliances to hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide. Our Extensible Content Security (XCS and XCSv) solutions offer the industry’s best defense-in-depth for email, web, and data loss prevention. With four physical appliances and four virtual editions to choose from, XCS and XCSv meet the essaging security requirements of businesses of all sizes, including solutions to protect the world’s most demanding email and web networks. XCS products are backed by LiveSecurity Service, a highvalue support and maintenance program. The WatchGuard commitment to performance and value gives our customers enterprisegrade protection in a cost-effective, extensible solution.<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Eliminate Spam and Email-borne Threats</span><br />The dangers carried by spam have never been greater. Highly sophisticated email scams are luring users to web sites where malicious code awaits. Data is stolen, malware propagated and networks infected with spyware and botnets.<br />WatchGuard XCS utilizes breakthrough innovations in email security to stop today’s spam threats. An “in the cloud” reputation lookup service blocks up to 98% of spam at the connection level, then the powerful anti-spam engine conducts a rigorous analysis of messages and attachments on the remaining email. The result is industry-leading spam protection, with huge savings in email processing overhead.<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Extend Protection to Web Traffic</span><br />Adding a Web Security subscription to your XCS appliance will extend that same powerful protection to all your web traffic as well. The cloud-based web reputation service determines the risk level of each web page to stop threats at the perimeter. URL filtering analyzes and blocks access to web sites based on predefined policies to reduce risks, prevent legal liabilities from inappropriate web surfing, and protect bandwidth.<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Stop the Loss of Sensitive Data</span><br />Confidential information can leave the network, accidentally or maliciously, in many ways. Email is the primary threat vector for data loss, yet web communications over popmail services such as Hotmail and Gmail, business collaboration tools, and social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook have become just as common egress points for sensitive data. The data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities of WatchGuard XCS enable tight control over all outbound traffic no matter what the communication tool to keep sensitive, regulated, and classified information from exiting the network without authorization.<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Encrypt Emails for Privacy and Compliance</span><br />Given the volume of sensitive data that must pass between business networks, the decision isn’t if you should encrypt confidential email messages, but how. WatchGuard XCS SecureMail provides policy-driven, transparent encryption that is easy to deploy and manage. Messages can be opened by any browser and on any mobile device, Keys are issued dynamically, minimizing the risk of key corruption or unauthorized data recovery. And because it’s a fully integrated subscription, it beats the high cost and administrative burden of stand-alone encryption products.<br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Effectively Define Your Relationship with the Internet</span><br />XCS solutions are rich in tools that support policy creation, management, and enforcement. The XCS DLP Wizard guides administrators through DLP configuration controls quickly and simply. Built-in compliance dictionaries streamline policy-creation to meet a wide range of regulatory mandates. Granular controls provide enhanced visibility into data leaving the network. All email and web security can be managed across protocols from one centralized management console, using one set of corporate acceptable use and compliance policies for maximum efficiency and protection.</p>","shortDescription":"WatchGuard XCS is designed to meet the demanding email and web-based content security needs of large enterprises.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":2,"sellingCount":18,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"The WatchGuard XCS","keywords":"","description":"<p>Since 1996, WatchGuard Technologies has provided more than 600,000 security appliances to hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide. Our Extensible Content Security (XCS and XCSv) solutions offer the industry’s best defense-in-depth for email, web,","og:title":"The WatchGuard XCS","og:description":"<p>Since 1996, WatchGuard Technologies has provided more than 600,000 security appliances to hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide. Our Extensible Content Security (XCS and XCSv) solutions offer the industry’s best defense-in-depth for email, web,","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/watchguard_xcs.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2103,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2104,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/cellopoint__logo_.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"CelloPoint Secure Email Gateway","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"cellopoint-secure-email-gateway","companyTitle":"Cellopoint","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4539,"companyAlias":"cellopoint","description":"<p>Cellopoint Security Email Gateway is a multi-featured mail gateway deployed in front of a mail server to provide added security and functions. It is powered by CelloLabs which has the capability to filter out all email threats. In addition, Cellopoint Security Gateway eliminates 99% unwanted message and provides a high-class defending capability—not only from known threats, but from those certain to evolve in the future.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Benefits:</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Protects against spam, viruses, spyware, and other malware</li>\r\n<li>Affordable protection is simple and reliable</li>\r\n<li>Reduces administrative overhead</li>\r\n<li>Intuitive Management GUI</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><strong>Tier One: Anti-spam Protection</strong></p>\r\n<p>Anti-spam methods eliminate more than 99% of spam with a range of anti-spam technologies including:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Denial of Service (DoS) Protection</li>\r\n<li>SMTP Rate Limit</li>\r\n<li>Bounce Back Protection</li>\r\n<li>Directory Harvest Attack (DHA) Prevention</li>\r\n<li>Sender IP Reputation Analysis</li>\r\n<li>SMTP Transaction Check</li>\r\n<li>Virus, Phishing and Spyware Scanning</li>\r\n<li>Intelligent Content Analysis (ICA)</li>\r\n<li>Heuristics Rule</li>\r\n<li>Bayesian Analysis</li>\r\n<li>Violation Check</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><strong>Tier Two: Anti-Virus Filtering</strong></p>\r\n<p>A combination of multiple anti-virus engines offers an extensive real time scanning and virus definition updates. Catch a variety of known virus and phishing patterns, spyware, trojans, worms and malware threats. Easy to deploy in your existing email infrastructure.</p>\r\n<p><strong>Tier Three: Anti-APT-URL Protection</strong></p>\r\n<p>To protect against the phishing targeted attacks and malicious URL links, Cellopoint SEG will scan and block as follow:</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Static Black/Whitelist Database</span></p>\r\n<p>Over 2 million latest global URL black/whitelist database for quick comparison and quarantine.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Dynamic URL ToC (Time of Click) Scanning</span></p>\r\n<p>To protect against the unknown, suspicious or malicious URL links, Cellopoint SEG will rewrite the links to go through CelloCloud for realtime examination. The URLs will be examined at the time when the users click them. If a link is unsafe, the users will be warned not to visit the site or informed that the site has been blocked by Cellopoint SEG.</p>\r\n<p><strong>Tier Four: Anti-APT-File Protection</strong></p>\r\n<p>To protect against the unknown, new advanced malware emails and attachment fi les, Cellopoint SEG will scan and block as follow:</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Dynamic Sandbox Scanning</span></p>\r\n<p>Suspicious email attachements will be sent as encrypted packages to the powerful cloud computing CelloCloud to do dynamic sandbox scanning.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Full-system emulation</span></p>\r\n<p>Malware as Office and PDF files is captured and induced into a simulated operating system like Windows, Android, Mac OSX.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Correlation Analysis and Threat Scores</span></p>\r\n<p>Threat Level Analysis that commands SEG to either block or release certain mails.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Professional Summary Report</span></p>\r\n<p>Analysis report overview shows malicious file name, threats reputation scores, classifi cation, network activity and registry summary.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">High-performance, Easy Deployment</span></p>\r\n<p>Cellopoint SEG is designed to meet the unique needs of any size of business. It offers all of the performance, flexibility, scalability, customization and end-user control features needed in deployments.</p>","shortDescription":"Cellopoint Security Email Gateway is a multi-featured mail gateway deployed in front of a mail server to provide added security and functions.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":1,"sellingCount":8,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"CelloPoint Secure Email Gateway","keywords":"","description":"<p>Cellopoint Security Email Gateway is a multi-featured mail gateway deployed in front of a mail server to provide added security and functions. It is powered by CelloLabs which has the capability to filter out all email threats. In addition, Cellopoint Secur","og:title":"CelloPoint Secure Email Gateway","og:description":"<p>Cellopoint Security Email Gateway is a multi-featured mail gateway deployed in front of a mail server to provide added security and functions. It is powered by CelloLabs which has the capability to filter out all email threats. In addition, Cellopoint Secur","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/cellopoint__logo_.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2105,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2106,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Clearswift_logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"clearswift-secure-email-gateway","companyTitle":"Clearswift","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4540,"companyAlias":"clearswift","description":"The SECURE Email Gateway is available with our unique, award winning, Adaptive Redaction technology and is a core component of our Adaptive Data Loss Prevention (A-DLP) solution which enables secure collaboration by automatically removing the sensitive data and/or malicious content that breaks policy allowing the rest of the communication to continue.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Flexible deployment options – now available in the Cloud</span>\r\nYou decide how you want to buy and deploy the Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway, either as a pre-installed hardware appliance, as a software image that can be loaded on a choice of hardware platforms, or alternatively virtualized in a VMWare / HyperV environment. It is also available to be deployed in the Cloud including Amazon Web Services providing you with ultimate flexibility to suit your organization’s needs.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Encryption for maximum email security</span>\r\nWith TLS as standard, and cost options to provide either S/MIME, PGP and password protected files or Web portal-based encryption, the Email Gateway offers a variety of options to cater for customer requirements. Whichever you choose, the Gateway allows sensitive data to be delivered securely, in seconds, using the optimal format for the recipient.","shortDescription":"Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway offers an unprecedented level of cyber-attack protection and outbound data loss prevention for secure email collaboration.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":5,"sellingCount":17,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway","keywords":"","description":"The SECURE Email Gateway is available with our unique, award winning, Adaptive Redaction technology and is a core component of our Adaptive Data Loss Prevention (A-DLP) solution which enables secure collaboration by automatically removing the sensitive data an","og:title":"Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway","og:description":"The SECURE Email Gateway is available with our unique, award winning, Adaptive Redaction technology and is a core component of our Adaptive Data Loss Prevention (A-DLP) solution which enables secure collaboration by automatically removing the sensitive data an","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Clearswift_logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2107,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2108,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Trustwave.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Trustwave Secure Email Gateway","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"trustwave-secure-email-gateway","companyTitle":"Trustwave","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":6826,"companyAlias":"trustwave","description":"Trustwave Secure Email Gateway, previously known as MailMarshal SEG, is a fast, easy-to-use email content security solution that ensures a safe and productive working environment by enforcing your Acceptable Use Policy and protecting against spam, viruses, and other undesirable content.\r\nTrustwave SEG has been delivering unmatched email security for seventeen years. As if stopping crypto viruses was not enough SEG has a superior depth of features, outstanding user interfaces, has a fault tolerant architecture that scales into the 100,000’s of users, top flight technical support that is inside Australia and provides fast access to all levels of relevant diagnostic logging. For anyone wanting to take back control of email security Trustwave SEG is Australia’s best solution.\r\n<ul> <li>Flexible deployment options: on-premise, private or public cloud</li> <li>Protection against blended crypto threats that use multiple vulnerabilities and methods</li> <li>Multi-layering of anti-spam engine, because there is no single magic bullet</li> <li>Best in class management, easiest to use and maximum product and interface maturity</li> <li>Powerful DLP protection to achieve regulatory compliance and protect your intellectual property</li> </ul>","shortDescription":"Trustwave Secure Email Gateway features a layered security approach to dramatically reduce spam and protect your network.