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Rocket.Chat’s long-term vision is to replace email with a real-time federated communications platform and to establish a marketplace that will nurture app-building and offer services to enable businesses to be built using Rocket.Chat.\r\nThe platform improves internal and external communication within a controlled and secure environment. Users can run Rocket.Chat on-premises or on cloud and a range of features are at their disposal to tailor their platform: individual and group communication, video conferencing, file uploading, screen sharing, LiveChat and integration with a variety of different communications platform.","shortDescription":"Control communication, manage your data and have your own collaboration platform to improve team productivity. 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A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[{"id":1959,"title":"Real-time Messaging","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":1961,"title":"User Limit in Chats","required":0,"type":"select","templateId":109,"value":"Unlimited","options":["10 000","100 000","Unlimited"]},{"id":1963,"title":"Chat History","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":1965,"title":"Team Messenger","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":1967,"title":"Self-chatting","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":1969,"title":"Voice 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Directory","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2027,"title":"Network Protection","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2029,"title":"Message Encryption","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2031,"title":"Mobile App","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":true,"options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2033,"title":"System Updates","required":0,"type":"binary","templateId":109,"value":"N/A","options":{"values":null,"defaults":null}},{"id":2035,"title":"Pricing","required":0,"type":"select","templateId":109,"value":"Paid","options":["Free","Paid","Paid. Free to emergency services and government organizations until June 30, 2020."]}],"concurentProducts":[{"id":1075,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/content/omChat.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"omChat®","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"omchatr","companyTitle":"Omilia","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":3998,"companyAlias":"omilia-conversational-intelligence","description":"<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Функции omChat®</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">На веб-сайте компании клиенты могут общаться с Виртуальным агентом каждый раз, когда у них возникают трудности с навигацией или по требованию, для улучшения удобства пользователей.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">omChat® можно легко интегрировать со многими поставщиками инфраструктуры агента-чата, чтобы при необходимости передать разговор живому агенту.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">С omChat® предприятие также может открыть Facebook Messenger в качестве прямого канала связи с клиентами и обеспечить, чтобы они получали тот же отличный опыт общения, что и на любом другом канале.</p>","shortDescription":"С плагином omChat® DiaManT® принимает форму ChatBot на текстовых каналах: SMS, Web-Chat, Email и Facebook Messenger.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":13,"sellingCount":12,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"omChat®","keywords":"omChat, чтобы, открыть, может, Facebook, качестве, также, Messenger","description":"<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Функции omChat®</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">На веб-сайте компании клиенты могут общаться с Виртуальным агентом каждый раз, когда у них возникают трудности с навигацией или по требованию, для улучшения удобства польз","og:title":"omChat®","og:description":"<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Функции omChat®</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">На веб-сайте компании клиенты могут общаться с Виртуальным агентом каждый раз, когда у них возникают трудности с навигацией или по требованию, для улучшения удобства польз","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/content/omChat.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":7047,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":271,"title":"Messaging Applications","alias":"messaging-applications","description":" Messaging apps (a.k.a. "Social messaging" or "chat applications") are apps and platforms that enable messaging, many of which started around social networking platforms, but many of which have now developed into broad platforms enabling status updates, chatbots, payments and conversational commerce (e-commerce via chat).\r\nSome examples of popular messaging apps include WhatsApp, China's WeChat and QQ Messenger, Viber, Line, Snapchat, Korea's KakaoTalk, Google Hangouts, Blackberry Messenger, Telegram, and Vietnam's Zalo. Slack focuses on messaging and file sharing for work teams. Some social networking services offer messaging services as a component of their overall platform, such as Facebook's Facebook Messenger, along with Instagram and Twitter's direct messaging functions.\r\nMessaging apps are the most widely used smartphone apps with in 2018 over 1.3 billion monthly users of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, 980 million monthly active users of WeChat and 843 million monthly active users of QQ Mobile.\r\nOnline chatting apps differ from the previous generation of instant messaging platforms like the defunct AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, and Windows Live Messenger, in that they are primarily used via mobile apps on smartphones as opposed to personal computers, although some messaging apps offer web-based versions or software for PC operating systems.\r\nAs people upgraded in the 2010s from feature phones to smartphones, they moved from traditional calling and SMS (which are paid services) to messaging apps which are free or only incur small data charges.\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"> </p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Messaging apps each have some of the following features:</span></p>\r\n<ul><li>Chat</li></ul>\r\n<ol><li>One-on-one chat</li><li>Group chat</li><li> Broadcast lists</li><li>Chatbots (including "bot in group chats")</li><li>"Smart replies" (suggested replies to incoming messages provided by Google's Reply platform )</li></ol>\r\n<ul><li>Calls</li></ul>\r\n<ol><li>Voice calls</li><li> Video calls</li></ol>\r\n<ul><li>Audio alerts (on Line)</li><li>File sharing</li><li>Games</li><li>"Mini Programs" (e.g. WeChat Mini Program)</li><li>News discovery (e.g. Snapchat Discover)</li><li>Payments or mobile wallet, e.g. WeChat Pay which processes much of the Chinese mobile payment volume of US$5 trillion (2016)</li><li>Personal (cloud) storage</li><li>Push notifications</li><li>Status updates (WhatsApp Status, WeChat Moments)</li><li>Stickers</li><li>Virtual assistant, e.g. Google Assistant in Google Allo</li></ul>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Unlike chat rooms with many users engaging in multiple and overlapping conversations, instant messaging application sessions usually take place between two users in a private, back-and-forth style of communication.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">One of the core features of different messaging apps is the ability to see whether a friend or co-worker is online and connected through the selected service -- a capability known as presence. As the technology has evolved, many online messaging apps have added support for exchanging more than just text-based messages, allowing actions like file transfers and image sharing within the instant messaging session.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Instant messaging also differs from email in the immediacy of the message exchange. It also tends to be session-based, having a start and an end. Because application message is intended to mimic in-person conversations, individual messages are often brief. Email, on the other hand, usually reflects a longer-form, letter-writing style.<br /><br /><br /></p>","materialsDescription":"<h1 class=\"align-center\"> <span style=\"font-weight: normal; \">What is instant messaging software?</span></h1>\r\nCompanies use instant messaging software to facilitate communication between their staff members who may be located in different places and countries. Popular websites such as Facebook offer instant chat services for free. Good quality messenger application solutions provide useful features such as video calling, web conferencing, and VoIP. Advanced platforms offer IP radio, IPTV, and desktop sharing tools. Large enterprises have greater communication needs and therefore they typically invest in installing an internal IM server to serve their thousands of employees.\r\n<h1 class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: normal; \">Why people use Messaging Apps?</span></h1>\r\n<ul><li>Real-time text transmission</li><li>Conveniency</li><li>Records of a chat history</li><li>Easy for multitasking</li><li>Operating anytime anywhere using the WiFi or Mobile Network operators</li><li>Stickers</li></ul>\r\nCommunication is an essential component of any business: interaction with external or internal customers, end users, employees. A good communication platform is vital to stay connected with the employees and broadcast information fast and efficiently. Thousands of people support the escalation from IM to other ways of communication, such as group chat, voice calls or video conferencing.<br />Depending on the purpose of use we can separate popular messenger nto those with business needs or for corporate use, such as Slack, Hangouts, Flock, Stride and those for everyday communications like WhatsApp, FB Messenger, WeChat, Telegram, and others.\r\n<h1 class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">How messaging apps can benefit your business?</span></h1>\r\n<p class=\"align-center\"></p>\r\nHeads bowed, shoulders hunched over glowing screens—we all might be a little guilty of smartphone addiction, and mobile usage is only increasing. We’re in constant communication with one another, and over the past few years messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and WeChat have become commonplace. Of the 10 most globally used apps, messaging apps account for 6.\r\nWith consumer messaging apps on the rise, businesses have begun to connect with customers on yet another channel. According to Gartner, “By 2019, requests for customer support through consumer mobile messaging apps will exceed requests for customer support through traditional social media.”\r\nServing up customer support through customer messaging software can deepen your brand’s relationship with customers. On the customer side, messaging apps provide an immediate way to connect with your business and get a response.\r\n<p class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Here are three ways your business can benefit from connecting with customers over consumer messaging apps:</span></p>\r\n\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Unrestricted communication.