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DarinX Software Development

Every day we set challenging targets and improve our IT expertise in order to make our clients happy with the results of our cooperation. Among our customers there are start-up projects and well-established companies, small businesses and large corporations. We always find the best personal solution for our every client. Despite being rather young company we have already had a good number of clients from Great Britain and the USA who have successfully been applying software products developed by our team. The most evident proof of our professional approach is the fact that our clients applying to us for the first time become our regular customers in 99.9% cases. Our Services: Educational Mobile App Development DarinX develops education mobile apps which work well, look great and could be sustained. One of the main challenges is to create an educational mobile app which will be noticed in the mobile app marketplace. In DarinX we understand this well and make everything possible your education app will be eye-catching for numerous users. Our company consists of highly skilful software engineers who improve education app functionality and make bright interface design. With our experience and ideas you’ll get an educational mobile app full of useful features, which makes it stand out among other competitors. DarinX provides the following educational mobile app development services:
  • eBooks readers development services;
  • Development of educational games;
  • M-Learning apps development;
  • Custom B2B applications;
  • Interactive assessments;
  • Productivity apps development, etc.
Web Development DarinX brings the most demanding and ambitious web development project into life. We apply the latest website building technologies such as JavaScript, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Java, SQL and others. Our web designers will find the proper style solution for every given case and work out the web design that will attract visitors as well as generate leads. We help our clients reveal their ideas and expectations concerning the future website and gather all our IT expertise and web design skills to implement them in new corporate websites, online shops, media sites or landing pages. UI/UX Design UI/UX design increases end-users’ loyalty as they can easily navigate and operate the software product. UI/UX design increases cost efficiency of the finished IT product. UI/UX design reduces risk that the given IT product will not gain any profit. Quality Assurance Quality Assurance is aimed at improving the performance of the client’s software, mobile products and websites. As a rule, we provide our clients with the possibility to test the following aspects of their software products: Functionality. We test the correspondence of the client’s software to the functional requirements. Usability. We find out whether the IT product is good in use or not. Performance. We settle various conditions (excessive or fast changing loads etc.) in which the performance limits of the given software or mobile product is defined. Security. We study the data protection effectiveness.
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