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":19,"sellingCount":13,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Trustwave Secure Email Gateway","keywords":"","description":"Trustwave Secure Email Gateway, previously known as MailMarshal SEG, is a fast, easy-to-use email content security solution that ensures a safe and productive working environment by enforcing your Acceptable Use Policy and protecting against spam, viruses, and","og:title":"Trustwave Secure Email Gateway","og:description":"Trustwave Secure Email Gateway, previously known as MailMarshal SEG, is a fast, easy-to-use email content security solution that ensures a safe and productive working environment by enforcing your Acceptable Use Policy and protecting against spam, viruses, and","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Trustwave.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2109,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2110,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/f-secure-logo.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"f-secure-messaging-security-gateway","companyTitle":"F-Secure","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4541,"companyAlias":"f-secure","description":"<p>F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway delivers the industry’s most effective security for corporate messaging infrastructures. It is the most accurate antispam solution* along with capabilities for email firewall, antivirus, and secure messaging. Depending on company traffic type Messaging Security Gateway can remove as much as 99.5% of spam.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Key features:</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Secures your network against spam, phishing, viruses, virus outbreaks, denial-of-service attacks, directory harvest attacks right at the gateway.</li>\r\n<li>Machine learning technology provides highly effective spam protection and outstanding end-user quarantines, safe lists and block lists.</li>\r\n<li>Outstanding virus protection with automatic updates of virus signatures and rules.</li>\r\n<li>High-performance and scalable solution proven in the most demanding email infrastructures.</li>\r\n</ul>","shortDescription":"F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway protects your company's confidential data. Users can easily send encrypted e-mails, and the system can automatically block or encrypt a message.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":15,"sellingCount":4,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway","keywords":"","description":"<p>F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway delivers the industry’s most effective security for corporate messaging infrastructures. It is the most accurate antispam solution* along with capabilities for email firewall, antivirus, and secure messaging. Depend","og:title":"F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway","og:description":"<p>F-Secure Messaging Security Gateway delivers the industry’s most effective security for corporate messaging infrastructures. It is the most accurate antispam solution* along with capabilities for email firewall, antivirus, and secure messaging. Depend","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/f-secure-logo.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2111,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2112,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/sendio__logo_.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Sendio Email Security Gateway","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"sendio-email-security-gateway","companyTitle":"Sendio","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4542,"companyAlias":"sendio","description":"<p>If dealing with spam has become a full-time job then it’s time to reclaim your inbox with Sendio’s Email Security Gateway. Relying on a system of malware flters and reputation scoring technologies over content fltering, Sendio allows you to eliminate the spam from your inbox without the headache of false positives and lost mail. If you’re looking for a safe, secure and spotless inbox, we can help. With our exclusive Server Recon technology and a suite of best-of-breed security tools, our Email Security Gateway will make sure that you’re getting the email that’s important to you, and nothing else.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Server Recon</span></p>\r\n<p>Our “SMTP-layer Challenge Response Technology” is not a form of content fltering. Instead, our Server Recon technology is a real time representation of a server’s response. Server Recon develops a reputation score on the fly and will re-score the server every 30 days to make sure the score is up to date.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">IP Reputation</span></p>\r\n<p>IP Reputation flters are a better way of understanding an email than content checks as there are more important criteria when checking for spam than whether an email “looks like spam.” When coupled with our Server Recon technology, our IP reputation check provides a powerful flter that stops the vast majority of SPAM in its tracks.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Anti-Virus Protection</span></p>\r\n<p>Sendio utilizes multiple AV technologies to inspect email for malicious content. Defnitionbased and Pattern Matching AV engines block known threats and zero-day threats.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Hardened Linux OS Kernel</span></p>\r\n<p>Our Appliance, whether virtual or physical, is based on a hardened Linux operating system that has been stripped down to remove functionality not required in a security product, and locked down to ensure that the OS isn’t vulnerable to security threats.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">TLS Encryption</span></p>\r\n<p>Our encryption is server-to-server, which means that every message you send is safe from the moment it leaves our server to moment it’s delivered to the recipient’s email server.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Spooling</span></p>\r\n<p>If your servers go down, emails will often be hard-bounced and never resent. We spool your emails for up to 28 days, double the time our competitors do, to make sure your emails are there when you come back online. Whether you’re experiencing a server emergency or routine maintenance, we’ll make sure you get every message you need.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Continuity</span></p>\r\n<p>Continuity is your actual ability to view the spooled email. We’ll make sure that you have access to your emails for one month after they’re sent. The time these emails are held for can also be modifed or even done away with completely for our customers with compliancy issues.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Anti-Spoofng</span></p>\r\n<p>Utilizing SPF and DKIM, Sendio verifes the host server against expectedIP range and validates domain name identity.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">User Benefts:</span></span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Remove Spam and Malicious Messages.</span> Virtually eliminates the bulk messages, spam mail and threat of email-borne malware without our multiple tiers of security. Our Email Security Gateway will keep you safe and eliminate the hundreds of spam messages that flood your inbox every day.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Zero Impact.</span> Our Email Security Gateway represents a zero impact challenge response system. Meaning that you get the security of a challenge response system with no impact to either you or the sender. Because this system is machine to machine, it’s completely invisible to both parties.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Disaster Recovery.</span> Your email is always safe, even if your server goes down, giving you peace of mind and, more importantly, email continuity.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Minimized Content Filtering Eliminates False Positives.</span> By not relying heavily on content fltering, we have eliminated the possibility of false positives. Our exclusive, multi-tiered security solution combines several different flters together, giving you the power of a content fltered spam solution without the worry of false positives.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Fully Upgradable.</span> Choose to add Opt-Inbox, Sendio’s flagship solution at any time. Upgrade in just a few minutes and you’ll have the most comprehensive and accurate messaging security and productivity solution available today.</p>\r\n<p>For many companies, the nearly 200 spam received every day can cost countless employee hours. Too many email users are wasting hours every day, sifting through mountains of spam and junk mail just to make sure that real conversations aren’t lost. Unfortunately content flters can cause important emails to go unnoticed, and no flter at all can open your business up to phishing attempts, malware and email-borne viruses.</p>\r\n<p>At Sendio, our Email Security Gateway uses a powerful combination of minimal content fltering, IP reputation and our proprietary Server Recon technology to ensure that your inbox isn’t flled up with junk and malicious mail. By not relying heavily on content fltering, we have eliminated the possibility of false positives. Meaning that we’ll block the spam and malicious mail, without ever losing an important email of yours.</p>","shortDescription":"Sendio Email Security Gateway’s behavioral system eliminates spam at the head of the security stack, greatly reducing the strain on network resources.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":4,"sellingCount":18,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Sendio Email Security Gateway","keywords":"","description":"<p>If dealing with spam has become a full-time job then it’s time to reclaim your inbox with Sendio’s Email Security Gateway. Relying on a system of malware flters and reputation scoring technologies over content fltering, Sendio allows you to elim","og:title":"Sendio Email Security Gateway","og:description":"<p>If dealing with spam has become a full-time job then it’s time to reclaim your inbox with Sendio’s Email Security Gateway. Relying on a system of malware flters and reputation scoring technologies over content fltering, Sendio allows you to elim","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/sendio__logo_.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2113,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2114,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Votiro.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Votiro Secure Email Gateway","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"votiro-secure-email-gateway","companyTitle":"Votiro","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4543,"companyAlias":"votiro","description":"<h3>Votiro specializes in eliminating file-borne attacks carried through email, downloads, uploads, and all file-sharing platforms through file sanitization. </h3>\r\nVotiro was founded in Tel-Aviv, Israel in 2010 by Itay Glick and Aviv Grafi, trailblazers of the monitoring and security industry with specific expertise in intelligence, government, and enterprise security. Their mission was – and still is – to shield enterprises from compromised data threats.\r\nThrough our Secure File Gateway (SFG), we’re able to single out only the safest elements of incoming or outgoing files known to be fully secure, guaranteeing they are 100% safe. Powered by Positive Selection™ technology, our solutions are by far the most secure and robust on the market today. \r\nVotiro has earned the respect of our customers who are secured with the knowledge that every file that enters their network is completely sanitized and safe to view. Our customers include network equipment providers, software vendors, healthcare organizations, government agencies, financial institutions, and telecom enterprises who have integrated Votiro’s technology easily and seamlessly.<br /><br /><br />","shortDescription":"Votiro Secure Email Gateway helps to keep your customers’ credit card information, passwords, and other sensitive data safe by removing threats from all files attached to email messages.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":4,"sellingCount":8,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Votiro Secure Email Gateway","keywords":"","description":"<h3>Votiro specializes in eliminating file-borne attacks carried through email, downloads, uploads, and all file-sharing platforms through file sanitization. </h3>\r\nVotiro was founded in Tel-Aviv, Israel in 2010 by Itay Glick and Aviv Grafi, trailblazers of th","og:title":"Votiro Secure Email Gateway","og:description":"<h3>Votiro specializes in eliminating file-borne attacks carried through email, downloads, uploads, and all file-sharing platforms through file sanitization. </h3>\r\nVotiro was founded in Tel-Aviv, Israel in 2010 by Itay Glick and Aviv Grafi, trailblazers of th","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Votiro.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2115,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2116,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/micro_focus.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Micro Focus Secure Gateway","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":2,"alias":"micro-focus-secure-gateway","companyTitle":"Micro Focus (NetIQ)","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":4461,"companyAlias":"micro-focus-netiq","description":"Micro Focus Secure Gateway monitors and blocks illicit and inappropriate images, videos on your messaging system. This solution is an add-on for Micro Focus Secure Gateway that scans the actual composition of images and videos to ensure accuracy. Its sophisticated probability engine scans incoming and outgoing images, reliably distinguishes between pornographic and non-pornographic content, and stops the inappropriate content from entering or leaving your messaging system.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The Problem</span>\r\nInappropriate email communications, including pornography and other explicit content, continue to be a major problem in many organizations. This content is often found in unsolicited spam, but it is more commonly generated from employee communications, both inside and outside of the workplace. If these messages go unchecked, organizations could face a number of devastating consequences that can cost time and money:\r\n<ul> <li>Sexual harassment lawsuits</li> <li>Criminal charges</li> <li>A hostile work environment</li> <li>Reputation damage</li> </ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The Micro Focus Solution</span>\r\nOrganizations must address this inappropriate behavior through corporate policies and through the use of technology. Secure Gateway gives you the ability to monitor and block pornographic images, which addresses the primary issue of inappropriate communications.\r\nSecure Gateway screens images before they pass through your email system and takes action when offensive material is detected. It uses sophisticated analytical processes consisting of multiple detection methods to reliably distinguish between pornographic and non-pornographic content, without having to rely on a signature database of pre-categorized content. These processes ensure that pornography is prevented from entering or leaving your messaging system.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">CONFIGURE IMAGE ANALYSIS AUDITING</span>\r\nFollow these instructions to set Secure Gateway into an audit mode. In audit mode, you will locate the images that are passing through your email system. You can use audit mode without interfering with the mail flow.