</span> No matter where they are in the world, messaging apps offer your customers unrestricted communication options. Unlike SMS, which often incurs charges, your customers can still reach out privately via messaging apps and receive a timely response without worrying about cost. That means happier customers, and happy customers mean a happy bottom line for your business.</li></ul>\r\n\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Move customer queries from public to private. </span>Giving your customers an easy option to reach your business privately not only decreases their likelihood of publicly tweeting a complaint, it also offers a space to exchange sensitive information, like delivery details. With a more private outlet for customer interactions, your business can thoroughly help customers while simultaneously saving brand face.</li></ul>\r\n\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Increase first contact resolution with chatbot integrations.</span> According to Gartner, artificial intelligence is a top trend for 2017. With the help of chatbots, your business can better manage workflows and automatically respond to customer requests via messaging. Chatbots can help point customers to the right information, helping them self-serve and ultimately allowing your support agents to focus on the issues that require a human touch. </li></ul>\r\n\r\n","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Messaging_Applications.png"},{"id":82,"title":"Unified Communications","alias":"unified-communications","description":"Unified communications (UC) is a framework for integrating various asynchronous and real-time communication tools. The goal of UC is to enhance business communication, collaboration and productivity. Unified communications do not represent a singular technology; rather, it describes a strategy for integrating interconnected systems of enterprise communication devices and applications that can be used in concert or successively.\r\nSome business communication tools - like Internet Protocol (IP) telephony and video conferencing - facilitate real-time communication, also called synchronous communication. Other enterprise communication tools, like email, facilitate asynchronous communication, which takes place at a person's convenience.\r\nIncreasingly, team collaboration tools have emerged to offer messaging-centric workflows and near-real-time communication. These tools also offer voice and video capabilities, API integrations and, ultimately, expound on instant messaging services by providing better UC features.\r\nThe goal of unified communications is to integrate the software that supports synchronous and asynchronous communication, so the end user has easy access to all tools from whatever device is in use.\r\nA unified communications environment is typically supported by one or more back-end systems, often referred to as UC platforms, that facilitate integration among services, as well as the front-end clients that provide access. For example, a web conferencing system would make use of an audio conferencing system - which, in turn, would be built on an underlying IP telephony platform - and a unified messaging client would allow click-to-talk (CTC), click-to-chat or click-to-video functionality.\r\nUC also supports users moving from one mode of communication to another within the same session. For example, a user may start communicating via email but then decide to escalate the interaction to real-time communication, transitioning the session to a voice call with one click and then to a video conference with another click without any disruption.\r\nUnified communications systems and their components can be deployed on premises, in a public or private cloud, or a combination of all three. Cloud-based unified communications is also called UC as a service (UCaaS). An open source project called WebRTC, for example, enables real-time communications to be embedded into web browsers.\r\nHistorically, single-vendor UC environments have demonstrated the tightest integration and compatibility. Interoperability among vendors remains an ongoing challenge in UC, but it has also been mitigated, in part, by partnerships, common protocols and open APIs.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What technology do unified communications have?</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Contrasting unified messaging</span></span>\r\nUnified communications are sometimes confused with unified messaging, but it is distinct. Unified communications refer to both real-time and non-real-time delivery of communications based on the preferred method and location of the recipient; unified messaging culls messages from several sources (such as e-mail, voice mail and faxes), but holds those messages only for retrieval at a later time. Unified communications allow for an individual to check and retrieve an e-mail or voice mail from any communication device at any time. It expands beyond voice mail services to data communications and video services.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Components</span></span>\r\nWith unified communications, multiple modes of business communications are integrated. Unified communications is not a single product but a collection of elements that include:\r\n<ul><li>Call control and multimodal communications</li><li>Presence</li><li>Instant messaging</li><li>Unified messaging</li><li>Speech access and personal assistant</li><li>Conferencing (audio, Web and video)</li><li>Collaboration tools</li><li>Mobility</li><li>Business process integration (BPI)</li><li>Software to enable business process integration</li></ul>\r\nPresence — knowing where intended recipients are, and if they are available, in real-time — is a key component of unified communications. Unified communications integrate all systems a user might already use, and helps those systems work together in real-time. For example, unified communications technology could allow a user to seamlessly collaborate with another person on a project, even if the two users are in separate locations. The user could quickly locate the necessary person by accessing an interactive directory, engage in a text messaging session, and then escalate the session to a voice call or even a video call.\r\nIn another example, an employee receives a call from a customer who wants answers. Unified communications enable that employee to call an expert colleague from a real-time list. This way, the employee can answer the customer faster by eliminating rounds of back-and-forth e-mails and phone-tag.\r\nThe examples in the previous paragraph primarily describe "personal productivity" enhancements that tend to benefit the individual user. While such benefits can be important, enterprises are finding that they can achieve even greater impact by using unified communications capabilities to transform business processes. This is achieved by integrating UC functionality directly into the business applications using development tools provided by many of the suppliers. Instead of the individual user invoking the UC functionality to, say, find an appropriate resource, the workflow or process application automatically identifies the resource at the point in the business activity where one is needed.\r\nWhen used in this manner, the concept of presence often changes. Most people associate presence with instant messaging (IM "buddy lists") the status of individuals is identified. But, in many business process applications, what is important is finding someone with a certain skill. In these environments, presence identifies available skills or capabilities.\r\nThis "business process" approach to integrating UC functionality can result in bottom-line benefits that are an order of magnitude greater than those achievable by personal productivity methods alone.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Related concepts</span>\r\nUnified communications & collaboration (UCC) is the integration of various communications methods with collaboration tools such as virtual white boards, real-time audio and video conferencing, and enhanced call control capabilities. Before this fusion of communications and collaboration tools into a single platform, enterprise collaboration service vendors and enterprise communications service vendors offered distinctly different solutions. Now, collaboration service vendors also offer communications services, and communications service providers have developed collaboration tools.\r\nUnified communications & collaboration as a service (UCCaaS) is cloud-based UCC platforms. Compared to premises-based UCC solutions, UCCaaS platforms offer enhanced flexibility and scalability due to the SaaS subscription model.\r\nUnified communications provisioning is the act of entering and configuring the settings for users of phone systems, instant messaging, telepresence, and other collaboration channels. Provisioners refer to this process as making moves, adds, changes, and deletes or MAC-Ds.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Unified_Communications.png"},{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5083,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/polycomHDX.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Polycom HDX 7000","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":1,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":3,"alias":"polycom-hdx-7000","companyTitle":"Polycom","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":2803,"companyAlias":"polycom","description":"The Polycom® HDX® 7000 series provides flexible, affordable HD video conferencing for high-quality communication throughout mainstream workplace environments. Expanding the utility of visual communication quickly and easily, Polycom HDX 7000 series systems are ideal for education, medical, enterprise and on-demand collaboration applications.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Enhancing Collaboration with HD Technology</span><br />\r\nIntuitive interfaces allow users to adopt and use Polycom HDX 7000 series systems quickly, while a variety of bundle options enable the Polycom HDX 7000 series systems to be wall-mounted, free-standing or easily wheeled to any location to accommodate visual communication in any room. With embedded multipoint and content sharing capabilities, Polycom HDX 7000 series systems allow individuals to collaborate in HD detail on content such as diagrams, project plans, multimedia presentations and more.<br />\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Leveraging Polycom’s renowned quality and designed to high-definition</span> standards, Polycom HDX 7000 series systems utilize features such as Polycom HD Voice™ technology to deliver patented, crystal-clear audio and Polycom StereoSurround™ audio to separate room sounds into left and right channels to deliver physical-sense spatiality to opposite-end participants.<br />\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Rich-Media Presentations Made Easy</span><br />\r\nFor rich-media group presentations, Polycom HDX 7000 series systems display dynamic content and data in HD to enhance collaboration and audience participation. With Polycom People+Content™ collaboration technology, users can share presentations and live video simultaneously, allowing conference participants to interact naturally and dynamically.