Additional information
Source: Web-site of vendorThe project has been delivered on schedule
The budget has not been exceeded
Functionality complies with task
The project has been delivered on schedule
The budget has not been exceeded
Functionality complies with task
Rhebo Industrial Protector comprehensively and non-intrusively monitors the communication in process control and network control systems. Any event that can lead to disruptions are detected and reported by the automatic anomaly detection. Such anomalies include both security incidents and technical malfunctions that occur in everyday telecontrol operations.
Ultimately, Rhebo Industrial Protector ensures plant availability, data integrity and thus longterm security of supply operations. The automatic recording of all communication data when an anomaly occurs enables detailed forensic analysis of incidents. Furthermore, Rhebo Industrial Protector supports compliance with reporting obligations under §8b (4) of the German IT Security Act.
Rhebo Industrial Protector was installed within the grid operator‘s four central access points to the control and supervisory networks,providing a complete picture of all communication processes between the control system and all telecontrol systems within each of the substations. The sensors for data collection were installed
non-intrusively and passively via network taps. The operation of the control system continued without interruption during the installation.
Using Rhebo Industrial Protector, the distribution grid operator reached its complete communication and device relationship transparency within control and supervisory networks goal. As an integral part of the ISMS, the industrial anomaly detection not only supports the network operator to increase the cyber security of the network.Non-compliant with IT security requirements
IT infrastructure downtimes
No centralized control over IT systems
Reduce Costs
Ensure Security and Business Continuity
Ensure Compliance