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OnSolve MIR3

When most people think of notification, they think emergency. But smart business leaders are discovering that fast, flexible, MIR3 notification can be a powerful enhancement to daily business operations and productivity The MIR3 notification platform lets you:
  • Deliver desktop alerts. Send a message to either a person or group based on workstation location.
  • Automate weather alerts (event alerts). Subscribe to regional weather alerts, optionally triggering a notification when one occurs.
  • Use notification placeholders. Simple dropdown or text fields requested at initiation alter the notification message based on selections.
  • Geographical Information Service (GIS). Targets alerts by location in the case of regional threats or evacuations.
  • Control access and security. Define hierarchical, role-based permissions by divisions and subdivisions to grant or restrict user access to recipient groups, notification templates and other features.
  • Manage your data. DataSync imports data from LDAP or other applications without manually entering and synchronizing. Account Portal is a customizable Web portal that let users keep personal contact data current.
  • Easily integrate with other platforms. Add notification to existing applications with the optional code-free RBA Integrator or integrate with custom applications using the SDK.
Powerful, flexible, reliable notification MIR3 makes it easy to send an important message to any number of people at once, allowing for immediate, individual response with an automatic audit trail. It’s invaluable for providing quick notifications about potential interruptions, supply fluctuations and product recalls, helping to manage projects and integrations and improve service. Two-way communication is key OnSolve is the market leader in real-time, mass notification and collaboration solutions used by the world’s largest brands and thousands of government agencies to deliver critical information in any situation. Mass notification and collaboration is an essential element of emergency response and business continuity planning, keeping teams on track and coordinating during critical events. The OnSolve suite of critical communication tools is a key component of the business continuity, emergency response, IT alerting, employee safety and security programs of every organization we serve.
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