<br />Polycom HDX 7000 series systems are a key element of the total Polycom visual communication solution, which includes seamless integration with the Polycom RMX® series conference platforms, as well as with Polycom Converged Management Application™ series for management and scheduling.<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">BENEFITS:</span> \r\n<ul><li>High-definition video – Up to 1280x720 (720p) resolution up to 60 fps for excellent video quality at all data rates</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>High-definition voice – Polycom Siren™ 22 and Polycom StereoSurround technology for superior audio performance</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>High-definition content sharing –Polycom collaboration technology for sharing graphics, presentations and rich-media content with HD and non-HD systems</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Embedded multipoint – Optional fourway embedded multipoint bridge for greater flexibility and participation</li></ul>\r\n<ul><li>Flexible connectivity – Optional H.320 interfaces for easy access to BRI, PRI or serial networks</li></ul>","shortDescription":"Polycom HDX7000 Series: High Definition Quality with Flexibility and Reliability. Telepresence solutions for organizations that want to bring together dispersed team members for enhanced collaboration","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":8,"sellingCount":4,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Polycom HDX 7000","keywords":"","description":"The Polycom® HDX® 7000 series provides flexible, affordable HD video conferencing for high-quality communication throughout mainstream workplace environments. Expanding the utility of visual communication quickly and easily, Polycom HDX 7000 series systems are","og:title":"Polycom HDX 7000","og:description":"The Polycom® HDX® 7000 series provides flexible, affordable HD video conferencing for high-quality communication throughout mainstream workplace environments. Expanding the utility of visual communication quickly and easily, Polycom HDX 7000 series systems are","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/polycomHDX.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5084,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"},{"id":367,"title":"Web Conferencing Applications","alias":"web-conferencing-applications","description":" Web conferencing is the common name for technology and tools for online meetings and real-time collaboration. Web conferencing allows you to conduct online presentations, collaborate on documents and applications, view websites, videos, images.\r\nWeb conferences, as a rule, are Internet services that require the installation of a client program on each participant’s computer. Some services also provide access to a web conference via a browser using flash, java or a special plug-in.\r\nServices for web conferencing can include features and tools such as screen sharing (screen sharing or individual applications), whiteboard (interactive whiteboard), the ability to show web presentations, co-browsing (the ability to synchronously browse web pages), tools for annotations, monitoring the presence of participants, text chat, integrated VoIP communication, video communication, the ability to change the leader, the ability to give control over the mouse and keyboard, meeting moderation tools, feedback collection tools (on example, polls), tools for scheduling and inviting participants, the ability to record the progress of a web conference.\r\nOften, web conferencing is used with Internet services for audio and video calls (for example, Skype) or they provide conference calling via a regular telephone.","materialsDescription":" What is the first thing that strikes you when we look at businessmen who are trying to establish communication with each other online? All of them require: “Give more opportunities for web conferencing!”. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the WebRTC technology is gaining the favor of an increasing number of small and medium-sized businesses.\r\nA recent study conducted by Software Advice showed that more than half of employees in small businesses prefer web conferences, noting their efficiency and usability. The advantages are especially noticeable in comparison with communications via telephone or the use of special applications. However, the benefits of web conferencing do not end there - according to the study, they not only increase the speed and quality of online meetings, but also provide a lot of opportunities for collaboration. In addition, and this is obvious, they reduce travel costs.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Speed and quality come first.</span>\r\nIt is worth noting that now small and medium businesses are almost gone from the use of communication hardware and use desktop computers and mobile devices. Despite the fact that audio and video conferences are still very popular (they are used by 45% and 50% of users, respectively), web conferences are actively replacing them. Judge for yourself - according to statistics, every third user selects them as a means of communication after the first experience of use.\r\nThe main reason for such a rapid growth in popularity is the speed and quality that web conferencing users provide. According to respondents, the main advantage of web conferences is the ability to organize a meeting much faster than before. Now there is no need to spend time on installing special applications like Skype or similar - any communication systems using any third-party programs are a thing of the past. Also worth noting is the ability to connect to the web conference literally in one click.\r\nMore than 40% of the people surveyed showed dissatisfaction with the tedious procedure of entering authorization data, noting the simplicity and convenience of connecting to the WebRTC web conference. All you need is access to the Internet!\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">We work in a team</span>\r\nIt is no secret that the use of web conferencing significantly reduces the company's travel expenses. After all, booking tickets, searching for hotels and meeting places can result in a decent amount, which will seriously hurt the company's income. Using web conferences, you get the opportunity to arrange business meetings, even with overseas partners, without leaving your office. But that's not all! Web conferencing offers a range of tools to overcome language barriers. For example, in the field of healthcare, videoconferencing has been used to establish consultations between doctors and patients from completely different countries. With the help of online translators and other special features of web conferences, people can get the necessary help from qualified foreign specialists.\r\nDo not forget that web conferencing is not only a convenient way to hold a video call. You can arrange trainings for your team using file transfer and document display functions, as well as conduct job interviews without wasting time.\r\nIt is interesting to note that small and medium-sized businesses share their product samples with prospective clients using web conferences, turning them into a powerful marketing tool. This brings the business to a fundamentally new level, allowing the company to take a leading position in its industry!","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Web_Conferencing_Applications.png"},{"id":30,"title":"Video Conferencing","alias":"video-conferencing","description":"Video conferencing is a technology that allows users in different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location together. This technology is particularly convenient for business users in different cities or even different countries because it saves time, expense, and hassle associated with business travel. Uses for video conferencing include holding routine meetings, negotiating business deals, and interviewing job candidates.\r\nVideo conferencing's main advantage over teleconferencing is that users can see each other, which allows them to develop stronger relationships. When a video conference is held for informal purposes, it is called a video call or video chat.\r\nThere are a variety of ways video conferencing can be conducted. Individuals may use web cameras connected to our built into laptop, tablet, or desktop computers. Smartphones equipped with cameras may also be used to connect for video conferences. In such instances, a software-based platform typically is used to transmit communication over Internet protocols.\r\nSome businesses use dedicated video conferencing rooms that have been equipped with high-grade cameras and screens to ensure the conversation is clear and with limited technical faults. Third-party providers often install and assemble the hardware needed to conduct the video conference.\r\nCompanies with multiple offices might establish direct video communications between their locations in order to allow their teams to work more collaboratively.\r\nVideo conferencing can also be used as a medium for conducting training, with the instructor teaching a remote class from almost anywhere. This can be done in a corporate context, especially for getting workers the knowledge they need to better perform their jobs. The academic world can also make use of video conferencing to connect a traditional classroom setting with students who have based a considerable distance from the school.\r\nA video conference may also be used to conduct regular meetings with a company staff or to confer with shareholders about the latest activities at the business. It may be used to announce significant changes at a company, such as introducing a new CEO or to present information in an interactive way that allows all participants to engage in discussion about what they see on screen.\r\nHotels and conference centers sometimes make video conferencing services available to guests who require such services. This may be offered in suites or conference rooms that have been equipped for this purpose.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What is video conferencing?</span>\r\nVideo conferencing is two-way interactive communication delivered using telephone or Internet technologies that allows people at a different location to come together for a meeting. The video conference can be as simple as a conversation between two people in private offices (point-to-point) or involve several sites (multi-point) with more than one person in large rooms at different sites.\r\nA basic video conference setup has a camera and a microphone. Video from the camera and audio from the microphone is converted into a digital format and transmitted to a receiving location using a coding and decoding device, often referred to as a "codec".\r\nAt that receiving location is another codec device that decodes the receiving digital stream into a form that can be seen and heard on monitors or televisions. At the same time, video and audio from cameras and microphones at the received location is sent back to the original location.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the benefits of video conferencing?