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reZet Software Development

We develop challenging backend using the latest technology solutions to achieve growth and reach broader businesses goals and objectives. Laravel This framework has familiar and intuitive Query Builder, migrations and ORM; great amount of packages in Laravel Composer; plenty of OOP patterns (like Dependency Injection, Repository, Factory, Service Provider, Active Record, Singleton etc.); variety of "helper" PHP functions and surely Don’t-Repeat-Yourself (DRY) principle. Django The only framework that has the ability to generate admin panels on the fly depending on the database schema and table relations. All the range of modern features built in Python Django Framework (Models, QuerySets, various Services, Migrations, ORM etc) make it the most powerful framework as of today and helps to write a clear, reliable and readable code. Node.js This environment increases development speed and productivity of your team. Its high-scalability lets you spend less time on infrastructure, since you can handle the same amount of load with less hardware. PHP Enables fast implementation of complex solutions. Being mainly focused on server-side scripting PHP can be used on all major operating systems (Linux, Unix variants, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and etc.), supports most of the web servers. PHP works either as a module or as a CGI processor. Python A general-purpose substrate for many kinds of software development, that offers strong support for integrating with other technologies, higher programmer productivity throughout the development life cycle, and is particularly well suited for large or complex projects with changing requirements. Its simplicity, clear syntax, multiple well-structured modules and packages, and its enormous flexibility is what sets it apart from other programming languages. Javascript Uses a range from on-screen visual effects to processing and calculating data on web pages with ease as well as extended functionality to websites using third-party scripts among several other handy features. Being client-side, JavaScript is very fast and also the demand on the website server. MySQL One of the most popular relational database management systems in the world due to its scalability, flexibility, high performance and availability, strong data protection and management ease which allows driving digital transformation initiatives delivering modern Web, mobile and Cloud-based applications. PostgreSQL Differs itself with its support for highly required and integral object-oriented and/or relational database functionality. It is highly programmable, and therefore extendible, with custom "stored procedures", which can be created to simplify the execution of repeated, complex and often required DB operations. MongoDB This document-based data model has the basic unit of storage analogous to JSON, Python dictionaries, Ruby hashes, etc. Its rich data structure is capable of holding arrays and other documents, which support dynamic queries on documents using a document-based query language that's nearly as powerful as SQL. Since MongoDB is schema-free, your code defines your schema.
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