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">PREREQUISITES</span>\r\nTo use Secure Gateway, you must have the following items:\r\n<ul> <li>A pre-installed Micro Focus Secure Gateway server that is configured and actively scanning email</li> <li>An Secure Gateway license key. Either a full license or trial key will work. (Contact your Micro Focus representative for your evaluation key)</li> </ul>","shortDescription":"Micro Focus Secure Gateway monitors and blocks illicit and inappropriate images, videos on your messaging system.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":19,"sellingCount":2,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Micro Focus Secure Gateway","keywords":"","description":"Micro Focus Secure Gateway monitors and blocks illicit and inappropriate images, videos on your messaging system. This solution is an add-on for Micro Focus Secure Gateway that scans the actual composition of images and videos to ensure accuracy. Its sophistic","og:title":"Micro Focus Secure Gateway","og:description":"Micro Focus Secure Gateway monitors and blocks illicit and inappropriate images, videos on your messaging system. This solution is an add-on for Micro Focus Secure Gateway that scans the actual composition of images and videos to ensure accuracy. Its sophistic","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/micro_focus.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2117,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2118,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/moduscloud.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Vircom modusCloud","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"vircom-moduscloud","companyTitle":"Vircom","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4544,"companyAlias":"vircom","description":"<p>modusCloud is a cloud-based email security solution that helps managed service providers (MSP), IT resellers and consultants to protect business email accounts from spam, targeted phishing and more. Key features include context indexing, outbound email encryption and Office 365 email integration.</p>\r\n<p>modusCloud provides businesses with real-time threat protection through spam filtering and phishing detection, a multi-layer anti-virus solution and email archiving. The solution also provides users with time-of-click URL defense on inbound links and malware analysis from a configurable single-user interface.</p>\r\n<p>modusCloud allows administrators to segment users into groups and manage global controls across their deployment. It also includes tools that helps administrators to monitor and regulate inbound and outbound SMTP traffic from a single login. Additionally, the solution features email quarantine tools, automates provisioning and provides multi-level management capabilities.</p>\r\n<p>Services are offered on an annual subscription basis that includes support via phone, email and an online knowledge base.</p>","shortDescription":"modusCloud is powerful cloud email security that drives value for IT admins and Partners.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":17,"sellingCount":1,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Vircom modusCloud","keywords":"","description":"<p>modusCloud is a cloud-based email security solution that helps managed service providers (MSP), IT resellers and consultants to protect business email accounts from spam, targeted phishing and more. Key features include context indexing, outbound email encr","og:title":"Vircom modusCloud","og:description":"<p>modusCloud is a cloud-based email security solution that helps managed service providers (MSP), IT resellers and consultants to protect business email accounts from spam, targeted phishing and more. Key features include context indexing, outbound email encr","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/moduscloud.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2119,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2120,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Vircom__logo_.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Vircom modusGate","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"vircom-modusgate","companyTitle":"Vircom","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4544,"companyAlias":"vircom","description":"<p><strong>Vircom’s modusGate</strong> is a powerful anti-spam email filtering gateway which harnesses more than two decades of industry experience and powerful service offerings. It offers unparalleled value by providing reliable MTA capabilities, incorporating a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) engine and a real-time cloud-based service that effectively identifies email borne threats through reputation and advanced statistical models.</p>\r\n<p><strong>Benefits:</strong></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>VBSpam+ verified which provides 99.93% spam catch rate with a 0% false positive rate.</li>\r\n<li>Extremely granular control with specific permissions and settings for users/domains.</li>\r\n<li>Multi-level administration for true peace of mind.</li>\r\n<li>Delegate full quarantine management to your end-users using either Outlook, Web or mobile devices.</li>\r\n<li>modusGate automatically manages all user account and alias management through standard-based lookups (SMTP, LDAP, MS Active Directory).</li>\r\n<li>Dual anti-virus layer that includes two of the most recognized and strongest brands in the industry, Avira and Bitdefender that ensure zero-day defense against phishing and malware threats.</li>\r\n</ul>","shortDescription":"modusGate is an on-premise multi-layer anti-spam email filtering gateway harnessing 2 decades of security and network experience.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":17,"sellingCount":11,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Vircom modusGate","keywords":"","description":"<p><strong>Vircom’s modusGate</strong> is a powerful anti-spam email filtering gateway which harnesses more than two decades of industry experience and powerful service offerings. It offers unparalleled value by providing reliable MTA capabilities, incor","og:title":"Vircom modusGate","og:description":"<p><strong>Vircom’s modusGate</strong> is a powerful anti-spam email filtering gateway which harnesses more than two decades of industry experience and powerful service offerings. It offers unparalleled value by providing reliable MTA capabilities, incor","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Vircom__logo_.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2121,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2122,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Vircom__logo_.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Vircom Office 365 Email Security","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"vircom-office-365-email-security","companyTitle":"Vircom","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":4544,"companyAlias":"vircom","description":"<p>With Vircom’s Office 365 Email Security, protect yourself against advanced threats, upgrade spam protection, ensure email continuity, archiving compliance and great customer service. Our cloud email security products provide businesses with complete email security, including machine learning anti-spam, URL defense, malicious attachment defense, secure encryption, email archiving solutions, targeted phishing protection, anti-ransomware and leading a leading email continuity solution.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Features:</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Cloud Email Security</li>\r\n<li>Spam Protection</li>\r\n<li>Targeted Phishing Protection</li>\r\n<li>Email Archiving Solution</li>\r\n<li>Secure Email Encryption</li>\r\n<li>Advanced Threat Protection</li>\r\n<li>URL Defense</li>\r\n<li>O365 Spam Filter</li>\r\n<li>Email Archive</li>\r\n</ul>","shortDescription":"With Vircom’s Office 365 Email Security, protect yourself against advanced threats, upgrade spam protection, ensure email continuity, archiving compliance and great customer service.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":12,"sellingCount":17,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Vircom Office 365 Email Security","keywords":"","description":"<p>With Vircom’s Office 365 Email Security, protect yourself against advanced threats, upgrade spam protection, ensure email continuity, archiving compliance and great customer service. Our cloud email security products provide businesses with complete e","og:title":"Vircom Office 365 Email Security","og:description":"<p>With Vircom’s Office 365 Email Security, protect yourself against advanced threats, upgrade spam protection, ensure email continuity, archiving compliance and great customer service. Our cloud email security products provide businesses with complete e","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Vircom__logo_.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2123,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":349,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Proofpoint_Email_Protection.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Proofpoint Email Protection","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"proofpoint-email-protection","companyTitle":"Proofpoint","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":2817,"companyAlias":"proofpoint","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Protection against BUSINESS EMAIL COMPROMISE (BEC)</span></p>\r\n<p>Dynamically classify impostor email (BEC) other threats that don't involve malware. These low volume, hard-to-detect threats have cost businesses more than $2.3 billion and cannot be detected by solutions that detect only malware. We detect and classify impostor email through a combination of authentication (DMARC), pre-defined rules, and dynamic classification. Our technology actively assesses the reputation of the sender for accurate protection without additional administration overhead.</p>\r\n<p>We analyze:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Sender-recipient relationship</li>\r\n<li>Domain reputation</li>\r\n<li>Email headers and envelope attributes</li>\r\n<li>Email content</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Granular filtering and control</span></p>\r\n<p>Email Protection can control all aspects of inbound and outbound email. Our policy engine gives you complete flexibility. Custom rules support global, group and user-level controls to meet the needs of even the most complex enterprise. Individual quarantines enable you to separate email types to allow your people to access their email digest and quarantine while keeping malicious emails away. Quarantines include:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Spam</li>\r\n<li>Impostor</li>\r\n<li>Bulk</li>\r\n<li>Phishing</li>\r\n<li>Malware</li>\r\n<li>Adult</li>\r\n<li>Low Priority</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Detailed visibility</span></p>\r\n<p>Email Protection gives you a wealth of data and search tools. Our advanced message tracing features a high-performance search engine to help you quickly pinpoint hard-to-find log data based on dozens of search criteria. With more than 60 real-time reports for detailed visibility into mail flow and trends, Email Protection provides the data that can help address issues and trends as they emerge. <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Give your people self-service control over their email preferences such as:</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Quarantines</li>\r\n<li>Safe and block lists</li>\r\n<li>Bulk mail delivery</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>These services are also easy to brand, providing familiarity for users who access these tools. And with support for numerous languages, you can deploy them globally. More than 90% of targeted attacks start with email, and these security threats are always evolving. Proofpoint Email Protection provides multiple layers of security to stop malware and non-malware threats, such as email fraud. It can control all aspects of inbound and outbound email to detect and block threats, and prevent confidential information from getting into the wrong hands.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Features and Benefits</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Advanced Email Filtering, Control and Visibility. Email Protection allows you to set up robust policies as a first step in routing email to users. You can create detailed firewall rules based on your needs. Even set up policies for anti-virus. We also leverage user bulk mail actions to improve accuracy of future detection and classification. With a wealth of data and search tools, you can ensure your organization's email is protected.</li>\r\n<li>Impostor Email Threat Protection. Imposter attacks are hard to detect. Our Stateful Composite Scoring Service (SCSS) is a machine learning approach that searches specifically for these email threats. It uses what’s known about your unique environment, along with data from all Proofpoint customers, to more effectively detect and block email fraud. </li>\r\n<li>Internal Mail Defense. As organization move to cloud-based email services, compromised accounts are on the rise. Internal Mail Defense can automatically scan all internal email traffic, providing a multilayered approach to looking for such things as spam, malware or phishing attacks being sent via compromised accounts. It removes these emails and provides reporting to shows which accounts have been compromised.</li>\r\n<li>Email Continuity. Email downtime can be a significant hit to worker productivity. Enterprise Continuity ensures email is always available, even if your company email is down. It provides full access to users—via Outlook integration, a web portal or native mobile support. And it automatically activates in an outage, with fully automated recovery. </li>\r\n</ul>","shortDescription":"Proofpoint Email Protection stops malware and non-malware threats such as impostor email (also known as business email compromise, or BEC). ","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":11,"sellingCount":13,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Proofpoint Email Protection","keywords":"email, Email, Protection, data, search, that, control, rules","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Protection against BUSINESS EMAIL COMPROMISE (BEC)</span></p>\r\n<p>Dynamically classify impostor email (BEC) other threats that don't involve malware. These low volume, hard-to-detect threats have cost businesses more than $2","og:title":"Proofpoint Email Protection","og:description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Protection against BUSINESS EMAIL COMPROMISE (BEC)</span></p>\r\n<p>Dynamically classify impostor email (BEC) other threats that don't involve malware. These low volume, hard-to-detect threats have cost businesses more than $2","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Proofpoint_Email_Protection.