

Products found: 1

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Skynix Software Development

We are a team of Ukrainian experts that specialize in building high quality, reliable and cost-effective mobile apps, business software and e-commerce solutions using a range of frameworks and technologies: Backend development:
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Yii 1.x & Yii 2.x
  • Zend Framework 1/2
  • Magento 1.x
  • Magento 2.x
  • NodeJs
  • Wordpress
  • Adobe CQ / AEM
Frontend development:
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • jQuery
  • ExtJS/Sencha
  • AngularJS (2, 4, 5, 6 versions as well)
  • Ember JS
  • Bootstrap
  • Foundation
  • React JS / Redux
  • VueJS / VueX
Mobile Development:
  • Phonegap / Cordova
  • Ionic
  • Sencha
  • Adobe AIR
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • Docker
  • Bitbucket server/cloud
  • Confluence server/cloud
  • Jira
  • Bamboo CI
  • Jenkins CI
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