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Dynamo Development, Inc. Software Development

Dynamo’s your answer when:
  • You need more people on your team but you can’t hire them.
  • You have a deadline your team can’t meet.
  • You need a team to support a current version while your team focuses on adding new features or even a new version.
We’ll build the team and manage all aspects of your project except the day-to-day tasks – all under your total control. You can count on Dynamo’s decades of expertise helping organizations start and expand their offshore teams. Dynamo Development will help assemble your team according to your requirements using our internal resources or new hires. We provide full corporate infrastructure and continue to assist your company in managing your offshore team in the most efficient and professional matter. We offer you software development, system integration and network management services, delivered by a team of dedicated professionals with varied industry certifications and proven track records. Whether you need help with embedded or LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), cloud based solutions or mobile app development, Mac or Windows, you’ll get a project team that’s matched to your needs, with experience in the technology you’re already using. Need an experienced SalesForce/ application development team? They’re ready and waiting for your call. Facing a massive multiple application and system integration? We know how to get different software systems to work together… even when they don’t play nicely with each other. Looking for developers who understand the Internet of Things? We’re experts at IOT solutions and embedded application development. If Dynamo sounds like the team you need but can’t hire yourself, give us a call and tell us how we can help.
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