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RubyGarage Software Development

Ruby on Rails is our core expertise. But we mix different technologies to deliver great results.
RubyGarage develops e-commerce & retail software solutions for global e-commerce brands, online marketplaces, and startups. We’ve worked with over 50 clients in the retail industry and have gained extensive expertise in building online e-commerce & retail software and technology platforms that connect all parts of the e-commerce value chain. We provide e-commerce & retail consulting services, taking care of the technology layer of your business while helping you sell more and manage better. Сonvert customers faster We use a variety of technologies and services to help you increase your website conversion rate, including dynamic pricing, location-based offers, product management functionality, secure and convenient payments, and more. Operate more efficiently Using our e-commerce platform, you can enable integrations with customer support, payment processing, inventory management, shipping, marketing, product reviews, and analytics services to operate more efficiently. Manage inventory better An inventory management solution allows you to better manage your e-commerce business across all your sales channels. Always know which products are in stock and which will be sold out soon. Reach more consumers If you’re looking into an omnichannel strategy, we have the capabilities in place to help you achieve it. Our mobile storefront solution can be easily customized to meet your needs. We’re also good at developing custom mobile shopping apps and chatbots for messaging platforms. Handle the load of millions of users Building large-scale systems keep every engineer at RubyGarage excited about coming to work each day. We use microservices to design and deploy flexible architectures. Distributed architectures allow our applications to cope with millions of users without performance issues. Increase customer loyalty Intuitive user interfaces, personalized product offers, custom referral systems, easy repeat purchases, and customer support all increase customer loyalty. By implementing these features, we create consumer-centric products that offer the best experiences for your buyers. What we offer With our vast retail domain knowledge, we offer full-cycle application development for mid-sized and large enterprise e-commerce businesses, online marketplaces, and startups building solutions for the retail industry. For e-commerce owners RubyGarage is the best fit for companies who are setting up or transitioning to an enterprise-level e-commerce store. With our customized software solution based on the open-source Spree Commerce platform, you get all the functionalities required by your store to set up, sell, ship, and market products. Our analytics module lets you derive insights from visitor behavior and increase sales. And our mobile storefront solution lets you sell your products using a mobile sales channel. For marketplace owners If you’re looking to set up a multi-seller platform in your business niche, we can develop a solution for you. We’ve built a number of marketplaces for B2B and B2C companies that operate on both local and global markets. Based on our experience in online marketplace development, we’ve designed a core platform with some basic functionality that can be easily customized according to your needs. With our help, you can build an online marketplace that easily scales and offers consistently high performance. For startups Our experience as e-commerce software developers makes us a great choice for startups building products for the retail sector. We’ll help you analyze your market, prioritize features, develop core functionality, and launch a beta version. Then we’ll work with you to improve your application until it satisfies the needs of your customers. We apply a lean approach to product development and offer the complete package of services needed to create an MVP: prototyping, design, development, and quality assurance.
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