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":350,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":41,"title":"Antispam","alias":"antispam","description":"In each system, which involves the communication of users, there is always the problem of spam, or the mass mailing of unsolicited emails, which is solved using the antispam system. An antispam system is installed to catch and filter spam at different levels. Spam monitoring and identification are relevant on corporate servers that support corporate email, here the antispam system filters spam on the server before it reaches the mailbox. There are many programs that help to cope with this task, but not all of them are equally useful. The main objective of such programs is to stop sending unsolicited letters, however, the methods of assessing and suppressing such actions can be not only beneficial but also detrimental to your organization. So, depending on the rules and policies of mail servers, your server, or even a domain, may be blacklisted and the transfer of letters will be limited through it, and you may not even be warned about it.\r\nThe main types of installation and use of anti-spam systems:\r\n<ul><li>installation of specialized equipment, a gateway that filters mail before it reaches the server;</li><li>use of external antispam systems for analyzing emails and content;</li><li>setting up an antispam system with the ability to learn on the mail server itself;</li><li>installation of spam filtering software on the client’s computer.</li></ul>","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Anti-spam technologies:</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Heuristic analysis</span>\r\nExtremely complex, highly intelligent technology for empirical analysis of all parts of a message: header fields, message bodies, etc. Not only the message itself is analyzed. The heuristic analyzer is constantly being improved, new rules are continuously added to it. It works “ahead of the curve” and makes it possible to recognize still unknown varieties of spam of a new generation before the release of available updates.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Filtering counteraction</span>\r\nThis is one of the most advanced and effective anti-spam technologies. It is to recognize the tricks resorted to by spammers to bypass anti-spam filters.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">HTML based analysis</span>\r\nHTML code comparable to samples of HTML signatures in antispam. Such a comparison, using the available data on the size of typical spam images, protects users from spam messages using HTML-code, which are often included in the online image.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam detection technology for message envelopes</span>\r\nDetection of fakes in the "stamps" of SMTP-servers and in other elements of the e-mail header is the newest direction in the development of anti-spam methods. Email addresses can not be trusted. Fake emails contain more than just spam. For example, anonymous and even threats. Technologies of various anti-spam systems allow you to send such messages. Thus, it provides not only the economic movement, but also the protection of employees.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Semantic analysis</span>\r\nMeaning in words and phrases is compared with typical spam vocabulary. Comparison of provisions for a special dictionary, for expression and symbols.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Anti-camming technology</span>\r\nScamming is probably the most dangerous type of spam. All of them have the so-called "Nigerian letters", reports of winnings in the lottery, casino, fake letters and credit services.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Technical spam filtering</span>\r\nAutomatic notification of e-mail - bounce-messages - to inform users about the malfunction of the postal system (for example, non-delivery of address letters). Attackers can use similar messages. Under the guise of a technical notification, computer service or ordinary spam can penetrate the computer.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Antispam.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":1747,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/SonicWall.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"SonicWall Email Security","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"sonicwall-email-security","companyTitle":"SonicWall","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":4104,"companyAlias":"sonicwall","description":"SonicWall Email Security appliances are ideal for organizations that need a dedicated on-premises solution. The hardened Linux-based appliance defends against advanced email-borne threats such as ransomware, zero-day threats, spear phishing and business email compromise. Our multi-layered solution provides comprehensive inbound and outbound protection, and is available in a range of hardware appliance options that scales up to 10,000 users per appliance.\r\n<strong>GET COMPREHENSIVE INBOUND AND OUTBOUND PROTECTION</strong>\r\nSonicWall Email Security appliances deliver a multi-layered protection against advanced email-borne threats from a hardened Linux based system. Stop advanced threats before they reach your inbox Protect against email fraud and targeted phishing attacks Get up-to-date security with real-time threat intelligence Enable email data loss prevention & compliance Ease management and reporting.\r\n<strong>ADVANCED THREAT PROTECTION</strong>\r\nProtect against emerging zero-day attacks and ransomware with the Capture Advanced Threat Protection service. Our cloud-based sandboxing technology scans a broad range of email attachment types and performs dynamic URL analysis to detect advanced threats, analyze them in a multi-engine sandbox and block threats before they reach your inbox.\r\n<strong>PROTECT AGAINST SOPHISTICATED PHISHING ATTACKS</strong>\r\nSonicWall's anti-phishing technology uses a combination of methodologies such as machine learning, heuristics, reputation and content analysis to stop sophisticated phishing attacks. The solution also includes powerful email authentication standards - SPF, DKIM and DMARC - to stop spoofing attacks, business email compromise and email fraud.\r\n<strong>STAY UPDATED WITH REAL-TIME THREAT INTELLIGENCE</strong>\r\nReceive real-time threat intelligence from SonicWall Capture Labs and ensure delivery of good email. Capture Labs collects and analyzes information from industry threat lists, performs rigorous testing and evaluation of millions of emails every day, and establishes reputation scores for senders and content, identifying new threats as they occur.\r\n<strong>BLOCK MALWARE WITH MULTI-AV SCANNING</strong>\r\nEnsure your anti-spyware and anti-virus is up to date, with SonicWall cloud anti-virus and anti-virus signatures from industry partners. SonicWall uses predictive and responsive technologies to protect organizations from virus infections before signature updates are available.\r\n<strong>ENFORCE STRONG DATA LOSS PREVENTION AND COMPLIANCE</strong>\r\nComply with regulatory mandates using advanced compliance scanning, management and, optionally, email encryption, to prevent confidential data leaks and regulatory violations. The SonicWall Email Compliance and Encryption subscription services provide integrated, policy-enforced and on-demand email encryption. With this service, policies may be configured to scan outbound email content and attachments for sensitive data.\r\n<strong>EASY-TO-USE SECURITY</strong>\r\nAchieve simple email management with a customizable, at-a-glance dashboard. Multi-tenancy support allows large enterprise and managed service provider deployments with multiple departments or customers to establish organizational units with one or multiple domains. The deployment may be centrally managed, but still allows a given organizational unit to have its own users, sub-administrators, policy rules, junk boxes and more.","shortDescription":"SonicWall Email Security is a Secure E-mail Gateway ","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":8,"sellingCount":12,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"SonicWall Email Security","keywords":"","description":"SonicWall Email Security appliances are ideal for organizations that need a dedicated on-premises solution. The hardened Linux-based appliance defends against advanced email-borne threats such as ransomware, zero-day threats, spear phishing and business email ","og:title":"SonicWall Email Security","og:description":"SonicWall Email Security appliances are ideal for organizations that need a dedicated on-premises solution. The hardened Linux-based appliance defends against advanced email-borne threats such as ransomware, zero-day threats, spear phishing and business email ","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/SonicWall.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":1748,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":1749,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/The_Email_Laundry.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"The Email Laundry Full Stack Email Security","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":1,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"the-email-laundry-full-stack-email-security","companyTitle":"The Email Laundry","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":4391,"companyAlias":"the-email-laundry","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Impersonation Detection</span>\r\nTo protect users from Impersonation type email attacks like CEO Fraud or Business Email Compromise The Email Laundry provides a range of methods to customers on its Full Stack Email security service to counter these attacks.\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Friendly Name filters to protect against social engineering impersonation attacks on mobile and desktop devices.</li>\r\n<li>Protection against social engineering attacks like whaling, CEO fraud, business email compromise or W-2 fraud.</li>\r\n<li>Instant action from The Email Laundry Threat Intelligence Network and Security Analyst teams</li>\r\n<li>Protects against Newly Registered and Newly Observed Domains to catch the first email from a newly registered domain.</li>\r\n<li>Protects against Display name spoofing and attacks targeting phones</li>\r\n<li>Protects against “looks like” and “sounds like” versions of domain names</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nThreat IntelligenceUsing our unique combination of in-house developed tools like real-time blacklists, AS rankings, passive DNS, and more; stop ransomware, phishing, and other dangerous attacks before they reach your company.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Connection Filtering</span>\r\nOur service uses a variety of tests and checks to rate each connection and identify if it seems authentic such as IP reputations, if the domain exists in DNS, domain SPF, and other custom filters.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span>\r\nEmails are scanned for suspicious content and attachment types such as .pdf, .exe, .js, etc, that are often linked with malicious attacks. Content that appears to be dangerous or spam will be scored and either be quarantined or discarded, depending on its risk.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Multi-layered Encryption</span>\r\nTo ensure complete protection, we use multiple layers of encryption to secure our clients, including opportunistic TLS encryption. We also offer PDF encryption and secure portal encryption as additional services for users who require them.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Security Policies</span>\r\nWe supply default cyber security policies, DLP policies, and other important corporate security policies, as well as allow companies to add and edit security policies specific to their company and/or users.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Shared Security Feeds</span>\r\nThese feeds help us to identify what potential harms are being sent at that moment and allow us to adjust our systems to better protect our clients from reported malicious email attacks.","shortDescription":"The Email Laundry Full Stack Email Security: Shield Your Business From Targeted Email Attacks\r\nStart your free trial today and say goodbye to ransomware, viruses, phishing, and more.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":13,"sellingCount":14,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"The Email Laundry Full Stack Email Security","keywords":"","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Impersonation Detection</span>\r\nTo protect users from Impersonation type email attacks like CEO Fraud or Business Email Compromise The Email Laundry provides a range of methods to customers on its Full Stack Email security serv","og:title":"The Email Laundry Full Stack Email Security","og:description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Impersonation Detection</span>\r\nTo protect users from Impersonation type email attacks like CEO Fraud or Business Email Compromise The Email Laundry provides a range of methods to customers on its Full Stack Email security serv","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/The_Email_Laundry.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":1750,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":1278,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Allot_Communications.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Allot Communications Secure Service Gateway","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"allot-communications-secure-service-gateway","companyTitle":"Allot Communications","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":4095,"companyAlias":"allot-communications","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Protect network uptime and efficiency</span>\r\nAllot Secure Service Gateway is built on the same carrier-class performance and reliability that Allot brings to many of the world’s largest network operators. Flexible redundancy configurations plus passive bypass with automatic port failover maximize uptime and availability.\r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Automate operations and lower TCO</span>\r\nAllot Secure Service Gateway integrates multiple functions in an Intel-based platform that protects your investment and lets you scale from 2 to 22 ports of 1GE/10GE network connectivity in a single appliance.\r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Get the visibility you need to control application performance</span>\r\nAllot provides live traffic monitoring and usage reporting according to traffic policies that are mapped to your complex data center and cloud applications, giving you full visibility and control of application performance, web access, user quality of experience, shadow IT and web threats.\r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Protect users from Internet threats and enforce acceptable use</span>\r\nAllot helps you embrace and maximize the business value of cloud (web) applications by detecting and blocking malware, phishing and other web threats before they harm application performance and user productivity. Allot Secure Service Gateway also detects and surgically filters DDoS and bot traffic before it affects your network.