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Requestum Software Development

Over 3 past years, we delivered more than 50 products of different complexity - from entertainment apps to complex enterprise-level solutions, for the customers all over the globe - from a local market to Silicon Valley startups.

Currently, our team consists of 80+ software engineers - all of them hold B.S./M.S. in Computer Science. Besides, our developers are supported by the qualified management team so that you all covered from a technical perspective and you can focus on the business component on 100%.

Effective web development

We speak fluent PHP and JS

  • CMS: Drupal, WordPress
  • Custom PHP solutions based on the most popular frameworks: Symfony, Laravel, YII, Zend
  • Frontend development: Responsive/Adaptive design, Single Page Applications (React.js, ExtJS, Angular.js, etc)

Cutting edge mobile development

We push ourselves to raise the bar — building reliable, flexible and forward-looking solutions

  • Native mobile solutions for iOS and Android
  • Hybrid mobile applications on the base of Cordova and Ionic
  • API for all types of mobile applications
  • Complex Web&Mobile systems

User eXperience and interface design

Beautifying users' life

  • Designing and prototyping for users interfaces
  • Enterprise level web design, layouts for web and mobile
  • High performed graphics including logo design, branding, corporate style, conceptual design
  • Any design style (high tech, industry-oriented design, flat design etc.)


Why outsource to Ukraine


1st place in Europe of IT-outsourcing and software development sector

The highest number of IT-specialists in Europe

Ranks 1st position among the countries with the best programmers with knowledge of IT-security


The universities of Kharkiv trained more than 200 thousand students including IT specialists

Kharkiv possessed a second place in terms of number of IT-specialists inside Ukraine

Kharkiv has 5 High Schools which level of education is quoted highly on IT market

Our company

We are a research and development company

Our company can develop sophisticated functionality and we have proven experience in complex projects implementation

We always adhere to your time and budget expectations and meet deadlines

We can perform a full circle of custom software development services

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