</span>\r\nVideo conferencing saves travel time and money. Participants can see and hear all other participants and communicate both verbally and visually, creating a face-to-face experience. PowerPoint and other on-screen graphics, as well as other cameras, are also available presentation options. People's downtime is reduced and productivity gains are achieved by removing the logistics of flight preparations, airport delays, hotel stays, and all the other inconveniences of business travel. In distance education, video conferencing provides quality access to students who could not travel to or could afford to relocate to a traditional campus. Video conferences can also be recorded and made available in a variety of ways, e.g., DVDs, streaming video. Besides distance education, other applications include meetings, dissertation and thesis defenses, telemedical procedures, and online conferences.\r\nPeople use video conferencing when:\r\n<ul><li>a live conversation is needed;</li><li>visual information is an important component of the conversation;</li><li>the parties of the conversation can't physically come to the same location;</li><li>the expense or time of travel is a consideration.</li></ul>\r\nExamples of how video conferencing can benefit people around campus:\r\n<ul><li>Guest lecturer invited into a class from another institution.</li><li>The researcher collaborates with colleagues at other institutions on a regular basis.</li><li>Thesis defense at another institution.</li><li>Administrators from different parts of campus need to collaborate on administrator issues such as a campus strategic plan.</li><li>Researcher needs to meet with a review committee about a grant.</li><li>Student interviews with an employer in another city.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Please explain the etiquette for video conferencing</span>\r\n<ul><li>Allow a few minutes for setting up and shutting down the video conference.</li><li>Stick to time limits.</li><li>Remember to mute your microphone when you are not talking.</li><li>Consider using a location banner.</li><li>Take turns speaking and allow time for audio delay.</li><li>Don't multi-task on camera.</li><li>Be aware of possible audio distractions if your microphone is not muted - coughing, paper shuffling, air conditioning units, laptop and projector fans, phone ringing, etc.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are some suggestions for a successful video conference?</span>\r\nProvide an overview for new users so they can learn the basics of videoconferencing:\r\n<ul><li>Share rules of etiquette.</li><li>Get experience using the remote control (room based systems) or using the desktop client software.</li><li>Emphasize the importance of muting the microphone when you are not speaking.</li><li>Test with each location prior to the video conference. Testing provides experience and creates a positive experience.</li></ul>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Video_Conferencing.png"},{"id":275,"title":"Conferencing Applications","alias":"conferencing-applications","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Conferencing applications</span> may be used as an umbrella term for various types of online collaborative services including web seminars ("webinars"), webcasts, and peer-level web meetings.\r\nServices may allow real-time point-to-point communications as well as multicast communications from one sender to many receivers. It offers data streams of text-based messages, voice and video chat to be shared simultaneously, across geographically dispersed locations. Conference application includes meetings, training events, lectures, or presentations from a web-connected computer to other web-connected computers. \r\n<p class=\"align-center\">Typical features of a web conference include:</p>\r\n<ul><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Slideshow presentations </span>- where images are presented to the audience and markup tools and a remote mouse pointer are used to engage the audience while the presenter discusses slide content.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Live or streaming video</span> - where full motion webcam, digital video camera or multi-media files are pushed to the audience.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">VoIP</span> (conference call applications) - real time audio communication through the computer via use of headphones and speakers.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Web tours</span> - where URLs, data from forms, cookies, scripts and session data can be pushed to other participants enabling them to be pushed through web-based logons, clicks, etc. This type of feature works well when demonstrating websites where users themselves can also participate.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Meeting Recording</span> - where presentation activity is recorded on the client side or server side for later viewing and/or distribution.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Whiteboard with annotation</span> - allowing the presenter and/or attendees to highlight or mark items on the slide presentation. Or, simply make notes on a blank whiteboard.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Text chat</span> - For live question and answer sessions, limited to the people connected to the meeting. Text chat may be public (echoed to all participants) or private (between 2 participants).</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Polls and surveys</span> - allows the presenter to conduct questions with multiple choice answers directed to the audience.</li><li><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Screen sharing</span>/desktop sharing/application sharing where participants can view anything the presenter currently has shown on their screen. </li></ul>\r\nThere are different types of web conferencing:\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Webinars.</span> In webinars, on one hand the presenters can share information with the participants and on the other the participants can respond or ask questions regarding that information. Though, this web conference option shows possibility of interaction between the presenter and the audience but to a limited extent.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Webcast.</span> It is web conference's another type that is similar to a broadcast made on TV but both of them are different from each other on the ground that this broadcast can be done by using web instead of a TV. Though webcast can be broadcasted to large number of people as a time still there are least or no possibilities of interaction between the presenter and the participants in this format of web conferencing.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Web Meeting</span><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">and Event App for conferences.</span> The virtual meetings on the internet fall in this category of web conferencing. It makes the participants in the meeting interactive to each other. The flow of information can be both way, forward and backward i.e. from the host to the audience as well as from the audience to the host. \r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Online Collaboration.</span> Online collaboration format of web conferencing allows you to view shared files, documents and papers live along with making changes in them to modify their style instantly on the internet. The participants of a web based online collaboration can do much more than seeing and speaking to each other on internet. \r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Online Presentations. </span>Web conferencing can also be used for presenting presentations online. The online presentations can be presented online with the help of web based chats, streaming videos or audios and slide shows. The participants have to log in to the web conference to see these presentations. They can also interact with the presenter of the presentation through web based chat or through mobile application conference.\r\n\r\n","materialsDescription":"<h1 class=\"align-center\"> <span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">What are the benefits of online conferencing?</span></h1>\r\nInternet conference has its own nuances and features in contrast to the traditional conference. And most importantly, it also has a number of obvious and very significant advantages, namely:\r\n<ul><li>wide audience coverage - users of various categories who are remote control of a computer via the Internet by potential consumers of goods and services;</li><li>independence from geographical location - users from different cities and even countries can participate in Internet conferences, which allows to significantly expand the boundaries of business in the world wide web;</li><li>accessibility - you can take part in online meetings, sitting at a computer at home or at work, the main thing is the presence of the computer itself and Internet access;</li><li>the opportunity to significantly save on the financial costs of holding a conference, which is relevant at all times;</li><li>stakeholder participation in the topic that the Internet conference offers for consideration, which allows to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness;</li><li>thanks to preliminary preparations for the Internet conference, you can develop the most successful mechanism for selling information to participants in order to focus on the most important aspects of a product or service;</li></ul>\r\nformation of positive public opinion among participants regarding the services of remote control of a computer or products, which is achieved using special methods.\r\n<h1 class=\"align-center\">The Benefits of Conference Event Apps</h1>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">A More Personalized Experience</span></p>\r\nConference planning app can solve the common problems that many attendees run into at large events. According to pewresearch.org another important fact to consider is that “More than half of smartphone owners say they get news alerts on their phones” which is largely due to notifications from apps downloaded on their smart device, so why wouldn’t you include apps at your events? Planning and event apps give the attendee a personalized experience by allowing the attendee to take notes and mark which sessions and exhibits they want to see.\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Track Users</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Event apps give you the ability to track the users to see what they like and dislike so you can continually improve your event products and cater to the needs of your attendees. Most event apps track attendees by GPS, badges, or the most frequently used low-energy Bluetooth device. </p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Provides Instant Feedback</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Best event apps for conferences provide instant analytic feedback. Most conference event apps track which booths the attendees favored, how long they listened to the audio tours at each exhibit, and overall what topics or things interest them the most. You can also set up polling to get the specific feedback you want from your attendees. </p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Push Notifications</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Including event apps at your next conference gives you the ability to send push notifications if the schedule changes or in case of an emergency. With push notifications can set geo alerts to alert your attendees of important reminders based on their location. You can also implement AR ability so that attendees can try out new products. Your contributors can publish audio tours to impress the attendees by filling them with information at each exhibit and e-brochures that the attendee can view before, during, and after the event. </p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold; \">Boost Revenue</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Conference event apps make navigating the event easier on multiple levels. Event apps are especially beneficial for allowing your attendees to purchase items easily right from their smart device and for you to showcase unique event items right at their fingertips.