

Problems that solves

High costs

No support for mobile and remote users

Low quality of customer support

Customer attrition


Reduce Costs

Enhance Staff Productivity

Enhance Competitive Ability

Improve Customer Service

The simple, free, and secure telemedicine solution


Web-based HIPAA, GDPR, & PHIPA -compliant telemedicine system. Free for individual clinicians. Loved by over 500,000 providers from 136 countries.

For patients:

  • No download required. With accessibility in mind, we have made extremely simple and easy to use for both clinicians and patients.
  • Worldwide usage. HIPAA, GDPR, PHIPA/PIPEDA, & HITECH compliant: We meet worldwide security requirements.
  • BAA included. All individual providers get a free Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Sign up for free to download your BAA.

For clinicians:

  • Live Chat. With live chat you can simply and easily communicate with a patient by text, even while you are on a call with a different patient. Live chat is also a great compliment to audio and video.
  • Patient Queue. You're a busy provider and sometimes run late. The patient queue allows you to see that your next patient has checked in, and even allows you to jump between patients quickly and easily.
  • Patient Check In. We believe the patient experience with should be just as amazing as yours. The patient check in process is the first impression that patients experience with