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Our 25 partners are all practicing designers, and whether they are working collaboratively or independently, they always do so in friendship.\r\nOur structure is unique. We are the only major design studio where the owners of the business are the creators of the work and serve as the primary contact for every client. This reflects our conviction that great design cannot happen without passion, intelligence and — above all — personal commitment, and is demonstrated by a portfolio that spans five decades and all industries.","companyTypes":["supplier"],"products":{},"vendoredProductsCount":1,"suppliedProductsCount":1,"supplierImplementations":[],"vendorImplementations":[],"userImplementations":[],"userImplementationsCount":0,"supplierImplementationsCount":0,"vendorImplementationsCount":0,"vendorPartnersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"b4r":0,"categories":{"565":{"id":565,"title":"Design","description":" Design is the activity of designing the aesthetic properties of industrial products (“artistic design”), as well as the result of this activity (for example, in such phrases as “car design”).\r\nIt is believed that in a broader sense, the design is not only intended for artistic design, but should also be involved in solving broader social and technical problems of the functioning of production, consumption, and the existence of people in the objective environment, by rational construction of its visual and functional properties.\r\nThe theoretical basis of design is technical aesthetics.\r\nThe term “industrial design” was approved by the decision of the first General Assembly of the ICSID (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, International Council of Industrial Design Organizations) in 1959; The term “design” is a professional abbreviation of the term “industrial design”.\r\nDesigner - artist-designer, a person engaged in artistic and technical activities in various industries (including an architect, designer, illustrator, poster and other advertising graphics designer, web designer).\r\nThe word "design" English-language literature of the beginning of the XXI century, and understands the style, and the project, and design, and actually "design" - a professional activity, along with architecture or engineering design.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Design object</span>\r\nThe object of design can be almost any new technical industrial product (set, ensemble, complex, system) in any sphere of life activity of people, where human communication is socially and culturally conditioned.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The main categories of the design object are:</span>\r\nThe image is an ideal representation of the object, an artistic-figurative model created by the designer’s imagination.\r\n<ul><li> Function - the work that the product must perform, as well as the semantic, sign and value role of the thing.</li><li>Morphology - the structure, the structure of the shape of the product, organized in accordance with its function, material and method of manufacture, embodying the designer's intent.</li><li>Technological form - morphology, embodied in the method of industrial production of the thing-object of the design-design as a result of artistic understanding of technology.</li><li>Aesthetic value is a special value of an object revealed by a person in a situation of aesthetic perception, emotional, sensory experience and assessment of the degree of conformity of an object to the aesthetic ideal of a subject.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Techniques for finding a design solution:</span>\r\n<ul><li>Exhibition modeling</li><li>Museum situational modeling</li><li>Reincarnation or borrowing position</li><li>Person projection into the projected object</li><li>Scenario modeling</li><li>Game Situational Modeling</li><li>Mathematical and physical modeling of the dynamics of an object in the environment</li><li>Generative Design</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Varieties of design:</span>\r\n<ul><li>Animation design</li><li>Architectural design</li><li>Web design</li><li>Game design</li><li>Graphic design</li><li>Urban design</li><li>Interior Design</li><li>Clothing design</li><li>Ceremony Design</li><li>Sound design</li><li>Information design</li><li>Book design</li><li>Landscape Design</li><li>Parametric design</li><li>Print design</li><li>Interaction design</li><li>Software design</li><li>Industrial Design</li><li>Light design</li><li>Transport design</li><li>Futurodesign</li><li>Ecodesign</li></ul>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Design.png","alias":"design"},"567":{"id":567,"title":"Graphics Design","description":" Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, and illustration. The field is considered a subset of visual communication and communication design, but sometimes the term "graphic design" is used synonymously. Graphic designers create and combine symbols, images and text to form visual representations of ideas and messages. They use typography, visual arts, and page layout techniques to create visual compositions. Common uses of graphic design include corporate design (logos and branding), editorial design (magazines, newspapers and books), wayfinding or environmental design, advertising, web design, communication design, product packaging, and signage.\r\nGraphic design is applied to everything visual, from road signs to technical schematics, from interoffice memorandums to reference manuals.\r\nDesign can aid in selling a product or idea. It is applied to products and elements of company identity such as logos, colors, packaging and text as part of branding (see also advertising). Branding has become increasingly more important in the range of services offered by graphic designers. Graphic designers often form part of a branding team.\r\nGraphic design is applied in the entertainment industry in decoration, scenery and visual story telling. Other examples of design for entertainment purposes include novels, vinyl album covers, comic books, DVD covers, opening credits and closing credits in filmmaking, and programs and props on stage. This could also include artwork used for T-shirts and other items screenprinted for sale.\r\nFrom scientific journals to news reporting, the presentation of opinion and facts is often improved with graphics and thoughtful compositions of visual information - known as information design. Newspapers, magazines, blogs, television and film documentaries may use graphic design. With the advent of the web, information designers with experience in interactive tools are increasingly used to illustrate the background to news stories. Information design can include data visualization, which involves using programs to interpret and form data into a visually compelling presentation, and can be tied in with information graphics.