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Cloud platform jParus

An important feature of this platform, is the ability to work with freeware software. So, as an operating system can be used Linux, configuration tools and making reports — OpenOffice, printing can be made into pdf-documents also. Solution will be high valued by customers who deal with geographically-distributed structure, or who need remote access to database. Minimization TCO Either, platform successfully works on local servers. Competitive advantages of our System: three-level client-server; high reliability, data storage security; application of «cloud technologies»: ability to work on local/external servers; global availability (using mobile devices and web-client); high scalability; cross-platform. Linux and Windows can be used as an Operating system for database server. Client can work on Windows, Linux and MacOS; modern development tools and database editors (PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL, etc); open source software support; different types of printing formats: pdf, xml, txt, rtf, xls, cvs, оdt, ods; comfortable interface; different distribution models (SaaS, PaaS); modest requirements to technology and communication channels; integration with other accounting systems. "Heart" of the platform is an application server. He interacts with the database server client applications, performs the most complicated operations, selection, processing, data encryption. Any database, supporting SQL 92 standard can be used as a database server. Database server, besides the storage and database objects, provides saving logical integrity of the database. Third part of the platform, is a "thin client". Users can choose different types of client applications. This is: Desktop-client - typical Windows/Linux/Mac-application; Web-client - using only an internet browser; Clients for smartphones and mobile phones.
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jParus- Stock

Solution is based on cloud platform "jParus" and has the following set of functional characteristics:
  • conducting a list of nomenclature with the possibility of using the product code lists UKT VED;
  • accounting of material assets by parties, packaging, bar codes, account expiration dates;
  • system allows you to deal with medications;
  • accounting of incoming / outgoing primary documents;
  • registration of contracts using the concept of stages and additional agreements;
  • formation of the chain of related documents on the basis of the contract;
  • formation outgoing tax bills based on GO;
  • creation of outgoing invoices with the ability to use system of discounts
  • control of payments for goods / services from customers and conducting the refunds to customers;
  • a reserve till a specific date;
  • formation of inventories list;
  • mapping the availability of inventories in the context of warehouse parties;
  • conducting an inventory and preparation of documents according to the results;
  • logging of the commodity operations according to primary documents.
"jParus-Stock" solution generates the following documents and reports:
  • outgoing tax bills and appendix. №1, №2 to the tax bill in xml format;
  • reports on issued goods delivery notes, invoices, the certificates of completion;
  • reports on payment and shipping documents;
  • turnover bill on goods for a certain period;
  • notes of goods writing off.
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Parus - Restaurant

