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Dynatrace All-in-one

Dynatrace is a software-intelligence monitoring platform that simplifies enterprise cloud complexity and accelerates digital transformation. With Davis (the Dynatrace AI causation engine) and complete automation, the Dynatrace all-in-one platform provides answers, not just data, about the performance of your applications, their underlying infrastructure, and the experience of your end users. Dynatrace is used to modernize and automate enterprise cloud operations, release higher-quality software faster, and deliver optimum digital experiences to your organization's customers. Dynatrace seamlessly brings infrastructure and cloud, application performance, and digital experience monitoring into an all-in-one, automated solution that's powered by artificial intelligence. Dynatrace assists in driving performance results by providing development, operations, and business teams with a shared platform, metrics. In this way, Dynatrace can serve as your organization's single "source of truth." Dynatrace capabilities Dynatrace provides the following capabilities for monitoring and analyzing the performance of all aspects of your application environment.
  • Real User Monitoring
  • Mobile app monitoring
  • Server-side service monitoring
  • Network, process, and host monitoring
  • Cloud and virtual machine monitoring
  • Container monitoring
  • Root-cause analysis
How Dynatrace delivers its capabilities Three patented technologies unique to Dynatrace dovetail with one another to enable automatic discovery, modeling, and analytics of each component and dependency across all tiers of your application. Dynatrace provides true full-stack monitoring. OneAgent technology uses a single agent to collect and unify all operational and business performance metrics for all types of entities in your application environment—servers, applications, services, databases, and more—across each layer of your technology stack (including containers). Smartscape visualization technology maps everything running in your environment and detects all causal dependencies between websites, applications, services, processes, hosts, networks, and cloud infrastructure. Dynatrace patented PurePath Technology® captures timings and code-level context for application transactions end to end, across all supported technologies, from cloud to mainframe. Dynatrace is a Software Intelligence Platform that's purpose-built for the enterprise cloud. Software intelligence – Dynatrace isn't just an application performance monitoring (APM) solution; it's a platform that provides software intelligence. This means that Dynatrace gives you visibility and, more importantly, precise, AI-backed answers across your entire digital ecosystem, including the digital experiences of your users, the performance of your applications and infrastructure, and your IT operations (AIOps). Platform – Dynatrace is an all-in-one platform with a broad set of built-in capabilities. Dynatrace is also an open platform—you can extend the platform using our API, SDK, and plugins to ingest data and events from third-party solutions into Davis®, our AI causation engine. You can also drive automation by integrating Dynatrace with your ITSM and CI/CD tools. Purpose-built for the enterprise cloud – Dynatrace was built specifically to handle today’s dynamic, hybrid, multi-cloud environments, which often include apps and microservices that are deployed in containers. What can you do with Dynatrace? Dynatrace is an all-in-one platform that's purpose-built for a wide range of use cases.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring. Dynatrace delivers simplified, automated infrastructure monitoring that provides broad visibility across your hosts, VMs, containers, network, events, and logs. Dynatrace continuously auto-discovers your dynamic environment and pulls infrastructure metrics into our Davis® AI engine, so you can consolidate tools and cut MTTI.
  • Applications and Microservices. Dynatrace provides automated, code-level visibility and root-cause answers for applications that span complex enterprise cloud environments. Dynatrace automatically captures timing and code-level context for transactions across every tier. It also detects and monitors microservices automatically across the entire hybrid cloud, from mobile to mainframe.
  • Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM). Dynatrace DEM provides Real User Monitoring (RUM) for every one of your customer's journeys, synthetic monitoring across a global network, and 4K movie-like Session Replay. This powerful combination helps you optimize your applications, improve user experience, and provide superior support across all digital channels.
  • Digital Business Analytics. By tying business metrics and KPIs to data that's already flowing through our application performance and digital experience modules, you get real-time, AI-powered answers to your critical business questions.
  • Cloud Automation. Dynatrace AIOps gives you precise answers automatically. Dynatrace collects high-fidelity data and maps dependencies in real-time so that the Dynatrace explainable AI engine, Davis®, can show you the precise root causes of problems or anomalies, enabling quick auto-remediation and intelligent cloud orchestration.
How does Dynatrace work? There are three concepts that are key to understanding how Dynatrace works:
  • OneAgent – a single agent that automatically discovers, instruments, and collects high-fidelity monitoring data from everything in your IT environment.
  • Smartscape – an interactive environment topology map that visualizes the dynamic relationships among all your application components across every tier.
  • Davis® AI engine – analyzes everything (including all relationships and dependencies within complex IT environments) to provide answers, not just data. Davis® tells you when there is a problem, the business impact of the problem, and the root cause of the problem so that you can fix it quickly, including automated remediation through integration with your CI/CD tools.
How is Dynatrace different from other cloud monitoring solutions? Dynatrace has a radically different approach compared to other monitoring tools. Here are the four key differences:
  • Automatic. From deployment to instrumentation, discovery, dependency mapping, baselining, problem identification, and root-cause, Dynatrace is completely automatic. Simply install Dynatrace OneAgent on your hosts. That's it.
  • Full stack. While other solutions monitor and report on numerous metrics, Dynatrace provides context. This includes understanding and mapping all the relationships and interdependencies, top to bottom, from end-user experience all the way down to the infrastructure.
  • AI at the core. AI is everywhere today. While other solutions have "bolted on" machine learning in an attempt to reduce alert noise, the Davis® AI engine is at the heart of our platform, processing billions of dependencies in milliseconds and serving up precise answers that go well beyond human capabilities.
  • Web scale. The Dynatrace Software Intelligence Platform is built with a cloud-native architecture that scales without limits. With role-based governance for large global teams, automatic enterprise-wide deployment and full-stack coverage across infrastructure, cloud platforms and applications, Dynatrace is made for the most demanding enterprise cloud environments.
Part of your enterprise cloud ecosystem

Dynatrace is integrated with key components of your enterprise cloud ecosystem to support dynamic cloud orchestration, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, VMware Tanzu Application Service, Red Hat OpenShift, and Kubernetes. In these environments, Dynatrace automatically launches and monitors the full cloud stack and all the applications and containers running within the stack, including applications and workloads that may traverse multiple cloud and hybrid environments.

Our close integration with cloud platforms helps you simplify development and operations, increase visibility, and improve situational awareness across hybrid, multi-cloud environments.

Dynatrace deployment models Dynatrace can be deployed either as a SaaS solution, with the option of retaining data in the cloud, or within an on-premises deployment. The on-premises version is called Dynatrace Managed. This allows customers to maintain control of where their data resides, whether in the cloud or on-premises, combining the simplicity of SaaS with the control of an on-premises deployment. With either SaaS or a Managed service, Dynatrace is automatically and effortlessly upgraded, so you always have our latest innovations.
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