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is graphic design and what does it include?</span>\r\nGraphic design is a design process that combines text and graphics in a way that is intended to communicate a specific message.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Where is graphic design used?</span>\r\nYou will find graphic design in company logos, printed materials like brochures, posters, signs, greeting cards, postcards, business cards, billboards and ads. Advances in technology have brought us the digital environment complete with websites, online ads, virtual brochures and presentations, and so very much more.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What do graphic designers use to create these designs?</span>\r\nGraphic designers can use hand-illustrated designs as well as computer-aided designs thanks to a wide range of software with nearly endless digital design tools. The availability of software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop have become staples of the graphic designer.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What can a graphic designer do that I can’t do?</span>\r\nA graphic designer does more than just put their creative skills to work. Though most graphic designers are intuitively creative already, they have generally spent time studying numerous design principles. It’s vital to understand how to use design elements to transmit the required messages and values as well as evoke a certain feeling in the viewer. As a visual communicator, they leverage these design elements and use concepts such as color, typography, space, balance, form and lines to create their visual message.\r\nSome graphic designers are also able to understand the more technical aspects of the design required to create digital assets for a company. For example, a web designer is often able to create wireframes, workflows, and sitemaps and understand how to develop easy navigation for the user experience.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What else does a graphic designer accomplish as part of the work they produce for a client?</span>\r\nBesides turning their client’s vision, brand image and value proposition into a graphic display, a designer will undertake many specialty tasks as part of a graphic design project. The specialty tasks include collaborating on the concept (usually with a team), attending meetings about the project, paying attention to what customers are clicking on, doing presentations that explain the various potential designs, revising designs, and preparing asset files for others on the team and for client use.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Graphics_Design.png","alias":"graphics-design"},"585":{"id":585,"title":"Corporate Identity Design","description":" The Branding of a company is very important and it gives the first impression of your company to its customers. The design of the brand gives judgment about your business and thus it should be very memorable and attractive. A professional branding or logo leaves a good image of your concern and also results in a great impression about the business. With today’s modern trend, you can design various creative and elegant designs for your brand name which leaves the potential customer to identify your company immediately.\r\nThe Brand is much more than the name of the company or its logo. It is the combination of all the experiences and impressions of a concern which includes the public relations, vendors, employees, customers or the communities. There are efficient people who represent the image of a company behind every good brand. When the expectations of the customers are met by the company, the loyalty of the brand is automatically developed. Thus, it is very important to focus on the design of the Brand name which should be descriptive about its services or products, memorable, short and attractive.\r\nBefore designing the brand, decide if it is going to be used on business cards, website, CD’s, clothing’s or printing materials, stickers, pens, on the products sold, or on any social network. Thus, plan accordingly and choose the appropriate designs or colors for your brand. Create a powerful logo with graphic design for your brand name which should speak about your business. It should be bold and distinctive and should be able to advertise about your company. A Tag line is also important for a Brand which could express the benefits of your concern and could leave an impression in the minds of the customers.\r\nThe important elements in a Brand design are the logo, names, tag lines, trademarks and packaging. The brand of the company mostly attempts the customers to purchase the products or services. Therefore, the name of the brand also plays a major role in the success of a business. There should be a life in your Brand designing with a good combination of the color, visual appearance or style, name, topography, intensity and size. Appropriate usage of these elements will provide uniqueness to your brand. You can also use a hired professional to create your brand design to make it more memorable.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How to develop a strong brand identity?</span>\r\nKnow who you are!\r\nBefore you know what tangible elements you want to make up your brand identity, you need to know who you are as a brand.\r\nWho you are as a brand is made up of a few key elements:\r\n<ul><li>Your mission (what’s your “why?”)</li><li>Your values (what beliefs drive your company?)</li><li>Your brand personality (if your brand was a person, what kind of personality would they have?)</li><li>Your unique positioning (how do you differentiate yourself from the competition?)</li><li>Your brand voice (if your brand was a person, how would it communicate?)</li></ul>\r\nThese elements are what define your brand, and before you start building your brand identity, it’s important you have a clear understanding of each.\r\nIf you’re having trouble figuring out who exactly you are, don’t sweat it. Sometimes, all you need is a simple brainstorm to help you get clarity on who you are as a brand.\r\nAsk yourself:\r\n<ul><li>Why did we start this business?</li><li>What are the beliefs and values that are important to us as a company?</li><li>What do we do better than anyone else?