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Monetize Sponsors</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">It’s important to take time to recognize the sponsors that helped you put on the event. You can do this by adding a section of the custom conference app that is dedicated to your sponsors. By taking time to thank them, you are giving your sponsors a unique platform and driving leads with just a click of a button. Make sure you take time to talk to your app developer on how to create ads that highlight your sponsors and allows your sponsors to track data and leads from the event.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Instantly Connected</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Paper brochures, maps, and schedules are difficult to keep track of and hard to map out. I remember losing brochures and having to sit down and figure out the event layout, circling which booths I wanted to see. Conference event apps give your attendees access to important information instantly. </p>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Conferencing_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5748,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/RingCentral_Glip.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"RingCentral Glip","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"ringcentral-glip","companyTitle":"RingCentral","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":8630,"companyAlias":"ringcentral","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Team messaging, perfected</span>\r\nChat in real-time anytime, anywhere, from any device. Connect with individuals, create teams, make remote workers feel local, and build stronger relationships with customers. Getting work done together has never been this easy, fast, or free.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Real-time file sharing and collaboration</span>\r\nInstantly share by posting links and files directly in Glip. Open files and add comments to provide on-the-spot feedback while keeping everything organized, accessible, and visible.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">All-in-one task management</span>\r\nCreate teams based on projects, themes, or departments to get everyone working on the same page. It’s never been this easy to assign and manage tasks across groups.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Video meetings are a click away</span>\r\nSometimes it’s easier to meet face-to-face to discuss a project, resolve an issue, or seal the deal. For those times, Glip conveniently offers free, built-in, one-click dialing capabilities for video calls and meetings. Now there's no need to jump between apps or systems to get the job done.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Seamless integration</span>\r\nGlip plays well with all your favorite apps such as Google Drive, Box, and Jira. Whether you’re a developer, project manager, marketer, or customer-support executive, Glip will work seamlessly with your most critical business apps.\r\n\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Our Top features:</span>\r\n<ul> <li>Team chat</li> <li>Team messaging</li> <li>Screen share</li> <li>File sharing</li> <li>Video chat</li> <li>Task management</li> <li>Team collaboration</li> <li>Team calendar</li> <li>File storage</li> <li>Productivity software</li> </ul>","shortDescription":"Get more done with Glip, the easy-to-use collaborative team messaging app.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":17,"sellingCount":10,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"RingCentral Glip","keywords":"","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Team messaging, perfected</span>\r\nChat in real-time anytime, anywhere, from any device. Connect with individuals, create teams, make remote workers feel local, and build stronger relationships with customers. Getting work done ","og:title":"RingCentral Glip","og:description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Team messaging, perfected</span>\r\nChat in real-time anytime, anywhere, from any device. Connect with individuals, create teams, make remote workers feel local, and build stronger relationships with customers. Getting work done ","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/RingCentral_Glip.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5749,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5752,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/SquidHub_Logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"SquidHub","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"squidhub","companyTitle":"SquidHub","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":8632,"companyAlias":"squidhub","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Easily find your files</span>\r\nYou can keep using your preferred file sharing service. No matter whether you or your customers are using SharePoint/Office365, Google Drive or Dropbox, you can easily share and organize your files in SquidHub.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Optimize your communication</span>\r\nDo you often end up with long email threads with your customers? SquidHub's team messenger provides a close dialogue, which makes it faster to answer questions and make decisions.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">A shared task list</span>\r\nWho is doing what? What's the deadline? What did we agree upon? Are we on track...?\r\nDon't waste your time searching through your inbox, meeting minutes, notes or posts - and no need to find and discuss what to do with your project manager.\r\nSquidHub's shared task list provides a great overview of your tasks and their status for all team members.","shortDescription":"SquidHub is a simple project management and collaboration platform. Get a clear overview, stay in control, and enjoy less stress.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":9,"sellingCount":3,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"SquidHub","keywords":"","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Easily find your files</span>\r\nYou can keep using your preferred file sharing service. No matter whether you or your customers are using SharePoint/Office365, Google Drive or Dropbox, you can easily share and organize your file","og:title":"SquidHub","og:description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Easily find your files</span>\r\nYou can keep using your preferred file sharing service. No matter whether you or your customers are using SharePoint/Office365, Google Drive or Dropbox, you can easily share and organize your file","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/SquidHub_Logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5753,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5754,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/workplace_logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Workplace by Facebook","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"workplace-by-facebook","companyTitle":"Meta","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":6242,"companyAlias":"meta","description":"Workplace was first announced on January 14, 2015. It launched in beta as Facebook at Work with customers including the Royal Bank of Scotland before officially launching in October 2016.\r\nFacebook itself had been using a version of Workplace internally since 2011 when one of its engineers created groups that were only accessible to people inside the company. Alongside Facebook Messenger, these private groups helped Facebook employees work more efficiently together by reducing their reliance on email and other Software as a Service tool.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Features:</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">News Feed:</span> The News Feed is a scrolling stream of posts that uses Facebook's machine learning algorithms to keep people up to date with relevant company announcements.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Groups:</span> Groups are shared collaboration spaces where people can upload documents, leave comments, manage projects, and get work done with colleagues.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Multi-Company Collaboration:</span> Workplace enables people to collaborate with external teams, partners or suppliers from within their Workplace account using secure and private groups, chats, and video calls.\r\nWorkplace Chat: Workplace Chat is an instant messaging tool that allows text, voice calls or video conferencing with up to 50 colleagues.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Live Video:</span> Live Video enables users to broadcast live directly from their mobile devices and receive real-time feedback in the form of comments and reactions.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Auto Translate:</span> Auto Translate uses the same machine learning technology that serves up 4.5 billion translations every day on Facebook to provide one-click translations in 46 languages.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">People Directory:</span> Find colleagues, build connections, and collaborate more effectively with a searchable database of profiles customized to individual organizations.","shortDescription":"Workplace is an enterprise connectivity platform developed by Facebook, Inc. and featuring tools like groups, instant messaging and News Feed.\r\n","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":10,"sellingCount":18,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Workplace by Facebook","keywords":"","description":"Workplace was first announced on January 14, 2015. It launched in beta as Facebook at Work with customers including the Royal Bank of Scotland before officially launching in October 2016.\r\nFacebook itself had been using a version of Workplace internally since ","og:title":"Workplace by Facebook","og:description":"Workplace was first announced on January 14, 2015. It launched in beta as Facebook at Work with customers including the Royal Bank of Scotland before officially launching in October 2016.\r\nFacebook itself had been using a version of Workplace internally since ","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/workplace_logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5755,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5756,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/whatsapp_logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"WhatsApp","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"whatsapp","companyTitle":"Meta","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":6242,"companyAlias":"meta","description":"More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">TEXTS</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Simple, Reliable Messaging</span>\r\nMessage your friends and family for free*. WhatsApp uses your phone's Internet connection to send messages so you can avoid SMS fees.