\r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">With Allot Secure Service Gateway you can:</span>\r\n<ul><li>See how well your mission-critical applications are performing and supporting user productivity</li><li>Control application performance and improve Quality of Experience according to business priorities</li><li>Keep malicious or unauthorized user/application traffic off your network</li><li>Neutralize threats and ensure ongoing performance of business applications</li><li>Enforce Acceptable Use Policy for shadow IT, BYOD, resource usage</li><li>Troubleshoot and resolve network issues in real time</li><li>Simplify and automate your operations</li><li>Reduce opex and TCO</li></ul>","shortDescription":"Allot Communications Secure Service Gateway is a Smart Way to Protect Users and Control Application Performance\r\nYour business relies on employees and customers being able to connect and work productively with mission-critical applications at all times and from any location. The performance and efficiency of your network can be easily compromised by the ever-increasing demand for LAN, WAN and Internet bandwidth driven by cloud, mobile and video applications. Moreover, the growing use of BYOD and shadow IT have opened complex attack vectors for web threats to infect user devices, get into your network, and harm business productivity and viability. Allot Secure Service Gateway combines the functionality of Allot Service Gateway with our powerful web security and DDoS protection systems, to offer a single, scalable solution that lowers the cost of supporting your evolving requirements for application and user visibility, performance, and security.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":0,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Allot Communications Secure Service Gateway","keywords":"Allot, your, performance, Service, Secure, application, Gateway, network","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Protect network uptime and efficiency</span>\r\nAllot Secure Service Gateway is built on the same carrier-class performance and reliability that Allot brings to many of the world’s largest network operators. Flexible redundancy c","og:title":"Allot Communications Secure Service Gateway","og:description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Protect network uptime and efficiency</span>\r\nAllot Secure Service Gateway is built on the same carrier-class performance and reliability that Allot brings to many of the world’s largest network operators. Flexible redundancy c","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Allot_Communications.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":1278,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":457,"title":"DDoS Protection","alias":"ddos-protection","description":" A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet. Denial of service is typically accomplished by flooding the targeted machine or resource with superfluous requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being fulfilled.\r\nIn a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack), the incoming traffic flooding the victim originates from many different sources. This effectively makes it impossible to stop the attack simply by blocking a single source.\r\nA DoS or DDoS attack is analogous to a group of people crowding the entry door of a shop, making it hard for legitimate customers to enter, disrupting trade.\r\nCriminal perpetrators of DoS attacks often target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks or credit card payment gateways. Revenge, blackmail and activism can motivate these attacks. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the Different Types of DDoS Attacks?</span>\r\nDistributed Denial of Service attacks vary significantly, and there are thousands of different ways an attack can be carried out (attack vectors), but an attack vector will generally fall into one of three broad categories:\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Volumetric Attacks:</span>\r\nVolumetric attacks attempt to consume the bandwidth either within the target network/service or between the target network/service and the rest of the Internet. These attacks are simply about causing congestion.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">TCP State-Exhaustion Attacks:</span>\r\nTCP State-Exhaustion attacks attempt to consume the connection state tables which are present in many infrastructure components such as load-balancers, firewalls and the application servers themselves. Even high capacity devices capable of maintaining state on millions of connections can be taken down by these attacks.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Application Layer Attacks:</span>\r\nApplication Layer attacks target some aspect of an application or service at Layer-7. These are the deadliest kind of attacks as they can be very effective with as few as one attacking machine generating a low traffic rate (this makes these attacks very difficult to proactively detect and mitigate). Application layer attacks have come to prevalence over the past three or four years and simple application layer flood attacks (HTTP GET flood etc.) have been some of the most common denials of service attacks seen in the wild.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_DDoS_Protection.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"},{"id":325,"title":"Performance Management Software","alias":"performance-management-software","description":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Performance management software </span>— also referred to as a <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">performance management system</span>— helps a company track, analyze, and evaluate its employees’ performance. is designed to improve business performance by spurring employee productivity. It works to ensure individual employees and teams are engaged and in alignment with organizational goals. Employee review software replaces an annual performance review process with real-time performance tracking, goal setting and feedback.\r\nPerformance management software systems are overseen by the HR department. They fit under the umbrella of <span style=\"font-style: italic; \">talent management systems.</span>\r\nAs next-generation HR software, performance management tools help companies address the modern goals of continually monitoring performance while giving employees feedback and support. Performance review software can track individual contributions to a team, as well as that team's ability to meet business objectives, thus tying performance into the company's bottom line.\r\nImproving employee engagement is another goal of performance management software. An employee can see current individual performance goals and their progress toward meeting them. This includes tracking efforts on specific projects. Managers measure individual performance against goals, and employees get a better idea of where they stand.\r\nThese systems use dashboards for quick and collaborative reviews. They can report individual performance, as well as project and team performance. The systems may also include employee ranking.\r\nAn effective performance management program must interact with other tools - in particular, workforce analytics. Data can be analyzed, for instance, against reporting from financial management systems and sales performance management systems.","materialsDescription":"<h1 class=\"align-center\">Why Implement Performance Management Software?</h1>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Easily-Navigable Dashboard </span></li></ul>\r\nThe top advantage to performance management tools are their ability to bring all key data and performance into one, organized location. Award-winning business performance management software do that. They make it easy to navigate the data and information and help leaders make better decisions for their workforce. \r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Performance Review Cycles </span></li></ul>\r\nTraditional annual review cycle or not, performance management system software can help coordinate, organize, schedule and store review information. The software will send reminders to leaders, manage permissions as leadership changes and provide structure to the overall process, including scripts based on company values and the employee’s role.\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">360 Degree and Peer Reviews </span></li></ul>\r\nPerformance and talent management tool can help ensure the process goes smoothly by providing structured and anonymous assessments. In some cases, there might be more than a few people involved in the performance review of one employee, so the software can track the progress of feedback to ensure each manager or leader has provided necessary input in a timely manner.\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Customizable Review and Assessment Scripts </span></li></ul>\r\nIt is best practice to base performance on the unique values and goals of your organization, which means the annual review script should be different for a manager than it is for an executive, and nothing like the script of another organization. \r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Goal and Performance Tracking </span></li></ul>\r\nContinuous performance and goal tracking allows leadership to see the progress of projects clearly while keeping in mind which employees are hitting the mark and which need guidance. And because automated performance management system available to the employee as well, everyone will be on the same page and aligned to the work being done, even between departments in real-time.\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Development & Succession Planning </span></li></ul>\r\nEmployees need continuous support in order to become effective contributors to the organization, especially in the long run. With performance management tools, you can track development progress, assign long term goals and ensure you understand the direction of talent and the business as a whole.\r\n\r\n","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Performance_Management_Software.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2094,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Tren_Micro_Hosted_Email_Security.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Trend Micro Hosted Email Security","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.40","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":2,"alias":"trend-micro-hosted-email-security","companyTitle":"Trend Micro","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":4372,"companyAlias":"trend-micro","description":"<p>Trend Micro Hosted Email Security is a no-maintenance-required solution that delivers continuously updated protection to stop phishing, ransomware, BEC, advanced threats, spam and malware before they reach your network. It protects Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Office 365, Gmail and other hosted and on-premises email solutions.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Key features:</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Layered protection:</span> Provides protection for phishing, spam, and graymail with multiple techniques, including sender reputation, content and image analysis, machine learning, and more.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email fraud protection:</span> Protects against BEC with enhanced machine learning, combined with expert rules, analyzing both the header and content of the email.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Document exploit protection:</span> Detects advanced malware and exploits in PDF, Microsoft Office, and other documents using static and heuristic logic to detect and examine abnormalities.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Zero-day protection:</span> Combines pre-execution machine learning, anti-malware, and dynamic analysis using sandboxing to detect zero-day malware.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Cloud sandboxing:</span> Includes cloud sandboxing for automatic in-depth simulation and analysis of potentially malicious attachments in a secure virtual environment hosted by Trend Micro.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">URL time-of-click:</span> Blocks emails with malicious URLs before delivery and re-checks URL safety when a user clicks on it.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Web reputation service:</span> Scans URLs embedded in emails and blocks URLs leading to malicious sites by using the enhanced web reputation services from the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email encryption:</span> Policy-driven email encryption includes hosted key management service and enables recipients to read encrypted emails on any device using a web browser.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Data loss prevention (DLP):</span> Provides DLP profiles to make it easier to track and document sensitive data, and safeguard confidential information.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Source verification and authentication:</span> Includes Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC).</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Threat intelligence:</span> Uses the Smart Protection Network, one of the largest threat intelligence databases, to correlate web, email, file, domain registries, and many other threat sources to identify attacker infrastructures, before they are launched.</p>","shortDescription":"Trend Micro Hosted Email Security is a no-maintenance-required solution that delivers continuously updated protection to stop phishing, ransomware, BEC, advanced threats, spam and malware.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":20,"sellingCount":4,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Trend Micro Hosted Email Security","keywords":"","description":"<p>Trend Micro Hosted Email Security is a no-maintenance-required solution that delivers continuously updated protection to stop phishing, ransomware, BEC, advanced threats, spam and malware before they reach your network. It protects Microsoft Exchange, Micro","og:title":"Trend Micro Hosted Email Security","og:description":"<p>Trend Micro Hosted Email Security is a no-maintenance-required solution that delivers continuously updated protection to stop phishing, ransomware, BEC, advanced threats, spam and malware before they reach your network. It protects Microsoft Exchange, Micro","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Tren_Micro_Hosted_Email_Security.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2095,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2100,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Sophos_Email_Appliance.gif","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Sophos Email Appliance","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.40","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":1,"alias":"sophos-email-appliance","companyTitle":"Sophos","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":2791,"companyAlias":"sophos","description":"<p>The Sophos Email Appliance is an email security gateway product. It closely examines email messages to determine if they contain any suspicious content, such as spam, malware and phishing attempts. If any such content is detected, the Sophos Email Appliance blocks it so that it cannot reach its destination and potentially cause a data breach or other compromise. Because such a large percentage of threats today are email-borne, having a robust email security gateway protecting an organization has generally become a necessity.