</li><li>What makes us special?</li><li>If we could describe our brand in three words, what would they be?</li><li>What are the three words we would want our customers to use to describe us?</li></ul>\r\nYou can also check out this awesome branding workbook from consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. While this workbook is geared towards personal branding, the strategies will work for any type of business model.\r\nOnce you’ve locked in who you are as a brand, it’s time to build the identity that will bring your brand to life and show who you are to the people who matter most: your customers.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Corporate_Identity_Design.png","alias":"corporate-identity-design"},"587":{"id":587,"title":"Packaging Design","description":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Package design</span> is a key element in consumer branding. It allows goods to stand out on the shelf, attract attention and motivate the buyer to purchase in conditions of high level of competition in the market. In turn, label design is one of the stages in creating packaging. It is often associated with the development of the original form of packaging - shaping. In a number of categories, such as spirits, brand success depends on the integrity of the design concept embodied in the label and the shape of the bottle.\r\nIn the field of consumer goods, packaging is an integral part of the brand - it is the main identifier that makes a product desirable and recognizable. We can distinguish several stages of interaction or “communication” of the packaging with the consumer, as well as several basic functions that it performs in this case:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"Attraction"</span></span>\r\nEach modern buyer, having come to the store, is under the attack of a huge amount of information - around him are shelves with a wide variety of packages, different manufacturers, shapes, sizes and colors. Considering that the shopping list is usually rather big, we spend from a few seconds to a couple of minutes choosing each item. That is why the moment of contact of the buyer with the new brand is very brief. And only in the case when the packaging design is noticeable among many competitors, we can talk about the fulfillment of the first function - to stand out, attract attention, arouse interest.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"Acquaintance"</span></span>\r\nAfter attention is drawn and the product is in the hands of the buyer, the stage of acquaintance with the product begins. Given the presence of dozens of competitors on the shelves - it will also not be long. Therefore, the next task is to convey to the consumer the most important information about the brand and product as briefly, clearly and structured as possible. This information can be emotional and functional. Thus, the packaging design and its individual components (logo, illustrations, product image, color, font and compositional solutions) are evaluated by the consumer more likely from an emotional point of view, with their help you can convey the brand’s target associations. For example, the packaging design of a dairy product or mineral water most often exploits a sense of naturalness and environmental friendliness, and the cognac label design reflects status and traditions.\r\nThe “functional” part of the package is data that the customer analyzes rationally. This information is about the manufacturer, place and date of production, shelf life, availability of preservatives, number of calories, etc. Despite the technical nature of this information, its presentation can also significantly affect the impression of acquaintance with the brand. Therefore, the development of packaging design always implies a layout in which information that is significant for the consumer and forms a positive image of the brand comes to the fore.\r\nAccordingly, the second function of packaging at the stage of dating is to be informative and form a positive brand image.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"Dialog"</span></span>\r\nIf the acquaintance turned out to be successful and the consumer made a purchase, the third stage of interaction begins, which can conditionally be referred to as a “dialogue”. Often, after the purchase, we begin to consider the product in more detail: notice new design details, carefully read the texts, delve into their meaning. When the packaging design is built taking into account this stage - on it you can often find interesting details that are invisible at first sight; any texts and facts that reveal the brand’s legend. It is these details that allow the brand to build a dialogue with the consumer.\r\nThe function that is pronounced at this stage is to communicate with the consumer, revealing interesting details.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"Recognition"</span></span>\r\nFinally, if the packaging design was done correctly, and the brand managed to build a dialogue with the consumer, having won his sympathies, the stage of re-purchase becomes relevant.\r\nIf at the first stage of communication with the consumer, uniqueness is important for attracting attention, then for making a repeat purchase, the uniqueness and recognition of the packaging become even more important. Here, by uniqueness, we mean: a) the presence of unusual copyright findings in design; b) avoiding established categorical stereotypes and the possibility of differentiation from competitors.\r\nThus, the final function of packaging design is to demonstrate individuality and be recognizable.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is packaging design?</span>\r\nPackaging design is one of the most powerful marketing tools for promotion, a certain channel of communication between the manufacturer and its target audience. The more attractive the goods are, the greater demand they will enjoy. A tricky move can significantly increase the percentage of sales, because it is a well-known fact that a beautiful, bright, catchy container helps to buy it deliberately and spontaneously. Each smallest element should be worked out and thought out because it is important to create it so that it works for the brand, its success.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What features does the packaging design provide?</span>\r\nA competent packaging design allows you to:\r\n<ul><li>highlight the product among competitors;</li><li>draw the attention of the target audience to him;</li><li>cheer up the buyer;</li><li>make the customer trust the brand.