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">GROUP CHAT</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Groups to keep in touch</span>\r\nKeep in touch with the groups of people that matter the most, like your family or coworkers. With group chats, you can share messages, photos, and videos with up to 256 people at once. You can also name your group, mute or customize notifications, and more.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">WHATSAPP VOICE AND VIDEO CALLS</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Speak Freely</span>\r\nWith voice calls, you can talk to your friends and family for free*, even if they're in another country. And with free video calls, you can have face-to-face conversations for when voice or text just isn't enough. WhatsApp voice and video calls use your phone's Internet connection, instead of your cell plan's voice minutes, so you don't have to worry about expensive calling charges.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">WHATSAPP ON WEB AND DESKTOP</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Keep the Conversation Going</span>\r\nWith WhatsApp on the web and desktop, you can seamlessly sync all of your chats to your computer so that you can chat on whatever device is most convenient for you. Download the desktop app or visit web.whatsapp.com to get started.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">END-TO-END ENCRYPTION</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Security by Default</span>\r\nSome of your most personal moments are shared on WhatsApp, which is why we built end-to-end encryption into the latest versions of our app. When end-to-end encrypted, your messages and calls are secured so only you and the person you're communicating with can read or listen to them, and nobody in between, not even WhatsApp.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">PHOTOS AND VIDEOS</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Share Moments that Matter</span>\r\nSend photos and videos on WhatsApp instantly. You can even capture the moments that matter to you most with a built-in camera. With WhatsApp, photos and videos send quickly even if you're on a slow connection.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">DOCUMENTS</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Document Sharing Made Easy</span>\r\nSend PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, slideshows and more, without the hassle of email or file sharing apps. You can send documents up to 100 MB, so it's easy to get what you need over to who you want.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">VOICE MESSAGES</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Say What's On Your Mind</span>\r\nSometimes, your voice says it all. With just one tap you can record a Voice Message, perfect for a quick hello or a longer story.","shortDescription":"With WhatsApp, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging and calling for free, available on phones all over the world.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":4,"sellingCount":6,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"WhatsApp","keywords":"","description":"More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.\r\n<span style=\"font","og:title":"WhatsApp","og:description":"More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.\r\n<span style=\"font","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/whatsapp_logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5757,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5758,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/eko_logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Eko","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"eko","companyTitle":"Eko","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":8633,"companyAlias":"eko","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">A virtual workspace in one single, powerful platform</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Stay connected</span></span>\r\nReplace meetings, daily briefings and All-Hands meetings with virtual conference calls or instant, company-wide announcement broadcasts. Reach any team member instantly for efficient information flow.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Maintain a sense of community</span></span>\r\nOur knowledge-sharing features, discussion hubs and group chats enable teams to gather dynamically, maintaining the social elements and ‘water cooler chats’ of work even while dispersed.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Collaborate from anywhere</span></span>\r\nWork on projects together in real time, cut the delays of email and retain visibility into task progress despite being dispersed. Our web app integration feature also allows you to bring all existing tools you use into one place.","shortDescription":"The virtual workspace helping teams stay engaged, productive and connected while working remotely.\r\n","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":0,"sellingCount":17,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Eko","keywords":"","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">A virtual workspace in one single, powerful platform</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Stay connected</span></span>\r\nReplace meetings, daily briefings and All-Hands meetings with virtual","og:title":"Eko","og:description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">A virtual workspace in one single, powerful platform</span>\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Stay connected</span></span>\r\nReplace meetings, daily briefings and All-Hands meetings with virtual","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/eko_logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5759,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5760,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Lark_Logo.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Lark","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"lark","companyTitle":"Lark Technologies Pte. Ltd","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":8634,"companyAlias":"lark-technologies-pte-ltd","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Single Platform Synergy</span></p>\r\n<p>Lark combines a multitude of essential collaboration tools in a single interconnected platform, including Chat, Calendar, Creation and Cloud storage. These functions are always in sync and are easy access from one to the next.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The only all-in-one platform you will ever need</span></p>\r\n<p>It can be difficult keeping your company's solutions up to date in a rapidly-evolving workplace. Fortunately, Lark is built for modern enterprises. There's no longer any need to juggle between applications to get work done, just plug in and Lark facilitates the rest!</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Build a culture of effective communication</span></p>\r\n<p>Use Chat to communicate effectively across teams, departments, and even companies. Emoji reactions, message threads, votes, and more offer a healthy foundation for an engaging collaborative experience. Make sure everyone is on the same page without relying on emails and meetings!</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Make the most of your time</span></p>\r\n<p>Arranging meetings has never been easier! Lark Calendar comes with features that can help you get work done before, during, and after your meetings.</p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Work in harmony</span></p>\r\n<p>Get the information you need, when you need it, straight from the source itself! Break down the information silos that hinder transparency, allow information to flow freely throughout your company.</p>","shortDescription":"Lark is a new take on the office suite that is transforming workplace collaboration.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":3,"sellingCount":17,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Lark","keywords":"","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Single Platform Synergy</span></p>\r\n<p>Lark combines a multitude of essential collaboration tools in a single interconnected platform, including Chat, Calendar, Creation and Cloud storage. These functions are always in sync ","og:title":"Lark","og:description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Single Platform Synergy</span></p>\r\n<p>Lark combines a multitude of essential collaboration tools in a single interconnected platform, including Chat, Calendar, Creation and Cloud storage. These functions are always in sync ","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Lark_Logo.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5761,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":3720,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/slack.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Slack","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"1.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"slack","companyTitle":"Slack","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":5903,"companyAlias":"slack","description":"<p class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The collaboration software that moves work forward</span></p>\r\n<p><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Slack </span>is a layer of the business technology stack that brings together people, data, and applications – a single place where people can effectively work together, find important information, and access hundreds of thousands of critical applications and services to do their best work.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-center\"><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Slack brings all your communication together</span></p>\r\n<p><br />Teamwork in Slack happens in channels — a single place for messaging, tools and files — helping everyone save time and collaborate together.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-center\"><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Search turns conversations into common knowledge</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><br />• Search everything that’s been posted in channels or your messages. Learn the context of past decisions or see if someone’s already solved the problem at hand.<br />• Even if you archive or leave a channel, its contents are searchable for future reference. Your conversations become common institutional knowledge.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-center\"><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Collaboration beyond colleagues</span><br /><br /></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Share channels with companies and businesses you regularly work with – like clients, vendors, and partners – to bring all the right people into the same room</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Face-to-face and -screen</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\"><br />Talk it out over voice or video calls directly from Slack. And if you need to show your work, you can share your screen, too.