Rafael Advanced Defense Systems SISCOM

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Rafael Advanced Defense Systems SISCOM

Security Homeland for System Control and Command Advanced


SISCOM™ Command and Control platform is the heart of RAFAEL’s Security Solutions systems, designed to meet the Homeland Security challenges of the 21 century and well into the future. SISCOM™ easily integrates to wide range of systems and sensors, and forms comprehensive solutions for:
  • Borders
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
  • Energy Facilities
  • Sea Ports, Coastline and Offshore Protection
Features: Situation Picture Creation SISCOM™ is designed to support organizational and functional hierarchies from National through Regional, Local and mobile levels. SISCOM™ integrates large amount of various data, from high-end systems as Radars, Electro-Optic systems, positioning systems, AIS, LRIT & Motion detectors to security devices such as alarms, access control, LPR, and CCTV systems into a unified Situation Picture. Effective Decision Making By using powerful analysis tools and flexible rule machine and automation, SISCOM™ creates situational awareness for the decision makers. An interactive standard operating procedure tool (SOP) enables operators to investigate and handle events effectively and safely. All activities are recorded for after- action debrief. Enhancing Platform In a simple way, SISDOME™ enhances the abilities of its operators to an expert level, by using smart algorithms and procedures automation. Thus, reducing manpower and dramatically improving efficiency. Advanced Modular Architecture SISCOM™ has a modular building blocks architecture that forms an advanced generic platform, significantly improves the efficiency of project integration and system adaptation. Leading Nation-Scale Projects Rafael has 69 years of experience in the development, design and implementation of systems. SISCOM™ platiorm is a field- proven solution that operates 24/7 in the most challenging and rugged environments across the globe. SISCOM™ represents the accumulated knowledge gathered throughout years of operational experience. Benefits
  • Provides valuable time for decision makers to analyze and react effectively

  • Flexible Interface to a wide range of systems and sensors

  • Hierarchic Unified Situational picture

  • Modular building blocks architecture

  • Powerful rule engine and interactive standard operating procedure (SOP)

  • Reflects years of operational experience