Bell Integrator Software Development

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse software developers

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

High costs of IT personnel

Shortage of inhouse IT engineers


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Bell Integrator Software Development

Bell Integrator offers a full suite of software development and management services.


Always in close collaboration with our customer, we'll start with the product definition. From there we develop the technical specifications, and handle the implementation, integration software development and testing of the finished product. And every project comes with a comprehensive set documentation. Bell Integrator has international quality certificate ISO 9001-2011 and offers a professional approach to software development and management using modern technical infrastructure and advanced design tools. Bell integrator use the adopt Scrum Framework as part of Agile Methodology mostly preferred for complex products with high level of possible changes within development and implementation phases. The model brings a dedicated team of engineers to define, develop, test and deploy the solution in small Sprints of 2-4 weeks which are designed to bring rapid development/