</li></ul>\r\nThe visual effect is very important. Numerous marketing studies confirm that the consumer, among many other similar products, will choose what looks best to him.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How is packaging design developed?</span>\r\nThe development of individual packaging design is a complex process because its result can be the acquisition by a product of one of the main competitive advantages - an aesthetically harmonious appearance. Be sure to take into account the features and characteristics of the product. The color scheme, font, images, materials used - everything matters, nothing should be missed. It is also worth taking care of preserving originality and originality, protection from fakes, which are possible in the future.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Work Stages:</span></span>\r\n<ul><li>market analysis;</li><li>development of an original concept;</li><li>creation of several options;</li><li>the choice of one option, making changes to it;</li><li>layout preparation;</li><li>determination of optimal printing technology.</li></ul>\r\nThis is a complex, multi-level, multi-tasking, a lengthy procedure that requires specialists to have certain knowledge, skills, and experience.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Packaging_Design.png","alias":"packaging-design"},"589":{"id":589,"title":"Design Animation","description":" Visual marketing is firmly in the lead when it comes to promoting a business. And the most effective tool for him can surely be called an animated movie. It's no secret that the visualization of information facilitates its perception.\r\nAnimated video is one of the most original ways of presenting advertisements for your company. Animated advertising will attract the views of new customers and you will certainly want to buy products or services. Today, an animated video is a fairly well-known and sought-after form of advertising.\r\nAnimation video today is a must-have for any company that has a website. It is desirable that this video was creative, even if it tells about a large company or reveals serious questions. A distinctive feature of the drawn clips is the ability to present information from the face of any character, even the directly promoted product “animated” with the help of animation.\r\nBefore you order an animated video, it is important to decide which type of video is needed. A video can:\r\n<ul><li>Promote the brand. Such videos reveal the main characteristics of the product and tell about its strengths. In order for such a video to be effective, it is important to get an emotional response from the audience. To do this, you need to create a thoughtful character with an obvious pattern of behavior so that the viewer associates himself with him.</li><li>Talk about the company. The target audience of such clips is existing and potential employees and partners. Such videos are ordered to emphasize the positive features of the company. Due to this, there is a desire to cooperate with such an organization and/or work in it.</li><li>Be informative. These are intelligent videos that do not contain a call to action. The task of the informational video is to increase the involvement of the target audience and increase the level of brand loyalty. It is the most capacious and easy to hear important information.</li></ul>\r\nHaving made the decision to order an animation video, you need to understand what tasks it should perform. It is necessary to clarify the interests and preferences of the target audience and focus on them, choose an understandable and pleasant (if appropriate, with a humorous tint) style of narration and talk about the real merits of the product or service.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is 2D animation?</span>\r\n2D animation - fully two-dimensional rollers. Characters, titles, buildings and any other objects in such videos are flat, as in the pictures. Today it is this kind of graphics that is most in demand. Often, these videos look simple and neat, but at the same time informative.\r\n2D animation can be executed in a classic drawing format or created using computer graphics, for example, Shape animation.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is 3D animation?</span>\r\n3D animation is its main difference from 2D in that the characters and any other objects in such a video are three-dimensional. Such videos allow you to fully demonstrate to customers a product from virtually all sides before it is created. It can be video smartphones, cars, houses. In the production of 3D animation is more complicated and more expensive than 2D, but at the same time much more spectacular, it means that it is better remembered.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is a cartoon video?</span>\r\nHand-drawn video is a modern marketing tool that will be useful for any kind of business. It is easier and clearer for a client to watch a short video than to wade through the wilds of numerous pages on the site.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Design_Animation.png","alias":"design-animation"}},"branches":"Consulting","companySizes":"101 to 500 Employees","companyUrl":"https://www.pentagram.com/","countryCodes":["DEU","GBR","USA"],"certifications":[],"isSeller":true,"isSupplier":true,"isVendor":false,"presenterCodeLng":"","seo":{"title":"Pentagram","keywords":"","description":" Pentagram is the world’s largest independently-owned design studio.\r\nOur work encompasses graphics and identity, architecture and interiors, products and packaging, exhibitions and installations, websites and digital experiences, advertising and communication","og:title":"Pentagram","og:description":" Pentagram is the world’s largest independently-owned design studio.