</p>\r\n<p>Sophos Email Appliance is an all-in-one solution for email encryption, DLP, anti-spam and threat protection. It provides advanced protection from today’s sophisticated spear phishing attacks and gives you full control over data leaving your organization via email.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Highlights:</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Block targeted spear phishing attacks;</li>\r\n<li>Protect users from new zero-day threats;</li>\r\n<li>Advanced multi-layer spam detection;</li>\r\n<li>Support for SPF and DKIM anti-spoofing;</li>\r\n<li>Easily create DLP policies;</li>\r\n<li>Unique SPX Encryption is easy and transparent.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Advanced threat protection</span></p>\r\n<p>Sophos Time-of-Click protection blocks malicious email URLs, protecting your users from stealthy, delayed, spear phishing attacks. Every URL, in every email, is secured. Every time an email link is clicked, on any device, its reputation is checked against our cloud-hosted Sophos SXL database. No client software is required, speeding implementation and reducing user disruption. Our new Sophos Sandstorm* enhances targeted attack protection, visibility, and analysis. Sandstorm complements our advanced antivirus scanning engine to quickly and accurately detect, block, and respond to evasive threats using powerful cloud-based, next-generation sandbox technology.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Quick and easy data protection compliance</span></p>\r\n<p>Our wizard-based DLP rules and policy-based encryption makes email data protection simple— preventing costly data-loss incidents. Using our built-in lexicon of hundreds of sensitive data types, you can quickly and easily build DLP policies for users or groups. Protect your information by blocking messages containing sensitive data or by encrypting them before they leave the network gateway.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">SPX Encryption—encryption you can use</span></p>\r\n<p>Our patent-pending simple SPX Encryption is transparent, simple and requires no changes to user workflow. It doesn’t require clumsy and expensive key management or additional software. SPX Encryption simply encapsulates the email content and attachments into a secure encrypted PDF that can’t be hacked or cracked. But it allows users to view their encrypted email anywhere: in their preferred email client, in their webmail or on their mobile device.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Stamp out snowshoe spam and suspicious email content</span></p>\r\n<p>Our sophisticated email filtering protects users from the latest snowshoe spam, identity theft, password scams and more by looking for suspicious content, attachments or URLs. Support for Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) ensures spam and phishing attacks attempting to spoof legitimate sender domains are blocked. You can also block unwanted content and be sure our proven antivirus scanning is catching the latest threats.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Simplify mail management</span></p>\r\n<p>Reduce your workload with our streamlined management console and managed appliances that offer the best of an on-premise appliance with a managed service. You get automated updates and we monitor your appliances remotely to ensure everything’s running as it should.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Flexible deployment options</span></p>\r\n<p>Choose from a variety of hardware appliance options or our popular VMware Ready virtual appliance. Our simple integration with Microsoft Active Directory and eDirectory will have you up and running with just a few clicks.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Easy centralized management</span></p>\r\n<p>If you need multiple appliances for added performance or high availability, you can easily cluster hardware and virtual appliances with just a few clicks. Everything else is automatic and you can manage the entire cluster from a single console.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Extend protection to your Internal mail servers</span></p>\r\n<p>Add Sophos PureMessage for Exchange to your mail servers to prevent the propagation of malware, viruses, spam or other unwanted content.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Additional hardware information</span></p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Installation</span>: 1U rackmount <span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Regulatory/safety certification</span>: UL, CE, FCC, VCCI, C-Tick, TUV-GS, SABS, RoHS <span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Hardware warranty</span>: Up to three-year advance replacement (subject to valid software licensing)</p>","shortDescription":"An advanced, all-in-one solution for email security, Sophos Email Appliance delivers encryption, DLP, anti-spam and threat protection features.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":19,"sellingCount":16,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Sophos Email Appliance","keywords":"","description":"<p>The Sophos Email Appliance is an email security gateway product. It closely examines email messages to determine if they contain any suspicious content, such as spam, malware and phishing attempts. If any such content is detected, the Sophos Email Appliance","og:title":"Sophos Email Appliance","og:description":"<p>The Sophos Email Appliance is an email security gateway product. It closely examines email messages to determine if they contain any suspicious content, such as spam, malware and phishing attempts. If any such content is detected, the Sophos Email Appliance","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Sophos_Email_Appliance.gif"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2101,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":2084,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/content/MCAfee_Email.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"McAfee Email Gateway","vendorVerified":1,"rating":"2.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":110,"alias":"mcafee-email-gateway","companyTitle":"McAfee","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":184,"companyAlias":"mcafee","description":"McAfee Email Gateway consolidates inbound threat protection, outbound data loss prevention, encryption, advanced compliance, and administration into a single, easy-to-deploy and user-friendly appliance. As a comprehensive email security solution, Email Gateway can stand alone or work in tandem with McAfee SaaS Email Protection & Continuity. It eliminates ineffective piecemeal defenses, simplifies multivendor security environments, and reduces operating costs — while significantly strengthening email security. Email Gateway delivers:\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Total inbound protection</span> — Email Gateway provides the most complete protection available against inbound threats. Powerful antispam scanning technologies identify and block incoming spam with over 99% accuracy. And it protects your network from viruses, malware, phishing, directory harvest, denial of service (DoS), bounceback attacks, zero-hour threats, and spam surges.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Total outbound protection</span> — Available at no extra charge are push, pull, and TLS encryption and built-in data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities that utilize the same text-matching dictionaries found in McAfee Data Loss Prevention. These DLP capabilities are fully administrable from the Email Gateway user interface or McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO). Using sophisticated content-scanning technologies, multiple encryption techniques, and granular, policy-based message handling, Email Gateway prevents outbound data loss and keeps sensitive data secure.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Simple, powerful administration from within McAfee ePO</span> — With Email Gateway, administrators can deliver superior email protection and document it with customizable, enterprise-class reporting, exportable report logs, real-time dashboards, and alerts. Email Gateway combines performance, scalability, and stability with a flexible delivery model to ensure maximum ROI.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">A virtualized solution</span> — The Email Gateway appliance is also available as a virtual appliance, so you can reap the benefits of virtualization. With lower costs than a physical appliance, a virtual appliance also provides maximum flexibility, including the ability to consolidate solutions on a single server.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Enhanced security powered by McAfee Global Threat Intelligence (GTI)</span> — McAfee GTI is a comprehensive cloud-based threat intelligence service. Integrated into McAfee security products, it works in real time, 24 hours a day, to protect customers against cyberthreats across all vectors — file, web, message, and network. McAfee GTI offers the broadest threat data, most robust data correlation, and most complete product integration in the industry. McAfee’s GTI network allows enabled products to evaluate threats on multiple vectors in real time, leading to faster identification of threats and higher capture rates. Email Gateway uses the message reputation service to identify email messages carrying malicious payloads.","shortDescription":"MEG consolidates inbound threat protection, outbound data loss prevention, encryption, advanced compliance, and administration into a single, easy-to-deploy and user-friendly appliance.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":6,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"McAfee Email Gateway","keywords":"","description":"McAfee Email Gateway consolidates inbound threat protection, outbound data loss prevention, encryption, advanced compliance, and administration into a single, easy-to-deploy and user-friendly appliance. As a comprehensive email security solution, Email Gateway","og:title":"McAfee Email Gateway","og:description":"McAfee Email Gateway consolidates inbound threat protection, outbound data loss prevention, encryption, advanced compliance, and administration into a single, easy-to-deploy and user-friendly appliance. As a comprehensive email security solution, Email Gateway","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/content/MCAfee_Email.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":2085,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":38,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":558,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway - Appliance","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway-appliance","description":"According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and next-gen anti-phishing and anti-spam</li><li>Additional security features</li><li>Customization of the solution’s management features</li><li>Low false positive and false negative percentages</li><li>External processes and storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, secure email gateways can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email, and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan each email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a specific period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway_Appliance.png"},{"id":469,"title":"Secure E-mail Gateway","alias":"secure-e-mail-gateway","description":" According to technology research firm Gartner, secure email gateways “provide basic message transfer agent functions; inbound filtering of spam, phishing, malicious and marketing emails; and outbound data loss prevention (DLP) and email encryption.”\r\nTo put that in simpler language, a secure email gateway (also called an email security gateway) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors incoming and outgoing messages for suspicious behavior, preventing them from being delivered. Secure email gateways can be deployed via an email server, public cloud, on-premises software, or in a hybrid system. According to cybersecurity experts, none of these deployment options are inherently superior; each one has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed by the individual enterprise.\r\nGartner defines the secure email gateway market as mature, with the key capabilities clearly defined by market demands and customer satisfaction. These capabilities include:\r\n<ul><li>Basic and Next-Gen Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam</li><li>Additional Security Features</li><li>Customization of the Solution’s Management Features</li><li>Low False Positive and False Negative Percentages</li><li>External Processes and Storage</li></ul>\r\nSecure email gateways are designed to surpass the traditional detection capabilities of legacy antivirus and anti-phishing solutions. To do so, they offer more sophisticated detection and prevention capabilities; secure email gateways can make use of threat intelligence to stay up-to-date with the latest threats.\r\nAdditionally, SEGs can sandbox suspicious emails, observing their behavior in a safe, enclosed environment that resembles the legitimate network. Security experts can then determine if it is a legitimate threat or a false positive.\r\nSecure email gateway solutions will often offer data loss prevention and email encryption capabilities to protect outgoing communications from prying and unscrupulous eyes.\r\nMuch like SIEM or endpoint detection and response (EDR), secure email gateways can produce false positives and false negatives, although they do tend to be far less than rates found in SIEM and EDR alerts.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work?</span>\r\nA secure email gateway offers a robust framework of technologies that protect against these email-borne threats. It is effectively a firewall for your email and scans both outbound and inbound email for any malicious content. At a minimum, most secure gateways offer a minimum of four security features: virus and malware blocking, spam filtering, content filtering and email archiving. Let's take a look at these features in more detail:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Virus and Malware Blocking</span></span>\r\nEmails infected with viruses or malware can make up approximately 1% of all email received by an organization. For a secure email gateway to effectively prevent these emails from reaching their intended recipients and delivering their payload, it must scan every email and be constantly kept up-to-date with the latest threat patterns and characteristics.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Spam Filtering</span></span>\r\nBelieve it or not, spam filtering is where the majority of a secure email gateway's processing power is focused. Spam is blocked in a number of different ways. Basic spam filtering usually involves a prefiltering technology that blocks or quarantines any emails received from known spammers. Spam filtering can also detect patterns commonly found in spam emails, such as preferred keywords used by spammers and the inclusion of links that could take the email recipient to a malicious site if clicked. Many email clients also allow users to flag spam messages that arrive in their mailbox and to block senders.