The software solution "jParus - Restaurant" allows you to: optimize workflow and accelerate the business processes of the restaurant; to keep record and control the movement of funds; generate reports on transactions that came up in the business processes of the enterprise; perform management and control over the operation of the staff of the restaurant (and its units) in real time; speed up service and improve the quality of customer service; manage a restaurant chain, regardless of their distance from the central office; protect business information by distinguishing the rights of an access; maintain customer loyalty by using the discount system; automate the process of preparation of the events by the pre-order; increase profit and reduce expenses of the company; operation with different types of restaurant equipment - POS-monitors, thermal printers, cash-desks, barcode readers and contactless readers; Conventionally, the functionality of this software can be divided into two components: the so-called "front-office" and "back-office". Front-office - a workplace of a waiter, cashier, bartender, cook, administrator Workplace of the waiter The order is receiving by a waiter using Touchscreen interface. Touchscreen includes the following functions: order on the table; table location map; convenient choice of dishes from the menu (with photos); sending or printing the order to the kitchen and / or a bar considering individual tastes; setting up a sequence of cooking and serving of meals; printing invoices for customers, printing of checks for payment of orders by customers. Perform check out in cash, by club card, include in room bill (in case of a "jParus - Hotel") or include in subscription (in case of a"jParus - Sports, Beauty, Health"). It is also possible to organize the operation of waiters with the Android application, which has the same features as the desktop touch interface (except for the check-out). Another great feature of the application is that it can receive messages, such as the message about the readiness of dishes. Workplace of the cook Interaction with the cook interface is performed with a personal identifier, so it is possible to control both the total dishes for cooking and personal orders. General cooking queue is building according to the urgency of the order, delay of the cooking time and personal orders. Orders can be received by printing on non-fiscal printer. The statuses that can be attached to the order are : cooking (the dishes that the chef is processing and began to prepare), not cooking (exclude the order from the queue if the dish cannot be prepared at the moment), ready (dishes already prepared and awaiting dropout). Also the system has the feature that gives the ability to do cooking by technology card, with a detailed description of the preparation process and the list of products with the available stock quantity. The administrator's workstation The system has feature to manage shifts, to do table and/or waiter replacement, merge and assign customer orders, remove the order with the mention of the cause , create a menu complex. Self-service The system provides customer self-service, which is being implemented in conjunction with any type of touchscreen POS - Monitor. A menu can be used on tablet to provide the best customer service . The orders from the tablet can be sent directly to the kitchen. It’s an independent workstation, which does not need additional staff. Timers The system provides time control for an unlimited number of premises and tables. The ability to set rates depending on the time of day, a category table, and in accordance with the discount system. Reservation The system provides control and management of tables and allows you to make a reservation, book a table, to keep records and manage guests who come without prior reservation. Color highlighting of free and reserved tables makes it easy to focus on the layout of the hall. Thanks to the "selection" function you can quickly find the list of the required reservation according to different criteria (name of the guest, the time or date). Back-office - a workplace of calculator, manager, administrator The “back-office" of "jParus-Restaurant" has the following features: Warehouse accounting (for the full cycle "jParus - Stock" solution is required) goods accounting for a variety of warehouses with the possibility to carry out a inventory and revaluation separately for each warehouse; registration of incoming and outgoing invoices, as well as the creation of financial documents; receipt of goods and formation of notes of goods writing off (by used products, given the interchangeability and best before date); obtaining information about the number of products in stock, taking into account the current offtake; report generation Calculations calculation of dishes using the calculation cards, taking into account the interchangeability of products (can replace multiple products with the priorities of replacement); calculation of the energy value and composition (eg, proteins, fats, minerals, etc) dishes and ingredients; using standard menu (eg: breakfast, business lunches, receptions, banquets), the individual menus for the different points of sale (such as a restaurant and bar) Discount system / Club cards registration of discount and club cards using different types of identifiers; a tool to set tariffs and discounts (fixed, cumulative, combined); logging the receipts, expenditures and balance refill; club card owners alert and information system (birthday greetings, messages about special discounts and offers); different types of cards with a variety of parameters (administrative cards, utility cards (applicable to the front-of-the-house managers), waiters cards); time limited club cards Reports and Analytics reports on offtake in the context of the menu groups, shifts and types of payments; control of the waiters revenue; the current state of inventories in stock, display of the prime cost; dynamics of sales and earnings for any period; control of financial transactions
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Парус-Торговля и Склад

Решение построено на базе облачной платформы "Парус" и обладает следующим набором функциональных характеристик:
  • ведение списка номенклатуры с возможностью заполнения кода товара согласно перечням УКТ ВЭД;
  • учет МЦ в разрезе партий, упаковок, штрих-кодов, учет сроков годности;
  • система позволяет вести учет медикаментов;
  • учет входящих/ исходящих первичных товарных документов;
  • учет договоров с применением этапов и дополнительных соглашений;
  • формирование на основании договора цепочки связанных товарных документов;
  • формирование исходящих налоговых накладных на основании ГО;
  • создание исходящих счетов на оплату с возможностью применения системы скидок, в т.ч. дисконтных;
  • контроль оплаты товаров/ услуг покупателями и учет возврата товаров от покупателей;
  • резервирование товара на конкретную дату;
  • формирование ведомости товарных запасов;
  • отображение наличия ТМЦ в разрезе склада, партий;
  • проведение инветаризации и подготовка документов согласно результатам;
  • отображение журнала товарных операций согласно первичным документам.
Решение "Парус-Торговля и склад" формирует следующие документы и отчеты:
  • печать исходящих налоговых накладных и доп. №1, №2 к налоговой накладной в формате xml;
  • отчеты по выписанным накладным, счетам на оплату, актам выполненных работ;
  • отчеты по платежным и товарным документам;
  • оборотная ведомость по товарам за определенный период;
  • акты списания товаров.
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