Binary Defense

Binary Defense
Information Technology


Binary Defense is the global leader in attack intelligence and advanced managed security solutions.

Binary Defense was spawned from the need for better monitoring and detection capabilities in companies. The founder of Binary Defense, David Kennedy, also founded TrustedSec which specializes in information security services including penetration testing. The cutting edge, white hat hackers noticed almost every organization with monitoring capabilities really struggled, especially when using an MSSP. Countless attacks went undetected, and breaches were missed which left companies wondering what to do.
As a result, Binary Defense was first put into motion in July of 2012 with the development of Managed Detection, Deception and Response software (Binary Defense Vision) based on profiling how attackers think. A number of years of development, marrying up attack intelligence with our extensive threat intelligence, has made company's product the best consolidation of technologies in the industry to predict, prevent, detect, deceive and respond to attacks.