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Skywell Software Development

Skywell Software is a big team of skilled and experienced professionals, who work together and help your business to be competitive. We assist our clients in all stages of software development – analysis, architecture, design, development, testing, deploying and ongoing support. We can work either on a project base or set a dedicated team to satisfy your specific requests. Our goal is turning the ideas into a successful product that will help you promote your business. That’s why every challenge for our client is a mission for us to accomplish. For more than 10 years of history we completed or participated in 150+ projects for Ukrainian and foreign clients. Skywell Software was founded in 2008 as a system integrator. In 2014 we launched software development services and in 2015 entered the international market. By the way, Skywell Software became the prizewinner of Recharge IT contest held by Cisco with our collaborative IT solution: an innovative software revealing the full potential of Wi-Fi technology CISCO CMX. OUR CORE COMPETENCIES:
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality solutions development. We provide first-rate, AR/VR solution development and implement innovative technologies to help our customers enhance their business value.
  • Setting a dedicated team of IT professionals to work on your projects.
  • E-Commerce. Full cycle development of online stores and marketplaces by using omnichannel services and Big Data.
  • MVP Software development for startups with limited initial functionality to check the hypothesis\idea and\or to get investments.
  • IOT Software for hardware development.
  • SAAS Development of an electronic voting platform.
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