\r\nOur work encompasses graphics and identity, architecture and interiors, products and packaging, exhibitions and installations, websites and digital experiences, advertising and communication","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/uploads/roi/company/pentagram_logo.jpeg"},"eventUrl":"","vendorPartners":[],"supplierPartners":[],"vendoredProducts":[],"suppliedProducts":[{"id":5101,"logoURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/pentagram_logo.jpeg","logo":true,"scheme":false,"title":"Pentagram Design","vendorVerified":0,"rating":"0.00","implementationsCount":0,"suppliersCount":0,"supplierPartnersCount":0,"alias":"pentagram-design","companyTitle":"Pentagram","companyTypes":["supplier"],"companyId":7820,"companyAlias":"pentagram","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Types of our work:</span>\r\n<ul><li>Brand Identity</li><li>Book Design</li><li>Campaigns</li><li>Data Visualization</li><li>Digital Design</li><li>Editorial Design</li><li>Environmental Graphics</li><li>Exhibition Design</li><li>Film & Motion Graphics</li><li>Industrial/Product Design</li><li>Interiors & Architecture</li><li>Naming</li><li>Packaging</li><li>Sound Design</li></ul>","shortDescription":"We are the only major design studio where the owners of the business are the creators of the work and serve as the primary contact for every client.","type":null,"isRoiCalculatorAvaliable":false,"isConfiguratorAvaliable":false,"bonus":100,"usingCount":20,"sellingCount":1,"discontinued":0,"rebateForPoc":0,"rebate":0,"seo":{"title":"Pentagram Design","keywords":"","description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Types of our work:</span>\r\n<ul><li>Brand Identity</li><li>Book Design</li><li>Campaigns</li><li>Data Visualization</li><li>Digital Design</li><li>Editorial Design</li><li>Environmental Graphics</li><li>Exhibition Design</li><li","og:title":"Pentagram Design","og:description":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Types of our work:</span>\r\n<ul><li>Brand Identity</li><li>Book Design</li><li>Campaigns</li><li>Data Visualization</li><li>Digital Design</li><li>Editorial Design</li><li>Environmental Graphics</li><li>Exhibition Design</li><li","og:image":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/pentagram_logo.jpeg"},"eventUrl":"","translationId":5102,"dealDetails":null,"roi":null,"price":null,"bonusForReference":null,"templateData":[],"testingArea":"","categories":[{"id":565,"title":"Design","alias":"design","description":" Design is the activity of designing the aesthetic properties of industrial products (“artistic design”), as well as the result of this activity (for example, in such phrases as “car design”).\r\nIt is believed that in a broader sense, the design is not only intended for artistic design, but should also be involved in solving broader social and technical problems of the functioning of production, consumption, and the existence of people in the objective environment, by rational construction of its visual and functional properties.\r\nThe theoretical basis of design is technical aesthetics.\r\nThe term “industrial design” was approved by the decision of the first General Assembly of the ICSID (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, International Council of Industrial Design Organizations) in 1959; The term “design” is a professional abbreviation of the term “industrial design”.\r\nDesigner - artist-designer, a person engaged in artistic and technical activities in various industries (including an architect, designer, illustrator, poster and other advertising graphics designer, web designer).\r\nThe word "design" English-language literature of the beginning of the XXI century, and understands the style, and the project, and design, and actually "design" - a professional activity, along with architecture or engineering design.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Design object</span>\r\nThe object of design can be almost any new technical industrial product (set, ensemble, complex, system) in any sphere of life activity of people, where human communication is socially and culturally conditioned.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The main categories of the design object are:</span>\r\nThe image is an ideal representation of the object, an artistic-figurative model created by the designer’s imagination.\r\n<ul><li> Function - the work that the product must perform, as well as the semantic, sign and value role of the thing.</li><li>Morphology - the structure, the structure of the shape of the product, organized in accordance with its function, material and method of manufacture, embodying the designer's intent.</li><li>Technological form - morphology, embodied in the method of industrial production of the thing-object of the design-design as a result of artistic understanding of technology.</li><li>Aesthetic value is a special value of an object revealed by a person in a situation of aesthetic perception, emotional, sensory experience and assessment of the degree of conformity of an object to the aesthetic ideal of a subject.</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Techniques for finding a design solution:</span>\r\n<ul><li>Exhibition modeling</li><li>Museum situational modeling</li><li>Reincarnation or borrowing position</li><li>Person projection into the projected object</li><li>Scenario modeling</li><li>Game Situational Modeling</li><li>Mathematical and physical modeling of the dynamics of an object in the environment</li><li>Generative Design</li></ul>\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Varieties of design:</span>\r\n<ul><li>Animation design</li><li>Architectural design</li><li>Web design</li><li>Game design</li><li>Graphic design</li><li>Urban design</li><li>Interior Design</li><li>Clothing design</li><li>Ceremony Design</li><li>Sound design</li><li>Information design</li><li>Book design</li><li>Landscape Design</li><li>Parametric design</li><li>Print design</li><li>Interaction design</li><li>Software design</li><li>Industrial Design</li><li>Light design</li><li>Transport design</li><li>Futurodesign</li><li>Ecodesign</li></ul>","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Design.png"},{"id":585,"title":"Corporate Identity Design","alias":"corporate-identity-design","description":" The Branding of a company is very important and it gives the first impression of your company to its customers. The design of the brand gives judgment about your business and thus it should be very memorable and attractive. A professional branding or logo leaves a good image of your concern and also results in a great impression about the business. With today’s modern trend, you can design various creative and elegant designs for your brand name which leaves the potential customer to identify your company immediately.\r\nThe Brand is much more than the name of the company or its logo. It is the combination of all the experiences and impressions of a concern which includes the public relations, vendors, employees, customers or the communities. There are efficient people who represent the image of a company behind every good brand. When the expectations of the customers are met by the company, the loyalty of the brand is automatically developed. Thus, it is very important to focus on the design of the Brand name which should be descriptive about its services or products, memorable, short and attractive.