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Integrated file sharing</span></p>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Drag-and-drop PDFs, images, videos and other files directly into Slack. Get feedback on your work and create an archive of your progress.</p>\r\n<p class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Security and protection</span></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Independently assessed for compliance to various security standards, including SOC 2 Type II, ISO 27001, and HIPAA</li>\r\n<li>Single-sign-on via industry standard authentication protocols</li>\r\n<li>Support for two-factor authentication</li>\r\n<li>Encryption of data in transit and at rest</li>\r\n<li>Integrated with best-in-class DLP, EMM, eDiscovery, and archival partners</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p class=\"align-left\">Source: <a href=\"https://slack.com/intl/en-ua/features\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">slack.com/intl/en-ua/features</a></p>","shortDescription":"Slack gives your team the power and alignment you need to do your best work. It is the collaboration software that moves work forward by streamlining it with integrated tools.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":5,"sellingCount":6,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Slack","keywords":"","description":"<p class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The collaboration software that moves work forward</span></p>\r\n<p><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Slack </span>is a layer of the business technology stack that brings together people, data, and ap","og:title":"Slack","og:description":"<p class=\"align-center\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The collaboration software that moves work forward</span></p>\r\n<p><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Slack </span>is a layer of the business technology stack that brings together people, data, and ap","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/slack.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":3721,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":368,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/IBM_Lotus_Sametime.jpg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"IBM Lotus Sametime","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"2.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":100,"alias":"ibm-lotus-sametime","companyTitle":"IBM","companyTypes":["supplier","vendor"],"companyId":177,"companyAlias":"ibm","description":"<p style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">IBM® Lotus® Sametime® consists of client and server applications that enable a community of users to collaborate through instant messaging and online meetings over an intranet or the Internet. Lotus Sametime Entry is an offering targeted at helping organizations get started with instant messaging.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">Members of the Lotus Sametime community use collaborative activities such as awareness, chat, screen sharing, and real-time audio/video capabilities to work together.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Awareness </b>– Lotus Sametime awareness technology lets members who have logged in to Lotus Sametime to see all other members who are logged in. The names of online users display in "awareness lists" in Lotus Sametime applications. From these awareness lists, members of the community can chat through instant messaging sessions or start meetings that include chat, screen-sharing, polls, the ability to send Web pages to other users, and audio/video capabilities.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Meeting rooms </b>– While awareness lists support instant collaboration with other online users, the Lotus Sametime Meeting Room Center provides a central meeting place for members of the community. In the Meeting Room Center, users can create meeting rooms and use them whenever they want to meet with their colleagues. Users access the Lotus Sametime Meeting Room Center with Web browsers or from the Meetings panel in the Lotus Sametime Connect client.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Instant messaging </b>– The Lotus Sametime client is a Java™ application that uses the Eclipse-based IBM Lotus Expeditor. The Lotus Sametime client leverages the Eclipse plug-in framework to provide developers with extensibility features that go far beyond those available in previous Lotus Sametime releases. Partners, independent software vendors (ISVs), customers, and internal developers use these features to integrate with the Lotus Sametime client to extend its capabilities.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Instant meetings </b>– Instant meetings are meetings that Lotus Sametime Connect users can create on the fly, and are perfect for quick meetings when you don't need to save the meeting room, its content, and related information.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Voice chat </b>– The Lotus Sametime client allows users to talk to other Lotus Sametime users through their computer's audio features and Voice-over-IP (VoIP) technology. VoIP is becoming increasingly popular, since it allows users anywhere in the world to talk inexpensively. Voice-over-IP allows users to click the microphone icon to call another user for instant voice chats over the intranet.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Telephony</b>– Voice chat is one of two telephony capabilities in the Lotus Sametime IM client. The other is click-to-call (also called click-to-dial), which allows a user to instantly create a telephone conference with one or more other users. In both cases, a user invites other users in a chat window or on the buddy list to join a call, and the invitees are given the opportunity to either join or decline. Those users who choose to join can connect to the call by clicking an icon. If voice chat is used to initiate the call, all connected parties communicate using their computer's microphone and speakers. If click-to-call is used, a third-party telephony service calls each user at the appropriate number.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Video chat </b>– Users who are equipped with video components can see each other on their screens during a chat.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Location awareness </b>– Lotus Sametime includes location awareness of the user, and an extensible resource area at the bottom of the left pane that can be customized to reflect different locations.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Connect to public IM networks </b>– Lotus Sametime provides for connectivity to outside instant messaging providers such as AOL's AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, Microsoft® Office Communications Server, and Google Talk communities through IBM's Lotus Sametime Gateway. Through the gateway, users can share presence information and can participate in text-based IM conversations.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Contact information </b>– The Business Card features provides the user with telephone number, e-mail address, photo, name, title, and location displayed in the Business Card hover-over feature and in the chat window. Business cards can be provided by the Lotus Sametime Community Server or a Lotus Connections server.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Emoticons </b>– Lotus Sametime includes emotionally-expressive icons such as smiley faces.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Customizing </b>– Your company name can be added to the Instant Messaging window.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">File transfer </b>– Users can send files.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Quick find </b>– Users can start typing name in the Quick Find box to find a person they want to chat with, and then click the name to initiate a chat.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Time stamp </b>– The time of day is provided in the Chat window along side the text.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Polling</b>– A user can poll members of a group to provide brief feedback to questions.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Policy</b>– Users can be assigned access to different features in Instant Messaging, such as voice chat, creating meetings, transferring files, IP telephony. Policy settings govern their access.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">The two primary Lotus Sametime client applications are the Lotus Sametime Connect client and the Lotus Sametime Meeting Room. The Lotus Sametime Connect client contains a presence list that displays selected members of the community who are online. FromLotus Sametime Connect, a user can collaborate by sending instant messages or by starting an instant meeting with any other online member of the community.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">The Lotus Sametime Meeting Room runs in a user's Web browser whenever the user attends a meeting. The Lotus Sametime Meeting Room contains components that support the full range of Lotus Sametime collaborative activities, including interactive audio and video.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"><b class=\"ph b\">Lotus Sametime Standard and Lotus Sametime Entry</b></p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">Lotus Sametime Standard is the full Lotus Sametime product offering, Lotus Sametime Standard provides awareness, instant messaging, and meeting room functionality.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">Lotus Sametime Entry is a limited offering, providing a core set of awareness and instant messaging capabilities either from stand-alone Lotus Sametime clients or from within Lotus Notes®. Lotus Sametime Entry does not support meeting rooms. In addition, Lotus Sametime Entry is sometimes packaged with other IBM products.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">You can expand your real-time collaboration capabilities in Lotus Sametime Entry by purchasing the Lotus Sametime Standard server to add meeting room capabilities and a richer instant messaging client to your environment.</p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \"></p>\r\n<p style=\"margin-top: 1em; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">The following table compares the features of Lotus Sametime Entry and Lotus Sametime Standard.</p>","shortDescription":"IBM® Lotus® Sametime® consists of client and server applications that enable a community of users to collaborate through instant messaging and online meetings over an intranet or the Internet. Lotus Sametime Entry is an offering targeted at helping organizations get started with instant messaging.