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LENAL Software Development

LENAL has been turning ideas into leading products for 10 years. We are a team of young professionals, who are always on the edge of the newest technologies and approaches, always thinking about how to implement your ideas in the best way and, most important, which of those ideas will really work for your business and how we can shape them together. Going from a small web shop on the last 3 years we have established the shape and form of who we are: one of the best e-commerce productions in Ukraine, having most interesting and big cases on the market coming to us for the expertise and quality. We provide full cycle service to help you stay on top of the digital production curve. Whether you have a business needing a solution planned and performed or just looking for a technology partner to boost your development, we have all needed to solve both challenges. Just take a look at which area interests you most at the moment. Areas of our expertise: E-commerce. Interacting with the users and making sure they get the most out of the platform or app. Marketplaces. Knowing all the specifics and most effective practises are our armory. Media projects. Handling big media storages and knowing how to work with newsfeeds and data. Corporate websites and services. Featuring best of the organizations and driving users to the right action. B2B systems. Ensuring smooth and effective cooperation between business in any way possible. Service platforms. Interacting with the users and making sure they get the most out of the platform or app. BigData & Highload. Analysing data in any shape and manipulating various operations through difficult server structures. Terminal applications development. Bringing a whole new experience to the users, while optimizing processes and
resources. Niche solutions. Digging deep into a specific sphere, analysing the users’ behavior and innovating digital presence. How we work: Outstaffing You have an idea to be brought into life? Our team has full cycle development capabilities to make things happen. Your project is under control and, by using Scrum, we will make sure you are deeply involved in the process and kept on track with the advances. Outsoursing Do you need additional resources to your team or want to create a new one for long term? We can arrange desired experts on-the-fly fully dedicating them to your project. You can directly manage the developers and QA or also get a PM within our staff.
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