\r\nBefore designing the brand, decide if it is going to be used on business cards, website, CD’s, clothing’s or printing materials, stickers, pens, on the products sold, or on any social network. Thus, plan accordingly and choose the appropriate designs or colors for your brand. Create a powerful logo with graphic design for your brand name which should speak about your business. It should be bold and distinctive and should be able to advertise about your company. A Tag line is also important for a Brand which could express the benefits of your concern and could leave an impression in the minds of the customers.\r\nThe important elements in a Brand design are the logo, names, tag lines, trademarks and packaging. The brand of the company mostly attempts the customers to purchase the products or services. Therefore, the name of the brand also plays a major role in the success of a business. There should be a life in your Brand designing with a good combination of the color, visual appearance or style, name, topography, intensity and size. Appropriate usage of these elements will provide uniqueness to your brand. You can also use a hired professional to create your brand design to make it more memorable.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How to develop a strong brand identity?</span>\r\nKnow who you are!\r\nBefore you know what tangible elements you want to make up your brand identity, you need to know who you are as a brand.\r\nWho you are as a brand is made up of a few key elements:\r\n<ul><li>Your mission (what’s your “why?”)</li><li>Your values (what beliefs drive your company?)</li><li>Your brand personality (if your brand was a person, what kind of personality would they have?)</li><li>Your unique positioning (how do you differentiate yourself from the competition?)</li><li>Your brand voice (if your brand was a person, how would it communicate?)</li></ul>\r\nThese elements are what define your brand, and before you start building your brand identity, it’s important you have a clear understanding of each.\r\nIf you’re having trouble figuring out who exactly you are, don’t sweat it. Sometimes, all you need is a simple brainstorm to help you get clarity on who you are as a brand.\r\nAsk yourself:\r\n<ul><li>Why did we start this business?</li><li>What are the beliefs and values that are important to us as a company?</li><li>What do we do better than anyone else?</li><li>What makes us special?</li><li>If we could describe our brand in three words, what would they be?</li><li>What are the three words we would want our customers to use to describe us?</li></ul>\r\nYou can also check out this awesome branding workbook from consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. While this workbook is geared towards personal branding, the strategies will work for any type of business model.\r\nOnce you’ve locked in who you are as a brand, it’s time to build the identity that will bring your brand to life and show who you are to the people who matter most: your customers.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Corporate_Identity_Design.png"},{"id":587,"title":"Packaging Design","alias":"packaging-design","description":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Package design</span> is a key element in consumer branding. It allows goods to stand out on the shelf, attract attention and motivate the buyer to purchase in conditions of high level of competition in the market. In turn, label design is one of the stages in creating packaging. It is often associated with the development of the original form of packaging - shaping. In a number of categories, such as spirits, brand success depends on the integrity of the design concept embodied in the label and the shape of the bottle.\r\nIn the field of consumer goods, packaging is an integral part of the brand - it is the main identifier that makes a product desirable and recognizable. We can distinguish several stages of interaction or “communication” of the packaging with the consumer, as well as several basic functions that it performs in this case:\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"Attraction"</span></span>\r\nEach modern buyer, having come to the store, is under the attack of a huge amount of information - around him are shelves with a wide variety of packages, different manufacturers, shapes, sizes and colors. Considering that the shopping list is usually rather big, we spend from a few seconds to a couple of minutes choosing each item. That is why the moment of contact of the buyer with the new brand is very brief. And only in the case when the packaging design is noticeable among many competitors, we can talk about the fulfillment of the first function - to stand out, attract attention, arouse interest.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"Acquaintance"</span></span>\r\nAfter attention is drawn and the product is in the hands of the buyer, the stage of acquaintance with the product begins. Given the presence of dozens of competitors on the shelves - it will also not be long. Therefore, the next task is to convey to the consumer the most important information about the brand and product as briefly, clearly and structured as possible. This information can be emotional and functional. Thus, the packaging design and its individual components (logo, illustrations, product image, color, font and compositional solutions) are evaluated by the consumer more likely from an emotional point of view, with their help you can convey the brand’s target associations. For example, the packaging design of a dairy product or mineral water most often exploits a sense of naturalness and environmental friendliness, and the cognac label design reflects status and traditions.\r\nThe “functional” part of the package is data that the customer analyzes rationally. This information is about the manufacturer, place and date of production, shelf life, availability of preservatives, number of calories, etc. Despite the technical nature of this information, its presentation can also significantly affect the impression of acquaintance with the brand. Therefore, the development of packaging design always implies a layout in which information that is significant for the consumer and forms a positive image of the brand comes to the fore.\r\nAccordingly, the second function of packaging at the stage of dating is to be informative and form a positive brand image.