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Content Filtering</span></span>\r\nContent filtering is typically applied to an outbound email sent by users within the company. For example, you can configure your secure email gateway to prevent specific sensitive documents from being sent to an external recipient, or put a block on image files or specific keywords within them being sent through the email system.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Email Archiving</span></span>\r\nEmail services, whether they are in the cloud or on-premise, need to be managed efficiently. Storage has been a problem for email administrators for many years, and while you may have almost infinite cloud storage available, email archiving can help to manage both user mailboxes and the efficiency of your systems. Compliance is also a major concern for many companies and email archiving is a must if you need to keep emails for a certain period of time.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Secure_Email_Gateway.jpg"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]}],"jobRoles":[{"id":60,"title":"Chief Information Officer"},{"id":70,"title":"IT Security and Risk Management"},{"id":64,"title":"Chief IT Security Officer"}],"organizationalFeatures":["Internet access is available for employees","IT Security Department in company","Сonfidential data","PCI DSS Compliance","GDPR Compliance","Personal data operation"],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":["Unauthorized access to corporate IT systems and data","Malware infection via Internet, email, storage devices","Insufficient risk management","Risk of data loss or damage","Risk of lost access to data and IT systems","Non-compliant with IT security requirements"],"materials":[{"id":702,"title":"","description":"FORCEPOINT’S CLOUD AND ON PREMISE EMAIL SECURITY ","uri":"https://www.forcepoint.com/sites/default/files/resources/files/brochure_forcepoint_email_security_en.pdf"},{"id":703,"title":"","description":"CERTIFIED ADMINISTRATOR ELEARNING COURSE","uri":"https://www.forcepoint.com/sites/default/files/resources/files/datasheet-forcepoint-email-security-administrator-elearning-en.pdf"}],"useCases":[{"id":53,"title":"The Total Economic Impact™ Of Forcepoint’s Web Security Cloud And Email Security Cloud","description":"Through a customer interview and data aggregation, Forrester concluded that the Forcepoint solutions have the following <link https://www.forcepoint.com/sites/default/files/resources/files/infographic_forrester_tei_forcepoint_cloud_web_email_en.pdf>three-year financial impact</link>.","imageURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/forcepoint_logo.png"}],"best_practices":[],"values":["Ensure Security and Business Continuity","Manage Risks","Enhance Staff Productivity"],"implementations":[{"id":614,"title":"Forcepoint Email Security, Forcepoint Web Security for IT company","url":"https://old.roi4cio.com/vnedrenija/vnedrenie/forcepoint-email-security-forcepoint-web-security-for-it-company/"},{"id":831,"title":"Forcepoint Email Security, Forcepoint Web Security for an agri-food leader Amadori’","url":"https://old.roi4cio.com/vnedrenija/vnedrenie/forcepoint-email-security-forcepoint-web-security-for-an-agri-food-leader-amadori/"},{"id":278,"title":"Forcepoint Advanced Malware Detection, Forcepoint Email Security Cloud, Forcepoint Web Security Cloud for a food and beverage company","url":"https://old.roi4cio.com/vnedrenija/vnedrenie/forcepoint-advanced-malware-detection-forcepoint-email-security-cloud-forcepoint-web-security-cloud-for-a-food-and-beverage-company/"},{"id":280,"title":"Forcepoint Email Security Cloud for financial sales organization","url":"https://old.roi4cio.com/vnedrenija/vnedrenie/forcepoint-email-security-cloud-for-financial-sales-organization/"}],"presenterCodeLng":"","productImplementations":[{"id":614,"title":"Forcepoint Email Security, Forcepoint Web Security for IT company","description":"To meet the company’s stringent security needs, Alphawest has been using Forcepoint Web and Email Security since 2012. The solution supplements traditional reputation-based filtering needs with intelligent content inspection and advanced analytics.\r\n<blockquote>“Maintaining a separate solution is inefficient and, frankly, frustrating. Adopting a hybrid web and email security solution from Forcepoint has given us the best of both worlds. It delivers great IT management efficiencies because a single management console configures both the cloud services and our internal appliances. So you do everything once and you are protected twice. But at the same time, it ensures we maintain those multiple lines of defense. It is redundancy without replication.”</blockquote>\r\n— Watts","alias":"forcepoint-email-security-forcepoint-web-security-for-it-company","roi":0,"seo":{"title":"Forcepoint Email Security, Forcepoint Web Security for IT company","keywords":"","description":"To meet the company’s stringent security needs, Alphawest has been using Forcepoint Web and Email Security since 2012. 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Headquartered in Sydney, it p","og:title":"Alphawest","og:description":"With a history dating back to the mid-1980s, a period of public listing on the Australian Stock Exchange and the 2005 high-profile acquisition by SingTel Optus, Alphawest is one of Australia’s best-known ICT support organizations. Headquartered in Sydney, it p","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/Alphawest.jpg"},"eventUrl":""},"supplier":{"id":178,"title":"Forcepoint","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/forcepoint_logo.png","alias":"forcepoint","address":"Forcepoint Title","roles":[],"description":"<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint is an American multinational software corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas USA. 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Forcepoint allows you to focus on prioritization by automating day-to-day operations. </span>\r\n<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint's clients include Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 leaders: AT&T, Deutsche Telecom, Canon, McDonanld's, UPS, Sheraton, Merill Lynch, Bank of America, PepsiCo Inc. and many others.</span> ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":15,"suppliedProductsCount":15,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":15,"vendorImplementationsCount":16,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":8,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"www.forcepoint.com","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Forcepoint","keywords":"Forcepoint, from, Websense, Raytheon, security, data, employees, browsing","description":"<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint is an American multinational software corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas USA. 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The company is a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies, which currently develops computer security and privacy software, CASB, firewalls and cross-domain solutions, the company is also known as Websense, Raytheon | Websense. </span>\r\n<span lang=\"en\"> Forcepoint solutions protect users, data and computing networks from attacks, as well as accidental and deliberate information leaks throughout the entire life cycle. Forcepoint protects data everywhere - in the office, on the road, in the cloud. This simplifies regulatory compliance and optimizes the cost of security solutions. Forcepoint allows you to focus on prioritization by automating day-to-day operations. </span>\r\n<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint's clients include Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 leaders: AT&T, Deutsche Telecom, Canon, McDonanld's, UPS, Sheraton, Merill Lynch, Bank of America, PepsiCo Inc. and many others.</span> ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":15,"suppliedProductsCount":15,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":15,"vendorImplementationsCount":16,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":8,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"www.forcepoint.com","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Forcepoint","keywords":"Forcepoint, from, Websense, Raytheon, security, data, employees, browsing","description":"<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint is an American multinational software corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas USA. 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The company is a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies, which currently develops computer security and privacy software, CASB, firewalls and cross-do","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/forcepoint_logo.png"},"eventUrl":""}],"products":[],"countries":[],"startDate":"0000-00-00","endDate":"0000-00-00","dealDate":"0000-00-00","price":0,"status":"finished","isImplementation":true,"isAgreement":false,"confirmed":1,"implementationDetails":{},"categories":[],"additionalInfo":{"budgetNotExceeded":"-1","functionallyTaskAssignment":"-1","projectWasPut":"-1","price":0,"source":{"url":"https://www.forcepoint.com/sites/default/files/case_study_downloads/casestudy_alphawest_en_0.pdf","title":"-"}},"comments":[],"referencesCount":0},{"id":831,"title":"Forcepoint Email Security, Forcepoint Web Security for an agri-food leader Amadori’","description":"<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">"We are able to control costs and plan more efficiently by using Forcepoint solutions”,</span> - Gianluca Giovannetti, Chief Information Officer Amadori Group<br /></span>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Amadori Enhances Security by Consolidating on Forcepoint</span><br />Agri-food leader Amadori’s success is based on the way it manages the entire integrated production chain including farms, feed producers, hatcheries, and food processing plants. The company decided to take the same integrated approach to cybersecurity with Forcepoint.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Challenges</span><br /></span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">New channels for internal and external collaboration required a security upgrade</span></li></ul>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Spam help desk support calls required too much time to handle</span></li></ul>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Increasing number of users working off-site, sometimes in public areas, with little protection led to new security risks</span></li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Approach</span><br /></span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Forcepoint Email Security Cloud to eliminate spam and malware before it reaches the company network</span></li></ul>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Forcepoint Web Security to protect both office and remote workers from phishing sites, spyware, and malicious code</span></li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Results</span><br /></span>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Users and the company can take advantage of new external collaboration tools safely</span></li></ul>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Eliminated need for help desk to manually check blocked emails; instead users receive a daily report of emails quarantined, freeing up help desk time to focus on more pressing priorities</span></li></ul>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \">Consolidating on Forcepoint for all its key needs enabled the organization to reduce total cost of ownership and administrative overheads, while increasing planning efficiency.</span></li></ul>","alias":"forcepoint-email-security-forcepoint-web-security-for-an-agri-food-leader-amadori","roi":0,"seo":{"title":"Forcepoint Email Security, Forcepoint Web Security for an agri-food leader Amadori’","keywords":"","description":"<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">"We are able to control costs and plan more efficiently by using Forcepoint solutions”,</span> - Gianluca Giovannetti, Chief Information Officer Amadori Group<br /></span>\r\n<sp","og:title":"Forcepoint Email Security, Forcepoint Web Security for an agri-food leader Amadori’","og:description":"<span style=\"color: rgb(97, 97, 97); \"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">"We are able to control costs and plan more efficiently by using Forcepoint solutions”,</span> - Gianluca Giovannetti, Chief Information Officer Amadori Group<br /></span>\r\n<sp"},"deal_info":"","user":{"id":5737,"title":"Amadori","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/amadori-logo.png","alias":"amadori","address":"","roles":[],"description":" Amadori is one of the leading companies in the Italian agro-food sector, an innovative company and specialist in the poultry market. The turnover in 2014 was more than 1,2 billion euros. The Company, founded forty years ago in San Vittore di Cesena, relies on collaboration with over 7,200 workers and has industrial plants, subsidiaries and branches all over Italy.","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":0,"suppliedProductsCount":0,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":1,"supplierImplementationsCount":0,"vendorImplementationsCount":0,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"https://www.amadori.it/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Amadori","keywords":"","description":" Amadori is one of the leading companies in the Italian agro-food sector, an innovative company and specialist in the poultry market. The turnover in 2014 was more than 1,2 billion euros. The Company, founded forty years ago in San Vittore di Cesena, relies on","og:title":"Amadori","og:description":" Amadori is one of the leading companies in the Italian agro-food sector, an innovative company and specialist in the poultry market. The turnover in 2014 was more than 1,2 billion euros. The Company, founded forty years ago in San Vittore di Cesena, relies on","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/amadori-logo.png"},"eventUrl":""},"supplier":{"id":178,"title":"Forcepoint","logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/forcepoint_logo.png","alias":"forcepoint","address":"Forcepoint Title","roles":[],"description":"<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint is an American multinational software corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas USA. The company is a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies, which currently develops computer security and privacy software, CASB, firewalls and cross-domain solutions, the company is also known as Websense, Raytheon | Websense. </span>\r\n<span lang=\"en\"> Forcepoint solutions protect users, data and computing networks from attacks, as well as accidental and deliberate information leaks throughout the entire life cycle. Forcepoint protects data everywhere - in the office, on the road, in the cloud. This simplifies regulatory compliance and optimizes the cost of security solutions. Forcepoint allows you to focus on prioritization by automating day-to-day operations. </span>\r\n<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint's clients include Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 leaders: AT&T, Deutsche Telecom, Canon, McDonanld's, UPS, Sheraton, Merill Lynch, Bank of America, PepsiCo Inc. and many others.