Governance,  Risk Management  and Compliance  Software Platform

Problems that solves

Non-existent or decentralized IT incidents' management

Unstructured data

Risk of data loss or damage

Non-compliant with IT security requirements

Complex and non-transparent business processes

Shortage of information for decision making

Low speed of report generation

Insufficient risk management


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Manage Risks

Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Software Platform

Financial and Reputation Risk in Control. Risk Management, Internal Control, Audit, Information Security with State-of-the-Art Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Software


Key organizational risks can have a dramatic financial and reputational effect on an organization. To ensure compliance and proper risk management,
companies need to review enterprise-wide business processes on a regular basis, assess current and potential risks, and design procedures or controls to
mitigate those risks. This can help prevent related operational losses and fines for regulatory violations, reduce the costs and burden of compliance, and
guard against potential reputational damage. And, using one common risk taxonomy and risk language company-wide can help the business units focus on
their primary functions and enables Internal Audit to use the same language across all business units while maintaining its inherent independence. The BWis…

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work