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"Dialog"</span></span>\r\nIf the acquaintance turned out to be successful and the consumer made a purchase, the third stage of interaction begins, which can conditionally be referred to as a “dialogue”. Often, after the purchase, we begin to consider the product in more detail: notice new design details, carefully read the texts, delve into their meaning. When the packaging design is built taking into account this stage - on it you can often find interesting details that are invisible at first sight; any texts and facts that reveal the brand’s legend. It is these details that allow the brand to build a dialogue with the consumer.\r\nThe function that is pronounced at this stage is to communicate with the consumer, revealing interesting details.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"Recognition"</span></span>\r\nFinally, if the packaging design was done correctly, and the brand managed to build a dialogue with the consumer, having won his sympathies, the stage of re-purchase becomes relevant.\r\nIf at the first stage of communication with the consumer, uniqueness is important for attracting attention, then for making a repeat purchase, the uniqueness and recognition of the packaging become even more important. Here, by uniqueness, we mean: a) the presence of unusual copyright findings in design; b) avoiding established categorical stereotypes and the possibility of differentiation from competitors.\r\nThus, the final function of packaging design is to demonstrate individuality and be recognizable.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is packaging design?</span>\r\nPackaging design is one of the most powerful marketing tools for promotion, a certain channel of communication between the manufacturer and its target audience. The more attractive the goods are, the greater demand they will enjoy. A tricky move can significantly increase the percentage of sales, because it is a well-known fact that a beautiful, bright, catchy container helps to buy it deliberately and spontaneously. Each smallest element should be worked out and thought out because it is important to create it so that it works for the brand, its success.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What features does the packaging design provide?</span>\r\nA competent packaging design allows you to:\r\n<ul><li>highlight the product among competitors;</li><li>draw the attention of the target audience to him;</li><li>cheer up the buyer;</li><li>make the customer trust the brand.</li></ul>\r\nThe visual effect is very important. Numerous marketing studies confirm that the consumer, among many other similar products, will choose what looks best to him.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">How is packaging design developed?</span>\r\nThe development of individual packaging design is a complex process because its result can be the acquisition by a product of one of the main competitive advantages - an aesthetically harmonious appearance. Be sure to take into account the features and characteristics of the product. The color scheme, font, images, materials used - everything matters, nothing should be missed. It is also worth taking care of preserving originality and originality, protection from fakes, which are possible in the future.\r\n<span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Work Stages:</span></span>\r\n<ul><li>market analysis;</li><li>development of an original concept;</li><li>creation of several options;</li><li>the choice of one option, making changes to it;</li><li>layout preparation;</li><li>determination of optimal printing technology.</li></ul>\r\nThis is a complex, multi-level, multi-tasking, a lengthy procedure that requires specialists to have certain knowledge, skills, and experience.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Packaging_Design.png"},{"id":589,"title":"Design Animation","alias":"design-animation","description":" Visual marketing is firmly in the lead when it comes to promoting a business. And the most effective tool for him can surely be called an animated movie. It's no secret that the visualization of information facilitates its perception.\r\nAnimated video is one of the most original ways of presenting advertisements for your company. Animated advertising will attract the views of new customers and you will certainly want to buy products or services. Today, an animated video is a fairly well-known and sought-after form of advertising.\r\nAnimation video today is a must-have for any company that has a website. It is desirable that this video was creative, even if it tells about a large company or reveals serious questions. A distinctive feature of the drawn clips is the ability to present information from the face of any character, even the directly promoted product “animated” with the help of animation.\r\nBefore you order an animated video, it is important to decide which type of video is needed. A video can:\r\n<ul><li>Promote the brand. Such videos reveal the main characteristics of the product and tell about its strengths. In order for such a video to be effective, it is important to get an emotional response from the audience. To do this, you need to create a thoughtful character with an obvious pattern of behavior so that the viewer associates himself with him.</li><li>Talk about the company. The target audience of such clips is existing and potential employees and partners. Such videos are ordered to emphasize the positive features of the company. Due to this, there is a desire to cooperate with such an organization and/or work in it.</li><li>Be informative. These are intelligent videos that do not contain a call to action. The task of the informational video is to increase the involvement of the target audience and increase the level of brand loyalty. It is the most capacious and easy to hear important information.</li></ul>\r\nHaving made the decision to order an animation video, you need to understand what tasks it should perform. It is necessary to clarify the interests and preferences of the target audience and focus on them, choose an understandable and pleasant (if appropriate, with a humorous tint) style of narration and talk about the real merits of the product or service.","materialsDescription":" <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is 2D animation?</span>\r\n2D animation - fully two-dimensional rollers. Characters, titles, buildings and any other objects in such videos are flat, as in the pictures. Today it is this kind of graphics that is most in demand. Often, these videos look simple and neat, but at the same time informative.\r\n2D animation can be executed in a classic drawing format or created using computer graphics, for example, Shape animation.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is 3D animation?