</span> ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":15,"suppliedProductsCount":15,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":15,"vendorImplementationsCount":16,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":8,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"www.forcepoint.com","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Forcepoint","keywords":"Forcepoint, from, Websense, Raytheon, security, data, employees, browsing","description":"<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint is an American multinational software corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas USA. 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The company is a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies, which currently develops computer security and privacy software, CASB, firewalls and cross-domain solutions, the company is also known as Websense, Raytheon | Websense. </span>\r\n<span lang=\"en\"> Forcepoint solutions protect users, data and computing networks from attacks, as well as accidental and deliberate information leaks throughout the entire life cycle. Forcepoint protects data everywhere - in the office, on the road, in the cloud. This simplifies regulatory compliance and optimizes the cost of security solutions. Forcepoint allows you to focus on prioritization by automating day-to-day operations. </span>\r\n<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint's clients include Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 leaders: AT&T, Deutsche Telecom, Canon, McDonanld's, UPS, Sheraton, Merill Lynch, Bank of America, PepsiCo Inc. and many others.</span> ","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":15,"suppliedProductsCount":15,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":15,"vendorImplementationsCount":16,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":8,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"www.forcepoint.com","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Forcepoint","keywords":"Forcepoint, from, Websense, Raytheon, security, data, employees, browsing","description":"<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint is an American multinational software corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas USA. The company is a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies, which currently develops computer security and privacy software, CASB, firewalls and cross-do","og:title":"Forcepoint","og:description":"<span lang=\"en\">Forcepoint is an American multinational software corporation headquartered in Austin, Texas USA. The company is a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies, which currently develops computer security and privacy software, CASB, firewalls and cross-do","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/forcepoint_logo.png"},"eventUrl":""}],"products":[],"countries":[],"startDate":"0000-00-00","endDate":"0000-00-00","dealDate":"0000-00-00","price":0,"status":"finished","isImplementation":true,"isAgreement":false,"confirmed":1,"implementationDetails":{},"categories":[],"additionalInfo":{"budgetNotExceeded":"-1","functionallyTaskAssignment":"-1","projectWasPut":"-1","price":0,"source":{"url":"https://www.forcepoint.com/resources/case-study/amadori","title":"-"}},"comments":[],"referencesCount":0},{"id":278,"title":"Forcepoint Advanced Malware Detection, Forcepoint Email Security Cloud, Forcepoint Web Security Cloud for a food and beverage company","description":"OVERVIEW\r\nCrediton Dairy, based in the heart of Devon in southern England, is a food and beverage company that produces a variety of milk drinks. The company is best known for its “Moo Milk” and “Dairy Pride” brands and has products in 13,500 food retail stores nationwide, making it one of the UK’s leading dairy beverage companies. Its chairman, Neil Kennedy, was presented with the prestigious SW Dairy Industry Award for his outstanding contribution towards the development of the British dairy market.\r\nIn 2012, dairy companies Arla Foods UK and Milk Link were given approval to merge by the European Commission (EC). A condition for the approval of the merger was that Crediton Dairy operate as a separate business. Benjamin Evans, formerly with Milk Link, became IT Manager for Crediton Dairy. \r\nCHALLENGE\r\nEvans’ initial task was to implement a web security solution that addressed both security and business challenges Crediton Dairy had been struggling with at the time. Its network had seen continuous attacks from external threats masking as an insider in order to in ltrate and steal sensitive data. These threats would often be in the form of sophisticated ransomware and other advanced threats, with delivery methods that shifted between web and email channels in search of a weakness. Suspicious URLs sent to employees from Director-level positions and phony invitations to download a PDF instructing users to “please pay invoice” are just a few examples Evans saw rsthand within a few weeks of joining the company.\r\nSome attacks were being successfully filtered by the Office 365 Outlook client, but only to the extent of being redirected into a “junk” folder. Nothing was in place to effectively identify or classify information. Crediton Dairy also lacked a solution that delivered real- time security ratings to web or email traffic. \r\nAfter determining the security included in Office 365 was not up to the task, the challenge was to build a security posture from the ground-up— starting with web—that wouldn’t break the budget. With only a small team to work with, Evans began searching for cloud-based security solutions. On-premises appliances were out of the question —he simply didn’t have the resources to install and manage additional hardware. \r\nSOLUTION\r\nCrediton Dairy assessed multiple web security providers, including Barracuda Networks. But according to Evans, Barracuda Networks couldn’t meet their strict functionality or budgetary requirements.\r\n“There were a few let downs on the way the Barracuda URL filtering worked. It just didn’t feel like home.”\r\n— Evans\r\nAs a former Milk Link employee, Evans was familiar with the virtualized classification capabilities and hassle-free maintenance of the Forcepoint Web Security Cloud solution; it was the company’s primary solution for web security.\r\nFollowing Evans’ recommendation, Forcepoint Web Security Cloud went through a Proof of Concept (POC) at Crediton Dairy. It exceeded all expectations. Evans noted that other cloud versions on the market were too “light” in functionality, compared to the high level of protection with Forcepoint.\r\n“The Forcepoint solution offered more options around the Cloud. Rather than just black-listing or white-listing URLs and email addresses, Forcepoint ticked all of our boxes for functionality.”\r\n— Evans\r\nDeployment was straightforward and simple and the Forcepoint support team was there for Evans whenever needed.\r\n“The Forcepoint support team was very good. When we were originally getting set up, my account manager and the support team took control, had a look where any issues might be, configured the solution, and got it up and running while taking me through some of the new features.”\r\n— Evans\r\nCrediton Dairy’s IT department has always embraced innovation and new technologies. It was one of the first to adopt Office 365 when it became available in the UK. However, because Office 365 comes with only basic security features, it doesn’t properly secure the average working email environment. This was, unfortunately, the case for Crediton Dairy.\r\n“We were starting to see a bit more spam coming through Office 365, compared to where it was when it first came out. We started to look at the email side of Forcepoint, for sure.”\r\n— Evans\r\nEvans and Crediton Dairy chose to implement Forcepoint Email Security Cloud as well as Forcepoint Advanced Malware Detection for Email, incorporating cloud-hosted protection that surpasses the capability of on-premises sandboxes. Evans admits, it was a “no- brainer” for his organization.\r\n“Forcepoint Email Security Cloud has stopped anything suspicious from coming in and I can visibly see what is being stopped and what we’re being protected from. We’re protected and it’s one of those insurance policies that every company needs.”\r\n— Evans\r\nThe Crediton Dairy team took advantage of an easy cloud deployment by simply adding the Forcepoint Email Security Cloud to an already deployed Forcepoint Web Security Cloud for coordinated defenses against advanced threats. The deployment of Forcepoint Email Security Cloud was accomplished overnight. Evans and his team began the process on a Friday evening and nished Saturday. \r\nRESULTS\r\nForcepoint Web Security Cloud solutions met all of Crediton Dairy’s functionality and quality requirements without them having to purchase additional hardware. Staying within budget has freed up resources for other projects. At the same time, Forcepoint Email Security Cloud solution has empowered Crediton Dairy to safely embrace new technologies such as Office 365 and enjoy all of its ef ciencies and cost savings.\r\nEvans recalls how well Forcepoint Cloud solutions integrate well with Active Directory and enhance and complement the Office 365 solution already in place.\r\n“Forcepoint is able to work seamlessly with Office 365. We don’t see any problems at all when we run the two together.”\r\n— Evans\r\nAn easy deployment of Forcepoint Web Security Cloud and Forcepoint Email Security Cloud solutions have paved the way for Crediton Dairy to continue to evolve and innovate with safety and con dence.\r\nCrediton Dairy has relied on Forcepoint security solutions since 2015. 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But we aren’t stopping there and we’re working on exciting new product innovations and formats to move the dairy drinks category forward.\r\nAll of this comes out of our well invested dairy situated in the middle of Devon, a county which is of course synonymous with dairy farming and great tasting dairy products and at Crediton Dairy we’re incredibly proud to be continuing this tradition.","companyTypes":[],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":0,"suppliedProductsCount":0,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":1,"supplierImplementationsCount":0,"vendorImplementationsCount":0,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{},"companyUrl":"http://www.creditondairy.co.uk/","countryCodes":[],"certifications":[],"isSeller":false,"isSupplier":false,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Crediton Dairy","keywords":"Dairy, Crediton","description":"Crediton Dairy is one of the UK’s leading dairy drinks businesses producing a comprehensive range of fresh flavoured and functional chilled milk drinks, as well as long life milks & creams. 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The company is the market leader in essential areas of the private old market. More than 37,000 asset advisors advise and support around 5.2 million customers. In the field of e-mail security, DVAG is using a hosted solution from Forcepoint ™. This makes the employees highly effective against spam and viruses. The solution turns threats out of the Web, even before they reach the computers and the network of Deutsche Vermögensberatung. \r\nThe problem\r\nOpen source spam filter did not meet expectations\r\nLike many other companies, the IT department of Deutsche Vermögensberatung in Frankfurt am Main has already installed anti-virus software and spam filters. While the virus protection worked perfectly, the spam filter to protect the emails remained behind the expectations. "A number of colleagues from all departments were still complaining about a myriad of spam mails," reports Dirk Käs, IT Services Dept. Director at Deutsche Vermögensberatung. "The detection rate of the initially used open source application was insufficient and at the same time we had to realize that the effort to maintain the filters was too high." The consequence could therefore only be that the IT department looks for a professional solution in the form of a managed e-mail security service. "To look after the fine-tuning of spam filters is, in our opinion, not one of the core competencies of the IT department," explains Dirk Käs.\r\nThe solution\r\nMultiple protection against e-mail-based threats\r\nKäs and his team decided to carry out a pre-study with BlackSpider / SurfControl (in October 2007, Forcepoint SurfControl). In the first selection, the most important providers of hosted solutions came. The basis for the decision was a detailed list of criteria, in which BlackSpider met the requirements best. The framework for the pre-study: the software for 30 Lotus Notes mailboxes from IT staff had to prove their abilities over a period of three months. The test ran so successfully that after the conclusion the decision was made to implement the solution company-wide.\r\nToday the mailboxes of all employees of Deutsche Vermögensberatung are protected by Forcepoint Cloud Email Security - the current name for the services. This applies first and foremost to the approximately 800 internal staff members who use IBM Lotus Notes as a messaging system. In addition, there are more than 34,000 sales representatives. For e-mail communication, they use a Java application developed by Deutsche Vermögensberatung, which has been optimally adapted to the sales solution.\r\nAll e-mail traffic is now running through the data centers of Forcepoint. Technically, the MX record (MX = Mail Exchange) had to be converted to the Forcepoint Datacenter. Today all incoming and outgoing e-mails are checked. The data centers have load-sharing capabilities and are designed as redundant high-availability clusters located at eleven geographically diverse locations around the world. To ensure a high degree of global and local security, data protection and confidentiality, all data centers are certified according to ISO / IEC 27001. Through service level agreements, ie service agreements, Forcepoint guarantees the availability of the services and provides emergency plans for uninterrupted operation.\r\nThe latest findings from the Forcepoint Security Labs are continuously being integrated into the cloud security software. Here, more than 500 million e-mails are scanned per week and search for hidden security risks. In addition, the ThreatSeeker technology is used to analyze more than 600 million websites per week in order to identify known and new threat potentials. ThreatSeeker consists of a complex linking of mathematical algorithms, a profiling of the behavior patterns of attackers and a detailed analysis of malicious program codes. This is complemented by sophisticated data mining functions. The results of these security analyzes are automatically received in the form of real-time security updates in the hosted as well as in the security products used on-site.\r\nThe result\r\nCentralized security for all employees\r\nThe Deutsche Vermögensberatung uses two modules of the Cloud Email S","alias":"forcepoint-email-security-cloud-for-financial-sales-organization","roi":0,"seo":{"title":"Forcepoint Email Security Cloud for financial sales organization","keywords":"security, Forcepoint, Vermögensberatung, Deutsche, solution, spam, data, than","description":" Deutsche Vermögensberatung (DVAG) in Frankfurt am Main is the world's largest independent financial sales organization. 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