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":2,"sellingCount":9,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"IBM Lotus Sametime","keywords":"Lotus, Sametime, users, with, client, instant, chat, other","description":"<p style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">IBM® Lotus® Sametime® consists of client and server applications that enable a community of users to collaborate through instant messaging and online meetings over an intranet or the Internet. Lotu","og:title":"IBM Lotus Sametime","og:description":"<p style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px; \">IBM® Lotus® Sametime® consists of client and server applications that enable a community of users to collaborate through instant messaging and online meetings over an intranet or the Internet. Lotu","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/IBM_Lotus_Sametime.jpg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":369,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]},{"id":5746,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/microsoft.png","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Microsoft Teams","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"2.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":272,"alias":"microsoft-teams","companyTitle":"Microsoft","companyTypes":["vendor"],"companyId":163,"companyAlias":"microsoft","description":"Invite everyone you work with to chat, meet, call, and collaborate all in one place, no matter where you are.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Chat from anywhere</span>\r\nShare your opinion, and your personality. Send gifs, stickers, and emojis in a group chat or in one-to-one messages.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Meet from anywhere</span>\r\nInstantly go from group chat to video conference with the touch of a button. Teams of 10 or 10,000 can meet in one place, no matter how many places they’re in.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Call from anywhere</span>\r\nNever yell “who just joined?!” ever again. Use Teams calling, Phone System, Calling Plan, or Direct Routing to take the stress out of conference calls.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Collaborate from anywhere</span>\r\nNever do that frantic, searching-for-files thing ever again. In Teams you can access, share, and edit Word docs, PowerPoint, and Excel files in real time.\r\n\r\n<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Features:</span></span>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Meetings.</span> Meet with teams of 10 or 10,000. Host audio, video, and web conferences with anyone inside or outside your organization or go big with live events.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Calling.</span> Make clear and reliable calls. Combine Teams with Phone System, Calling Plan, and Direct Routing for business calling on a global scale.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Devices.</span> Be seen and heard wherever work takes you. Use Teams devices for more intelligent meeting and calling experiences.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Apps and workflows.</span> Make Teams work for you. Add your favorite Microsoft and third-party services or build custom apps for your unique business needs.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Firstline Workers.</span> Maximize the impact of your Firstline Workforce. Empower all workers with new scheduling and shift management features.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Healthcare.</span> Provide the best care possible with help from Microsoft Teams. Collaborate and coordinate in a simple, secure way with chat, video, voice, and healthcare tools all in one hub.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Security and compliance.</span> Microsoft Teams is designed with IT in mind, providing management capabilities for collaboration, meetings, callings, and apps in one place with simple administration.","shortDescription":"Microsoft Teams! Work remotely without feeling remote.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":6,"sellingCount":11,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Microsoft Teams","keywords":"","description":"Invite everyone you work with to chat, meet, call, and collaborate all in one place, no matter where you are.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Chat from anywhere</span>\r\nShare your opinion, and your personality. Send gifs, stickers, and emojis in a group chat","og:title":"Microsoft Teams","og:description":"Invite everyone you work with to chat, meet, call, and collaborate all in one place, no matter where you are.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Chat from anywhere</span>\r\nShare your opinion, and your personality. Send gifs, stickers, and emojis in a group chat","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/microsoft.png"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5747,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":495,"title":"Instant Communications Applications","alias":"instant-communications-applications","description":" Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send". Some IM applications can use push technology to provide real-time text, which transmits messages character by character, as they are composed. More advanced instant messaging can add file transfer, clickable hyperlinks, Voice over IP, or video chat.\r\nNon-IM types of chat include multicast transmission, usually referred to as "chat rooms", where participants might be anonymous or might be previously known to each other (for example collaborators on a project that is using chat to facilitate communication). Instant messaging systems tend to facilitate connections between specified known users (often using a contact list also known as a "buddy list" or "friend list"). Depending on the IM protocol, the technical architecture can be peer-to-peer (direct point-to-point transmission) or client-server (an Instant message service center retransmits messages from the sender to the communication device).\r\nBy 2010, instant messaging over the Web was already in sharp decline, in favor of messaging features on social networks. The most popular IM platforms, such as AIM, closed in 2017, and Windows Live Messenger was merged into Skype. Today, most instant messaging takes place on messaging apps which by 2014 had more users than social networks.\r\nInstant messaging is a set of communication technologies used for text-based communication between two or more participants over the Internet or other types of networks. IM–chat happens in real-time. Of importance is that online chat and instant messaging differ from other technologies such as email due to the perceived quasi-synchrony of the communications by the users. Some systems permit messages to be sent to users not then 'logged on' (offline messages), thus removing some differences between IM and email (often done by sending the message to the associated email account).\r\nIM allows effective and efficient communication, allowing immediate receipt of acknowledgment or reply. However IM is basically not necessarily supported by transaction control. In many cases, instant messaging includes added features which can make it even more popular. For example, users may see each other via webcams, or talk directly for free over the Internet using a microphone and headphones or loudspeakers. Many applications allow file transfers, although they are usually limited in the permissible file-size.\r\nIt is usually possible to save a text conversation for later reference. Instant messages are often logged in a local message history, making it similar to the persistent nature of emails. ","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is instant messaging used for?</span>\r\nInstant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. A LAN messenger operates in a similar way over a local area network. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties when each user chooses to complete a thought and select "send".\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What kind of protocols are used in instant messaging applications?</span>\r\nTwo of the main protocols used for instant messaging in the market today are WebSocket and XMPP.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is the difference between texting and instant messaging?</span>\r\nText messaging, or simply "texting," is a cellular phone service typically limited to 160 characters, whereas instant messaging is usually a computer session with longer message size. Both text messaging and instant messaging are often called just plain "messaging."\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What are the key features of instant messaging?</span>\r\nThe exchange of text has long been the chief function of instant messaging, but it is now one feature of many. The ability to insert images and emojis into messages is now standard in many clients, as are file transfers. Facebook Messenger even enables users to send money via IM.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Instant_Communications_Applications.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]}],"jobRoles":[{"id":60,"title":"Chief Information Officer"},{"id":58,"title":"Chief Executive Officer"},{"id":80,"title":"IT Management"}],"organizationalFeatures":["Mobile users","Internet access is available for employees"],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":["No unified email system","No unified address book","Decentralized IT systems","Poor timing of management decision making","Employee retention","Low employee productivity","HR management","Shortage of information for decision making","No control over implementation","Poor communication and coordination among staff"],"materials":[{"id":2124,"title":"","description":"Rocket.Chat - Free, Open Source, Enterprise Team Chat","uri":"https://rocket.chat/"}],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":["Enhance Staff Productivity","Ensure Security and Business Continuity","Support Decision Making","Centralize management","Appraise and Train Staff","Enhance Competitive Ability"],"implementations":[],"presenterCodeLng":"","productImplementations":[]}},"aliases":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null,"useProductLoading":false,"sellProductLoading":false,"templatesById":{},"comparisonByTemplateId":{}},"filters":{"filterCriterias":{"loading":false,"error":null,"data":{"price":{"min":0,"max":6000},"users":{"loading":false,"error":null,"ids":[],"values":{}},"suppliers":{"loading":false,"error":null,"ids":[],"values":{}},"vendors":{"loading":false,"error":null,"ids":[],"values":{}},"roles":{"id":200,"title":"Roles","values":{"1":{"id":1,"title":"User","translationKey":"user"},"2":{"id":2,"title":"Supplier","translationKey":"supplier"},"3":{"id":3,"title":"Vendor","translationKey":"vendor"}}},"categories":{"flat":[],"tree":[]},"countries":{"loading":false,"error":null,"ids":[],"values":{}}}},"showAIFilter":false},"companies":{"companiesByAlias":{},"aliases":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"implementations":{"implementationsByAlias":{},"aliases":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"agreements":{"agreementById":{},"ids":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"comparison":{"loading":false,"error":false,"templatesById":{"109":{"id":109,"title":"Instant messaging"}},"comparisonByTemplateId":{},"products":[],"selectedTemplateId":null},"presentation":{"type":null,"company":{},"products":[],"partners":[],"formData":{},"dataLoading":false,"dataError":false,"loading":false,"error":false},"catalogsGlobal":{"subMenuItemTitle":""}}