</span>\r\n3D animation is its main difference from 2D in that the characters and any other objects in such a video are three-dimensional. Such videos allow you to fully demonstrate to customers a product from virtually all sides before it is created. It can be video smartphones, cars, houses. In the production of 3D animation is more complicated and more expensive than 2D, but at the same time much more spectacular, it means that it is better remembered.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is a cartoon video?</span>\r\nHand-drawn video is a modern marketing tool that will be useful for any kind of business. It is easier and clearer for a client to watch a short video than to wade through the wilds of numerous pages on the site.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Design_Animation.png"},{"id":567,"title":"Graphics Design","alias":"graphics-design","description":" Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, and illustration. The field is considered a subset of visual communication and communication design, but sometimes the term "graphic design" is used synonymously. Graphic designers create and combine symbols, images and text to form visual representations of ideas and messages. They use typography, visual arts, and page layout techniques to create visual compositions. Common uses of graphic design include corporate design (logos and branding), editorial design (magazines, newspapers and books), wayfinding or environmental design, advertising, web design, communication design, product packaging, and signage.\r\nGraphic design is applied to everything visual, from road signs to technical schematics, from interoffice memorandums to reference manuals.\r\nDesign can aid in selling a product or idea. It is applied to products and elements of company identity such as logos, colors, packaging and text as part of branding (see also advertising). Branding has become increasingly more important in the range of services offered by graphic designers. Graphic designers often form part of a branding team.\r\nGraphic design is applied in the entertainment industry in decoration, scenery and visual story telling. Other examples of design for entertainment purposes include novels, vinyl album covers, comic books, DVD covers, opening credits and closing credits in filmmaking, and programs and props on stage. This could also include artwork used for T-shirts and other items screenprinted for sale.\r\nFrom scientific journals to news reporting, the presentation of opinion and facts is often improved with graphics and thoughtful compositions of visual information - known as information design. Newspapers, magazines, blogs, television and film documentaries may use graphic design. With the advent of the web, information designers with experience in interactive tools are increasingly used to illustrate the background to news stories. Information design can include data visualization, which involves using programs to interpret and form data into a visually compelling presentation, and can be tied in with information graphics.","materialsDescription":"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What is graphic design and what does it include?</span>\r\nGraphic design is a design process that combines text and graphics in a way that is intended to communicate a specific message.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Where is graphic design used?</span>\r\nYou will find graphic design in company logos, printed materials like brochures, posters, signs, greeting cards, postcards, business cards, billboards and ads. Advances in technology have brought us the digital environment complete with websites, online ads, virtual brochures and presentations, and so very much more.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What do graphic designers use to create these designs?</span>\r\nGraphic designers can use hand-illustrated designs as well as computer-aided designs thanks to a wide range of software with nearly endless digital design tools. The availability of software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop have become staples of the graphic designer.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What can a graphic designer do that I can’t do?</span>\r\nA graphic designer does more than just put their creative skills to work. Though most graphic designers are intuitively creative already, they have generally spent time studying numerous design principles. It’s vital to understand how to use design elements to transmit the required messages and values as well as evoke a certain feeling in the viewer. As a visual communicator, they leverage these design elements and use concepts such as color, typography, space, balance, form and lines to create their visual message.\r\nSome graphic designers are also able to understand the more technical aspects of the design required to create digital assets for a company. For example, a web designer is often able to create wireframes, workflows, and sitemaps and understand how to develop easy navigation for the user experience.\r\n<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">What else does a graphic designer accomplish as part of the work they produce for a client?</span>\r\nBesides turning their client’s vision, brand image and value proposition into a graphic display, a designer will undertake many specialty tasks as part of a graphic design project. The specialty tasks include collaborating on the concept (usually with a team), attending meetings about the project, paying attention to what customers are clicking on, doing presentations that explain the various potential designs, revising designs, and preparing asset files for others on the team and for client use.","iconURL":"https://old.roi4cio.com/fileadmin/user_upload/icon_Graphics_Design.png"}],"characteristics":[],"concurentProducts":[],"jobRoles":[],"organizationalFeatures":[],"complementaryCategories":[],"solutions":[],"materials":[],"useCases":[],"best_practices":[],"values":[],"implementations":[]}],"partnershipProgramme":null}},"aliases":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"implementations":{"implementationsByAlias":{},"aliases":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"agreements":{"agreementById":{},"ids":{},"links":{},"meta":{},"loading":false,"error":null},"comparison":{"loading":false,"error":false,"templatesById":{},"comparisonByTemplateId":{},"products":[],"selectedTemplateId":null},"presentation":{"type":null,"company":{},"products":[],"partners":[],"formData":{},"dataLoading":false,"dataError":false,"loading":false,"error":false},"catalogsGlobal":{"subMenuItemTitle":""}}